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General Discussion => General Forum => Topic started by: Paulmyr on May 19, 2019, 02:08:04 AM

Title: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: Paulmyr on May 19, 2019, 02:08:04 AM
This maybe kinda long but I have been thinking about it for a while now. It was about 30 yrs ago when I drew my 1st tag to hunt turkeys in MN. I didn't fill my tag during those 5 days but it was the start of a long addiction. The following spring had me looking south to get my fix. Some buddies and I planned a trip to northern MO. to hunt some public land. Before MO. opened I found myself wondering around Arkansas for 3 days with plans to meet up with my buddies in MO. I fruitlessly bumbled around the woods those 3 days. I had a few responses but had no clue how to seal the deal. Even bumped a huge Tom coming I silent because the birds I was calling at across the valley flew down and went away. I got up dejected when this huge teradactel looking bird jumped up and flew away.
Jumping forward to Missouri opening mourning found me in between 2 fields. One I think was picked beans and the other corn stubble with some standing corn alongside a hardwood ridgeline if I remember correctly. I was there about 1hr before 1st light. Hindsight tells me I should have been there scouting the previous 4 days instead of monkeying around in AR. Anyways about 1/2 hour before 1st light a guy comes walking by and through the opening in the fence line that separated the 2 fields where I was set up. He disappeared into the darkness walking across the the corn stubble. As the sky started to lighten the birds started a gobbling. I think I may have counted near 20 Tom's scattered across the ridgeline in front of me. I was an awesome spectacle to witness especially as a greenhorn. About 15 mins before sunrise a gun sounds off in the direction of the guy that disappeared into the darkness. About 20mins later same guy comes walking back past me with a nice Tom draped over his shoulder this time somebody else is following about 150 yds behind him. I whisper to the guy "nice bird" and  "I see you have someone following you." He replies, "I told him you were out here but he seems to be still coming." The second guy finally reaches me as I stand looking with disbalief as he sets his strutting Jake decoy in the corn stubble says to me, "I used to hunt here when I was young" and pulls up a seat about 50 yds from me in the fence row. This guy from the looks of it was at least in his 80's. I sat back down in my spot thinking I'm not going to let this guy push me out. I little steamed to say the least, I pulled out my thurmos and sat there drinking coffee, stareing and grumbling under my breath at this guy. The turkeys have long since stopped gobbling at this point. About 1/2 hour later the guy stuggles to his feet. Walks out and grabs his decoys and wanders off to some other place across the corn field. Looking back at all this and how I reacted to this old guy. I feel a little ashamed. What I should have done was ask him if he wanted some coffee. Tried to talk to him a little. I don't know but I should have done something different. Was the guy right in doing what he did? Probably not. It bothers me how I reacted. I'm sure there was a lot this old timer could have taught a young punk wet behind the ears but I was to busy racing around trying to act like I knew what I was doing.
Title: Re: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: Happy on May 19, 2019, 03:27:29 AM
This reads a little hard to for me. Maybe its cause i am running on 3 hours sleep but it sounds like you had a guy roost shoot one and another fellow horn in on your spot. I dont care if your 8 or 80, manners and ethics go a long way with me.
Title: Re: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: Paulmyr on May 19, 2019, 03:47:47 AM
Nah 1st guy was a good distance from me when he shot. He probably did his homework like I should have done and was just using the fields to travel through. It's the old guy that bothers me. It was probably one of his last time in the woods by the way it looked. He wasn't getting around very well. I don't know. I can't put my finger on it. I just feel now like I should have done something different back then.
Title: Re: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: Happy on May 19, 2019, 08:25:25 AM
Quote from: Paulmyr on May 19, 2019, 03:47:47 AM
Nah 1st guy was a good distance from me when he shot. He probably did his homework like I should have done and was just using the fields to travel through. It's the old guy that bothers me. It was probably one of his last time in the woods by the way it looked. He wasn't getting around very well. I don't know. I can't put my finger on it. I just feel now like I should have done something different back then.
Well we all have things we regret. However he could have handled things a little differently on his end as well. I know enough older gentlemen that I try and give them special treatment. But at the same time they have never assumed it.
Title: Re: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: Spitten and drummen on May 19, 2019, 10:54:27 AM
I see what your saying. What he did was wrong no doubt and it would make me mad even today. I kind of thought about it a bit and the more I do , I agree with you. The old man was probably winding down in days he had left and was doing something he loved. I bet if you had offered him coffee , he most likely would have warmed up to you and you 2 may have had a great conversation. Alot of times we forget that at that age , the man probably had outlived a number if not all of his friends and perhaps his family also. Elders , especially at that age become lonely and loves to talk to anyone who will listen. I would bet you would have gotten a couple of little nuggets of wisdom from him. As a Christian I need to remind myself of this from time time. Great post.
Title: Re: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: zelmo1 on May 19, 2019, 11:53:57 AM
Manners aren't an age thing, but I understand that you were upset at your reaction. Not to worry, you reacted like a human being. Some people, no matter their age, think they are the center of the universe. You are clear here bro ????????
Title: Re: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: silvestris on May 19, 2019, 02:41:19 PM
I doubt that an 80 year old with a flock of decoys would have much turkey knowledge to impart.
Title: Re: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: Ctrize on May 19, 2019, 03:51:01 PM
Sounds like you handed it just fine. You did not ruin his hunt, you did not insult him and now you can offer the next guy coffee.  :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an
Title: Re: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: jryser on May 19, 2019, 07:14:45 PM
Your telling your truth made for a good think session for me.  I get much less defensive than I used to about hunts but there are times when I'm all jazzed and maybe should back off and see the big picture. Your regret is a lesson for all of us, thank you for the courage to post.

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Title: Re: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: Marc on May 19, 2019, 09:53:38 PM
I doubt that a senior hunter with such poor ethics has much to teach you...

Private property I would have moved (as you never know if it is the owner's father or something)....  Public property, I would have stood up, and started flapping about and making horrific noises on my turkey call...  Before moving on.

A senior hunter will get respect, and consideration...  But I see no reason to tolerate rude behavior...  I would bet this guy has ruined a few hunts due to feeling of entitlement throughout the years...
Title: Re: Sometimes you just need to smell the roses! One of my rookie mistakes?
Post by: 1iagobblergetter on May 20, 2019, 03:15:10 AM
I can see it both ways. If I was 30 years younger and traveled that far i would have probably felt the same way. Heck even now depending on the day i might,but i would hope id be the better person.
When I'm out turkey hunting I'm pretty much all business and save the making friends and chit chat for outside of that.
I'd say if it bothers you still to this day forgive yourself and do things different the next time. I like to say with age comes wisdom. If I knew what I know now I'd probably change a few things I've done in the past...  ;D