Okay, the next tag starts in 2 days. Here is the deal. I have 2 toms (Bert and Ernie) that come into a field when they roost on this ridge. If they are there, they hit the field right at fly down. If they are not there, they are on land I can not hunt on. I feel I have a good shot at getting a crack at one of them or I nothing in this situation. Here is the issue, I would have to be in the truck by 7 am heading for work from this spot. So I would only hunt for 1 hour. My thought it this, if they are there in the morning, then they are there the night before. With that in mind, I could hunt after work and hunt longer. (4:30 until 8 pm) So would you go for the am or pm hunt? I know most will say hunt both but that is not possible in this situation due to work and the drive.