Shot a good one yesterday. Roosted one Friday and heard another flying cackle in the bottom. No gobbling from the near bird but it sounded heavy flying up. Gobbling far off so I had a plan A for my first day of hunting. Birds gobbling far off all around in A.M. but nothing close. Didn't even hear the near bird fly down. So well after fly down I started aggresive calling. Almost immediately I saw the near bird coming up the hill. Two glimpses is all I got with 5 clucks and gone. So I kept calling loud ,proud and aggressive. The far off bird would respond but typical 5th season public land stuff. Sometimes it sounded like he moved my way and sometimes moving away. Keeping on the calls, I could tell he was on his way. Finally I knew he was committed. About the same time I saw his fan coming up the hill I heard drumming. To my surprise he had a buddy in tow,suspect it was the bird that roosted close Friday. It was the best one hr. hunt you could hope for after being locked out of 2 of 3 states I choose to hunt in last year and not hunting the spring at all.
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