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turkeys for tomorrow

Part 1: Road trip-Some good hunts with an awesome reward.

Started by BBR12, May 14, 2024, 07:19:51 PM

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I will break this up into two posts as I drove up to this area but had to fly home as I have a kid graduating and needed to come home for some senior stuff. I had basically 2.5 days to hunt before coming home.

 I had made an OOS trip to hunt a new state or two and maybe some I had been to before. I got to new state 1 the day before season opened. I did quite a bit of riding and looking and other than some private land birds I didn't find much and didn't hear anything. Day 1- Opening day was overcast, cold, and dreary and more of the same not finding much. At about 10 I got to a spot I was going to walk and it started to lightly rain so I made a cup of coffee and got a bite to eat. After looking at my map there was another block about 30 minutes up the road so I took out to look at it. I got there and it wasn't raining and hadn't rained much at all. I found a nice trail and struck out. Probably 20 minutes into my walk the sun popped out and you could tell everything changed. Maybe 20 minutes later I strike a bird and he pretty much charges straight in and 1.5 days of misery turns into triumph.

Day 2- On to the next state which I had hunted a couple years prior. I had missed a longbeard and killed a jake so I was back for a longbeard if possible. I go to where I had killed previously and heard multiple birds before. This year not so much. I heard 1 gobble 2x way off on private. After riding around and checking a few other places( I did hear one right across in the previous state but didn't go after him). I went to the one I heard at daylight and made the long trek into as close as I could get to him hoping he would be close enough to strike. No luck. I find a new spot that isn't very big and take off. It is covered in sign and I'm liking it but getting no response. About noon 2 owls get into a shouting match and 1 gobbles. I quickly make my way back to a spot I had seen that looked good and closer to him. I made a call and quickly see a black bird headed my way. This is going to be awesome however it ends up being 5 jakes that hung around till the end of shooting time. I knew there was a longbeard that hadn't come in
Day 3- I'm back at this spot and of course the bird is 200 yds on private gobbles a few times and goes quiet. I have until noon before I need to head to the airport. I start trying new spots and actually headed towards the previous state to the bird I heard on day 2 but was focused on trying to kill in this state. I had exhausted all my spots and was almost back to the other state except for this one small block of public. I get out with no expectations of hearing one walk 50 yds into the woods and make a call. He gobbles on top of me. I  never never never do this without being ready just in case. This time I get out with no gun, no vest, or anything except for a box call. Luckily he was on the back side of a big rock pile/hill about 75yds away. I scrambled back to the car and luckily a couple cars come by and probably saved the day. I get my stuff and get to the edge of the hill/boulder pile and get sit down. The story took quite a few turns over the next hour or so until I killed him. (and 48 hours till he finally arrived at the home airport). However I was rewarded with a bird I could have never dreamed of killing. I was blessed with a tough but great trip and the bird of a lifetime.

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Roost 1

Bottomland OG

That's a cool looking bird there. He's awesome. Congratulations. I've never wanted to mount a turkey but I would have to do it for him.



Man, that is awesome. I have never been to New England and the idea of hunting so close to several other states sound hectic. That white winged dove you shot is a real true trophy. Congratulations.

Cheers  ;D


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.



That's an awesome turkey!  Congrats on a great hunt.

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Hey. You guys need to have your white wing bird and Zelmo's albino gobbler mounted together in an arm wrestling championship.

Just a thought.  :happyshake:


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.



Congrats BBR12, Great hunts, great story and pictures!
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


09-11-01 Some Gave Something. 343 Gave All F.D.N.Y.


Rollercoaster ride of emotions on that one.  Was so relieved when I got that message that he was in your hands and good.   

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