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Will Another tom move in when one is shot.?

Started by wis. bowhunter, April 16, 2012, 10:25:26 AM

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wis. bowhunter

Hello I have been hunting a little woods and have been seeing one tom with a group of hens. Yesterday  I watched the tom get shot in a nearby field and was wondering if you think another tom will show up in the woods that I hunt. I have only been seeing the one tom. thanks Jeff W.


Go Heels, Go America


I've seen it go both ways.  I wouldn't count on another taking his place.
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
MoHo's Prostaff
Do unto others before others do unto you
Official Member Of The Unofficial Firedup Turkey
Calls Prostaff


If there was/is a subordinate gobbler within earshot, When the hens get lonely and horned up he will beat oak trees down to get there


It all depends on how many turkeys you have in your area.  If there is alot of hens, and not alot of toms then maybe not.  But if you have alot of toms and not many hens they probably will eventually.
All depends on those hens and how vocal they will be.

Good luck

lonnie sneed jr.

Most likly one will move in, but not always. I have killed old hook spur gobblers off of ridges here in WV and VA and go back the very next day and kill another one. I have also killed old gobblers and keep hunting an area and not hear another gobbler. If you do not hear another gobbler move out for a few days and come back and try it.  :OGturkeyhead:


Quote from: guesswho on April 16, 2012, 11:56:03 AM
I've seen it go both ways.  I wouldn't count on another taking his place.

  X 2        :agreed:


Dont rely on this spot..but make it a point to scope out the fields mid morning just to be sure.  I have had it happen both ways but it depends
Quaker Boy pro-staff
mossy oak pro-staff


If there is a subordinate Tom then yes.  If not, then it just depend if one finds the hens.


As has been said it could go either way. Good idea to check it out to be sure.



Scouting should tell you how many gobblers were in that area......If you kill the dominate gobbler, it may be the next day, that one moves in or a few days.....

     That roost gobbling the day after or next two will answer your question in a big hurry...

wis. bowhunter

Good news I went back tonight and there was another tom strutting in the field that I hunt. My season starts next week.