Putting some calls up for sale.. They range in price from $35TYD to $50TYD. Details are below the picture...
From left to right...
1 - $50 curved bell 3-piece yelper w/ 22-250 ferrule. Bell is angled much more than how it appears in the pic. Sharp looking call.
2 - $35 2-piece 12ga. "magnum" tree yelper. Named "Blondie". Deep toned call.
3 - $35 3-piece "big bore" 3-piece yelper w/ 300 win mag ferrule. This one takes a lot of air. It was an experiment.
4 - $40 3-piece Kittrell Kaller (2nd gen.). Nice shaped cane lip stop.
5 - $50 3-piece extra dark stained cane yelper w/ .270 brass ferrule. (SOLD)
6 - $45 3-piece cane yelper named "The Beast". Natural shaped lip stop. (SOLD)
7 - $45 3-piece cane yelper w/ 22-250 brass ferrule. Clear satin finish stain.
8 - $50 3-piece cane yelper w/ 22-250 brass ferrule and .270 brass band.
9 - $40 3-piece Kittrell Kaller (2nd gen.) w/ .270 brass ferrule.
10 - $35 2-piece 12ga. "magnum" tree yelper with dark stain finish. Deep toned call.
All calls come with a lanyard.
...Let me know if I can answer any specific questions about any that you may be interested in.