I thought I had fnally found a choke/shell combo that would work in my 535. I have a Hevishot .662 choke and ran 3 different shells through it. Win HV 5's averaged around 95, Magblends averaged around 124 and I finally got 191 in a 10" @ a tape measured 40 yards with Hevishot #6's. All shells tried were 3" and I had polished the barrel. I still had some minor poi/poa issue so I was going to shoot it and adjust it this evening. I tried 3 different patterns and got 138, 108 and 121 in 10" at a measured 40. I have not idea why the numbers changed so much. The shells came out of the same box as the 191. The barrell had been cleaned religously between shots. It was a tad windier than the day I got 191... other than that temps were 6 degrees higher today. Any idea why such a drastic number drop? Do I need to polish the barrel again?