I posted this in the "Call Making" section but figured some of you other guys might be interested.
I had the Planners re-quote the decal printing a different way and it is now much cheaper. Decals will now be printed on a 52"x52" sheet. The number of decals you get depends on how many you can fit on a sheet. Sheets can be printed "First Surface" (adhesive is on the back of decal like a typical decal) or "Second Surface" (adhesive is on the face of decal like on pot call decals). Each sheet will cost $180 and there are two ways to order them. Order a minimum of 10 sheets or order 1 sheet and wait until I sell the other 9 sheets before the order is printed. This is the only way I can get the lower price. Below are examples of different layouts of a typical sheet.
Round Pot Call Decals (1 sheet will produce about 200, 3.5" decals which equals 90 cent/decal)
Mix and Match (Provide your various decals and I will squeeze as many as I can into a 52"x52" sheet)
If you need graphic work, I can provide that too.
For more info or to place an order, please email me at: