Here we go team. We can post our turkey kills here. Remember to post pictures of the tape measure and scale numbers.
Use this to calculate your scores
"Turkey Talley"
Camotoe 3/8/19 28.75
FMF 3/16/19 53.75
Arlo 4/1/19 57.50
Aclawrence 4/3/19 56.88
Notsure 4/18/19 57.65
Benniegobbler 4/20/19 57.63
Bigbird 4/24/19 64.50 (spurs check)
Total Score 376.66
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( It's not letting me load the other spur ,
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First kill!!! Congrats bro :turkey2:
Way to go!!
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on the board! congrats
18 pounds
9 1/8 " beard
7/8's spurs
score = 53.75
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measurement pics
measurement pics
Nice one

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Good job!
Nice bird bro. I am dying up here :OGturkeyhead:
Great job guys! There's some nice looking longbeards hitting the deck. Keep it up.
Keep up the good work!! I am getting anxious for April 6th. Youth Day Opener....Guiding a young man for the VA game department and NWTF hunt.
Nice bird bro
More pictures
Left Spur just over 7/8
Right Spur just under 7/8
Weight 17.6
Beard 8"
and more. Sorry for the multiple pictures my PC is having trouble this morning.
Last one
Awesome Bird!!!
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good one!!
Nice bird bro. Hopefully my bird, if I am blessed, will put us over the top, lol. I only have 5 weeks to wait till I can hunt. May 1st opener :OGturkeyhead:
Great bird. I'm chomping at the bit for MN Season A to get here! Only 3 weeks to go!
Upgrade Bird
Upgrade Pictures
PS Its hard to take a picture of your self with a Turkey! Just saying
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Congrats bro, nice bird :drool:
Keep them coming

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Don't know what's up with that one goofy short spur? I guess he didn't realize he was going to be going on a score card lol.
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Hang on I just punched 19.6 into the weight for the old Gobbler calculator but technically that's incorrect. It says to convert your ounces into decimal form. To do this you have to multiply the ounces x .0625. So instead of 19.6 it would be 19.375. Not sure if any of y'all might have made the same mistake. I will go back to edit mine.
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Great bird, and I've never seen such a difference in spur length. From your picture, it doesn't appear that the shorter spur was broken off either.
Nice job bro
Quote from: notsure on April 02, 2019, 11:27:18 PM
Great bird, and I've never seen such a difference in spur length. From your picture, it doesn't appear that the shorter spur was broken off either.
No I don't think it was broken.
Hey guys, I struck again this morning!
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heck yeah! good birds!
Every bird gets better , keep it up :drool:
MN Season A opened this morning, and I managed to score a nice bird around 7:40 AM. The morning started out with deer snorting at the apparent stench I was emitting. After they took off, a hen showed up a sunrise and stuck around the decoys (hen and jake setup) for awhile. As she was about to leave, a second hen appeared, and the two of them decided to mill around for another ten minutes or so. Just then, I glimpsed two very large birds start to descend upon my decoy spread. When they were withing about 30 feet or so of the decoys, I realized they were a pair of immature bald eagles looking for breakfast. Thankfully, they decided something was wrong with their perspective "meal", and soared off without making a sound. As far as I know, the two hens remained unfazed throughout the entire ordeal. Anyway, seven more hens emerge from the treeline about 200 yards to my south and quickly made a beeline it to my spread. They were led by an extremely agitated and vocal bearded hen, who decided to lay the smack down on about three other hens as they approached the decoys. So, now the entire group of nine hens moved off to my east, but continued responding to soft yelping. Still no gobblers. Well, about ten minutes go by, and the hens again began returning to the decoy spread. I offered up a few yelps and purrs, and then a loud gobble sounds off to my south. Turning my head away from the hens, I spotted two large gobblers approaching my position. I yelped once and they decided to stop and strut. When they started approaching again, I shut up and let them continue. These guys were on a mission, and even as the group of hens migrated to my west, they continued to run straight for the decoys. And boy did they let the poor jake have it! With both of them completely distracted, I grabbed my shotgun, turned on the Tacticam and blasted the first one that decided to extend his neck. What a morning, and what a hunt! And I'll never forget those eagles! I actually was more than a bit nervous that those two might mistake me for something edible! A second post will include the closeups and score sheet.
The gobbler was weighed on a scale at Archery Headquarters, Rochester, MN.
The beard length was between 9.5 and 10" (depending upon what you define as the hairline, and how strong you pull on the beard to straighten it out), so I decided to be conservative and go with 9.5"
Nice chubby bird bro, congrats :turkey2:

last weekend for us , moved to a new spot along the Kissimmee river . One hen so far and a big black faced fox squirrel . Cool
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Tagged a decent bird today here in VA. Also got one in Hawaii last Sunday but didn't have stuff for original measurements for weight. Good start. 2 birds in less than a week!!
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Nice bird brother :drool:
Great looking bird!
Iowa 2019 with Greg from THP filming!
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Some nice birds there

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I had some luck in Indiana this morning. Opening morning double (
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That's awesome. Congrats Bigbird. I've been getting my freaking butt kicked in Alabama the last two weeks. I thought this week they would be alone and on fire but I don't know what's the deal.
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Quote from: jryser on April 20, 2019, 10:28:02 PM
Iowa 2019 with Greg from THP filming!
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That's a pretty bird! Are you on our team jryser?
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That is a true paintbrush :drool:
Quote from: aclawrence on April 24, 2019, 01:39:43 PM
Quote from: jryser on April 20, 2019, 10:28:02 PM
Iowa 2019 with Greg from THP filming!
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That's a pretty bird! Are you on our team jryser?
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I don't know! I can be!!!
There's a good view of that broom!!!

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Hey Bigbird, I was just looking at your pics. That is a stud turkey. It does look like the spurs are 1 1/8 though and not 1 1/4". That would be 1.125 instead of 1.25. Could you have mis read the tape measure or maybe I'm not seeing it right because of the angle. Let me know what you think and I can adjust the score if I need to. Just trying to make sure everything looks correct in all the pics while I'm updating our score. Thanks
That looks great bro. I hope I can do my part.
I had an awesome day yesterday, tripled with my wife and daughter :funnyturkey:. Not a big bird and I screwed up on checking the pics. My wife took the pics and only shot the scale weight, smh. My fault for not checking. Good bird but nothing spectacular al except for the memory. It was 19.9 pounds, 9 1/4" beard, 7/8 and 15/16 spurs. I liked the score at the checking station better, lol. Kid was frazzled checking 3 at a time :funnyturkey:
56.525 per old Gobbler score sheet
Awesome! I'll get it added to the list
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