I heard that call this spring. I was hunting a point that the turkeys were
roosting on a lot, sometimes there was a gobbler roosted there with hens,
and a couple of times there was a jake there roosted by himself.
One morning over to my left about 30 yards I heard that call. I can only describe it as similar to a whine, but much louder. At first I was like what
the heck was that, but right after that call I heard what I thought was the
jake yelping and cutting, as I had heard him on that ridge twice before.
The woods were too open for me to turn my head toward him and he walked about 15 yards behind me. After he got past me and was walking away from me I started easing my head to the right. I got my eyes on him when he was about 30 yards away from me. I couldn't see his beard and
I'm still not 100% sure it was the jake. It could have been the gobbler,
but the yelping and cutting sounded exactly like the jake as I had heard
and seen him yelping and cutting there twice previously.
Johenning does a good imitation, but he's not as loud as the bird I heard.
The bird I heard sounded more like a scream.
First time I've heard it in 44 spring seasons, and about 10 fall seasons.