"Be anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer with supplication and thanks giving let all your requests be made known unto God." This is one of my favorite scriptures, it comes out of Phillipians, and has carried me many times through my turmoils in life.
One such instance was right after I was told I had to quit work, when I was told I had to give up my Pastoralship, all these things seemed so overwhelming, yet, I was dependant upon upon what the word said and this scripture carried in so many ways.
Let me share something with you, Jesus told his disciples that he had to leave, but He was going to see that the Father would send the Holy Ghost to comfort and guide us through all the situations in life, all we had to do was to believe that by faith "all our requests will be heard by God". Let me say that no matter how dark or bleak it gets, no matter how awful or stressful your life seems to be, don't make hasteful decisions, pray and seek out the Holy Spirit's guidance, be thankful that we have a source that won't expire, a source that is always available and ready to lend us the support to continue walking along the paths that are before us, no matter how rough or desperate they may seem. pappy