In our day and time, it's very hard to find and have true friendship; we have people we call friends but are they your TRUE friends? do they accept you as you are? will they be there both in good and bad times? do they forgive you when you fail them or make them mad at you? think about what is being said here, how many "true" friends do you have? I have great news in that Jesus is our truest friend of all; he does accept us as we are, he stills loves us when we fail him, he is there both in the good and bad times, when we ignore him, he stills stays by our side, when we sin he forgives us over and over again, that is TRUE friendship, a friend that sticks closer than a brother and if we abide in him, he will never leave us nor forsake us but go with us even to the end of the world!! wow,..... wow,...... WOW,........ we do have a TRUE friend in Jesus;
Is he your friend?.......................................rem