You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4
Over the years I have shared this scripture in messege more times then I could count. I am positive that it reveals the awesome power and authority of God when it comes to caring for His children. The world wants belivers to think that we are loosers...."believing in those fairy tales and in a God you can't even prove exsists..." to this remark I tell all believers you are not loosers, but winners in Jesus Christ because greater is He that is within you then he that is of this world. God did not intend for His creation to be loosers, He intended for them to prosper and multiply, to live their life alongside His ominent presence. Some may say that the world hasn't called them a so many ways, it is subtile not boistrous, it is far more careful not to get in our faces because this way it believes that as long as the door is opened just a little, if we doubt just a tad bit, if we become slothful and self righteous just enough to allow their influence inside our lives, then it has succeeded in proving their point. They stand on their little soap boxes and scream "SEE, YOU ARE LOOSERS" and we just proved it! I say to you .... God doesn't care what the world says, He cares what you believe, He wants you to know that you are not Loosers but winner in Christ, He wants you to know that By Faith you Believe and By Faith He is Control and when God is in control, how can we Lose? God Bless....pappy