Birds are not gobbling on all, but very active by 7:30. My two sons were hunting together last Saturday, sitting on a food plot facing East, Two birds come from the west, gobbling as they come...boys turn around and face west...birds stop at 75 yards...quit gobbling. One son said it then sounded like the hallelujah chorus right behind him. Oldest is able to sneak a peek behind him and there are 7 long beards 25 yards behind them in the middle of the food plot gobbling their brains out. Can't get a shot off...both groups eventually walk off.
Today oldest son is working the same food plot...big long beard glides off a roost tree, lands right in the plot. Son raises firing pin.
I posted earlier about shooting a bird last Saturday, thinking it was dead only to have it run off and get away. Today a guy probably shot that bird on public land about 1/4 mile from my property. He said the waddles were basically shot off it when it came in with two other Tom's. That's the one he chose to shoot. I saw the bird. How do you basically shoot the waddles off and it lives a week?