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Turkey Vest For Small Guy

Started by Dhamilton1, December 30, 2024, 12:16:33 PM

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I'm unfortunately proportionally challenged, 5' 7" and 150-155 lbs.

Currently running a K&H RNG 200, which I really like but it's lacking storage space. Mainly if I need to shed some layers when it's cold early then hot later on.

My problem is most turkey vests I've looked at are huge.

Any suggestions on ones that have storage space but are made in smaller sizes?

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We are about the same size. Out of the 3 or 4 vests I tried the Sitka equinox vest fit me best.

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Grounded Brand - https://groundedbrand.com/


I'm 5'10 155, the RNG and Sitka work well for me!

The Sitka took some time to get used to after using the RNG for a long time but I like it!

Try and find an RNG 300, they pop up from time to time.

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I am 6' 200# but the Sitka vest has the most adjustments I have seen on a vest. I have other vests I liked but were baggy. I bought the Sitka vest and it actually fits.
"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer

mullet dredge

Most of the vests on the new market these days swallow me whole. The old Cabelas Tactical Tater II in SM/MD size is what I have been in for years. Once Bass Pro took over Cabelas they cheapened the heck out of the construction of it and only make it OSFM now. Ive been buying the SM/MD models second hand and now have 4 hanging in my closet for back ups. The only other vest I have found that comes close to fit is the Sitka Equinox like mentioned above. I hunted it last season and the verdict is still out for me, storage space being the main gripe with it.


The concept of that grounded set up looks nice, but it looks a bit large for my chest!

I really don't even care much for most bino packs.

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Greg Massey

Alternative to a vest, look at the Satchel Glenda Green makes. It's awesome and will hold everything you need and more.



This is a really nice vest with a lot of adjustments for thinner guys. About as close to perfect as I've found.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."


I'm 5'4" and 150lbs. I've been using an alps grand slam vest for several years and I like it pretty well. I took all the extra seat frame stuff out of it though.

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I'm not too far off in stature, and I've been going with the Alps little bear, paired with a chest rig or bino harness. Mostly to try to keep cooler with less material wrapped around me. Pretty hot and humid where I live.

The big bear or pathfinder packs would allow more space for when you shed layers and need the storage.


I'm 6 ft 150 and I use the sitka equinox, I like it a lot. Had several before that and like ya said,  they just seemed big and bulky.


I go super minimalist with just a chest rig myself, but bought the Sitka for my dad and it is very adjustable- should fit you well. the pack on the back should be plenty of storage for layer shedding.


I'm roughly the same size and the tethrd/thp vest is what I'm running. Big fan of the adjustability and freedom to mount whatever you want on the hip belt with molle

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I am the same size as you.  Most vests fit me like a dress.

I have the Cabela's original Tat'r.  It fits me fairly well, and while there are other vests that I feel might be better, I have not found one that fits me better...

I really like a game bag, as I often have a long walk in steep country back to my vehicle.  I would prefer a thinner seat with a magnetic system as well...  I generally take the seat off, as I do not like the bulk when covering lots of ground.

I would actually look at the minimalist vest if they still made it.
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Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.