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Sunday 09-25-2011 The Three Amigos.....

Started by pappy, September 25, 2011, 11:02:00 AM

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Figured the title would grab you......The Three Amigos....David, Solomon and Daniel....all three had something in common, all three sought a Discerning Spirit. Why would this be something that we should include in our walk with the Lord? Well let's look at Solomon's request in I Kings chapter 3 ... it starts off by showing poor Ol' Solomon making a bad choice...taking the Pharaoh's daughter as his wife...oh, oh, thus stopped the building of his own house, the house of the Lord and the wall of Jerusalem...continuing on his downward trail, he went to Gibeon to make sacrifice there, (because it was the thing to do) and he did so a 1,000 times!
Then we see the Lord appear to him in a dream...God said..."Ask what I shall give thee." Did He do this because of the sacrifices? No...He knew how Solomon loved Him, and wanted to get him back on the right track....sound familiar? Solomon then goes into his plea....explaining the great mercy God showed his father David, because he walked before God in truth and righteousness, with a clean heart, and when the time came, passing the Kingship unto him, his son, as he continues to answer something came out of his mouth that would astonish a lot of people, THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER,
" I am but a little child, I know not how to go or come in..." then in verse (9) nine, we see Solomon's request...." Give therefore, thy servant, an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this so great a people?"
You know it pleased God to hear such a request, as some times we ask for selfish things, be honest, but here God saw a glimmer of something, unselfishness, and rewarded Solomon what he asked for and more!
Discerning right from wrong, good from bad, a spiritual practice that is slowly making it's way out of many today, from the home to the White House, from near and far, people are making choices before they contemplate the consequences, when all it would take is a little unselfishness and pure old honesty, when approaching God in prayer.  These three great men of God found this out and were so successful in most all aspects of their lives and those that surrounded them. I ask you this morning, what is it you really desire from God, wealth and fame, health and longevity or would you be willing to ask for the purity of discerning right from wrong? The key to a successful and full Christian walk is to follow the lead of the Spirit, not trying to lead the Spirit, have you ever noticed someone who is facing great adversity in their life, but they seem to be in complete peace and comfort? Ever take a wrong turn and get lost, because you weren't willing to ask for directions? Simple questions, but answering them may take letting go of some Hard Nosed Pride. This country is facing hard times, economically and spiritually...we need to ask God for more discerning Spirit on all levels of society, from our own homes all the way to the White House. From the pew to the pulpit....we need to let go of our selfishness and seek out the honor and guidance of the Holy Spirit, if we are to survive as a Nation or as an Individual. I ask you to humble yourself before the Lord like these Three Amigos did, listen to Him, and follow his lead.
my new email is paw.paw.jack@sbcglobal.net

turkey slayer


Amen Mr. Jack, Life is full of hard choices, but if we take the time to listen to God he will lead us to the right answers!!

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.(John 10:10)