Howdy! I'm Josh Smith. I live in Southern Arizona. I'm a pretty lousy turkey hunter but for some reason I'm obsessed with it. Pretty lousy affliction for living in a state where you have to draw a tag for turkey. Last year I hunted a couple days in Southern California (Cleveland NF) and New Mexico (Gila NF). I was unsuccessful on both of those hunts but that was expected as it was my first time hunting either location. This year I have a tag in AZ (12A May 1st) and I'm planning on hunting in New Mexico again. Not sure if I'll do California again. Maybe...
So far I've shot Merriams in AZ and Rios in Hawaii. Oh, and a peacock in Hawaii too. Turns out you can call them in...
I'm hoping to eventually draw a Gould's tag in AZ or I might just go to Mexico for it. Eventually my work will take me to the East coast and I'll get my Eastern and perhaps an Osceola then. I doubt I'll ever go far enough south for an Oscellated. I saw a show on them and they were tree shooting them and not calling them in. I don't see the fun in that.
Anyhow, there's my intro. Good luck this year!