We started last weekend on my sons quota and I have a quota starting tomorrow at the same place . I was planning of hunting the weekend but a cool front has hit us down here in s fla so I'm playing hooky and heading out at 3 this morning should get to my w m a at 5 and be set by 5:30 . Might be our last bit of cool air and should get them gobbling , last weekend they where on fire.
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good luck man, put us on the board!
Good luck bro
Good luck. I'm planning to head out to a few spots in the morning and take a listen. We might be the first team on the board and haven't even settled on a name yet lol.
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Still having a hard time contemplating turkey hunting during the first week of March. It was -14 degrees here yesterday when I grabbed lunch around noon. Best of luck and let's get a few birds on the board!
Quote from: notsure on March 05, 2019, 10:44:16 PM
Still having a hard time contemplating turkey hunting during the first week of March. It was -14 degrees here yesterday when I grabbed lunch around noon. Best of luck and let's get a few birds on the board!
It's 22 down here in Alabama this morning. Hope it's not too cold to here a few gobbles.
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17 here right now. I have seen some strutting but I think its just 2 year olds stretching their egos. Older gobblers are still all together and content to just feed. Snow cover is still 100% but 6-14 inches depending on which side of the mountain you are on. Tons of birds around. I think late season here will be really good.
We on the board , let's say it will eat good ,(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190306/9f4d6ed7b4bb302c73a82cac0d8c5909.jpg)
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Heck yeah. Congratulations! We need to make a harvest thread I guess.
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A team first!
Hunted bear island Saturday walked in 3 miles got to my area just at day break . Walking was slow in the muck but feet stayed dry

. Never heard a bird I hunted till 1 and it was hot . Was 62 in the morning but was up to 85 on the walk out . Hunting another non quota hunt this coming Saturday . Good luck guys .
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(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190311/5259aefb4aabe9de454096c46b01e62c.jpg) really liking my sawyer water filter saves on carrying in a bunch of water , drank 6 bottles from the swamp Saturday taste better than tap water .
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Nothing like a few tornadoes to mess up things here in Alabama. I hope all are safe after this mess. I can hunt another day. Prayers for those affected.
Be safe peeps, you are in our prayers
Hope all are safe and the damage is minor . Good luck to you all brother.
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Odd thing. I was going to go this morning in Alabama because it opens March 15th well I have an app on my phone that is published by our State
and it says March 15th. One of ladies informed me today that her husband didn't go because it is not opening until the 16th. Sure enough I looked
it up on the internet and it doesn't open until tomorrow. I think somebody needs to update their app because I almost hunted out of season. Again this app is published and updated by the State of Alabama.
Good thing you checked bro. That could have been ugly
(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190316/9a4205c515ee16431d90592e37037cc1.jpg) Quiet morning . Nothing gobbling gray and overcast .
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Slow morning I was using my box call with no response just yelping every so often then I switched to a glass pot call and did some cutting and got one gobbling right away . He was coming in and then it started to rain pretty good and that was it till the rain let up around 12 I made a move toward where he was coming from and saw him with 3 hens but could not close the deal . Nice beard on him 8-10 inch good bird . So I know which cypress head I am setting up in tomorrow.
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Nice. Hope you get him tomorrow!
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Got em bro :funnyturkey: :OGturkeyhead:
Nice crisp morning , deer be creating a ruckus . Good luck to any one hunting
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One hen , no gobbling . We get them next time .
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After them again this morning. Clear, cool, and still...I hope they feel like sounding off!
Edit - They didn't gobble very well, but I did get on one that had 3 jakes and a pile of hens with him. I swung around in front of them twice, and both times he came by just out of gun range and the jakes almost walked over me. After that they had eased on to private land and it was time for me to get to work anyway
I had two buddies score nice gobblers this weekend here in Alabama so it is definitely going to be a better season here than is was last year. Not many killed around my parts last year. I will probably get to go Friday evening with my youngest son.
well this is unfortunate....walking down a steep hill yesterday trying to swing around on a group of birds I felt something pop and my knee wobble but it didn't even hurt. Then I took another step and the pain came and I wasn't sure I could make it back to my truck by myself, but eventually did. They think it is just torn meniscus but I'm waiting on MRI results today to know for sure.
I've certainly never killed a turkey on crutches, much less any of these MS public land birds. Challenge accepted!
Oh man sorry to hear about your knee. Praying it's just something minor and your able to get back after them. I know that's got to be tough after waiting all year for season then having something like that happen.
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That sux bro, I am going for an MRI Friday morning at 0500 for the same reason. But I was only going down cellar, not chasing birds.
We going to have a new name the bad knee boys

hope you guys get the best news and are back at ASAP .
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My buddies are refitting a wheelchair for heavy duty action :turkey2:
Thanks guys.
Dang zelmo! What are the odds 2 of us would be dealing with this right now? My mri came back and it is torn and requires surgery. I hope you get better results bro.
I had meniscus surgery last May 23rd, it cut my season short. But I did get a last day bird in Maine :funnyturkey: I cant complain, I doubled with my wife on her first hunt ever. This year will work out , I have faith. Good luck guys
Hey guys, I went out for a morning of listening here in Alabama with my daughter and we had a great morning. The first spot I went to there was a bird right where I was expecting and he was gobbling really good on his own. I never made any type of call to him. I was super pumped up but I don't think my daughter was quiet as excited as I was. She will be 9 in August and I kind of had to force to go with me this morning because she didn't want to get up early but once we got there she was having a good time. Anyway we left and went to spot #2 and I got out of the truck to "take care of some business" and in the process I heard what sound like multiple gobblers start gobbling on there own. At this point I'm getting really excited so I just got back in the truck and tried a few new spots. We didn't find anymore birds in the new areas but I did see a really nice longboard on the side of the road on the way home so I've got a location on at least 3 gobblers now. I'm going to try some more new areas on my next trip to try and get a lock on as many as I can before April 1st. We also had a little adventure with a flat tire so I was able to teach her a lesson on preparedness and how to change a tire.
Nice sounds like a productive day , I'm back to the same spot I hunted last weekend . Still not one turkey checked out of this place . I got one close by but can't get him to commit . Will see how the morning goes weather is great lil nippy for down here 58 ish and wet from the rain we got .
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Lol, 28 and misty here. I did see a group of 12-15 gobblers fighting yesterday, gobbling and fighting purrs really got my blood going. I just need them to break up soon. Good luck Camo
Gobbler score coming soon guys. Got one today. 2 year old

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Way to go Arlo!
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Nice job bro, congrats
congrats Arlo!
Back at them this morning my other spot got overrun with storks not sure if they pushed my gobbler out , but I didn't hear or see a bird yesterday . Moved to a different cypress head .
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Wake up killers :z-guntootsmiley:
I'm ready but my head is about to explode with sinus problems. I'm going April 1st either way. I got my FF3 sighted in today.
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I'm shooting a bow shoot tomorrow , hunting Sunday . Still not sure if if going to the bear island or the managment area I hunted last 2 weeks .
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Good luck brother.
Ok guys I got an upgrade this morning. I will post pictures Monday at work but 9 1/2 inch beard 1 inch spurs and weighs 18 lbs 8 oz. and he wasn't the boss. The boss was across the field and he hobbled his head off after the shot and was still gobbling when I left. 1 bird per day here.
Awesome bro ????????????
Nice job Arlo ... looks like no turkey hunting for me this weekend . I'm in second so shooting tomorrow . I will be back at it next week .
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Way to go Arlo. I'm planning to make my first armed entrance into the turkey woods this coming Monday April 1st. Camotoe your gonna have to put that bow down lol!
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Git em boys :turkey2:
I took off the wrong weekend , my son and his buddie put 2 down there tagged out and another one of my buddies put a nice one down (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190331/523bc55b23c0c02b0fa036e1390edddb.png)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190331/d90af3fc144e0432b169d63528cec0e1.png) nice bronze color , 11 inch beard . S Florida
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Nice! I'd like to try the south Florida thing sometime. I was just listening to Dave Owens talking about you either hate it or love it as far as the public land is concerned down there.
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Most of the people are good. The hunting can be hit or miss it's hunting . I wouldn't hesitate to come down and try . Big cypress would be worth it just to hunt a cypress head there special . Get one gobbling in there first light , goose bumps . There are other places that do not need quotas and the hunting can be good.
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Bucket list
Hey guys I scored this morning! (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190401/a0111fa8092db37b67d57fc29e6c70ba.jpg)
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Awesome bro, congrats on a great bird
Nice AC awesome bird and pic . Bow back on rack ended second shooting long bow and woodies . Have to get on a good one if not I'm trying to set up an Ohio trip to get a little taste of a frosty morning up north . 86 down here , looks like you had a lil cold weather there AC
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Yeah it was in the low 30's starting off. They were gobbling good on the roost and went silent with his hens once he hit the ground.
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Well I've been incredibly blessed and have had a great start to this Turkey season. I've been two times and gotten two Turkeys. I decided to hit it pretty hard this first week before the turkeys get to skittish and I'm glad I went today. I thought I knew where a bird was going to be roosted so I tried to get in super close and had to walk through some cutover and ended up making all kinds of noise. Luckily I don't think he was there because I never heard him fly off the roost or gobble. I just sat and waited for a while and finally a bird got fired up and started gobbling. I decided to work towards him as quick as I could. I was able to sneak around and get pretty close. Eventually I got so close that I felt like I couldn't even move to re-position. The set up was really terrible. I was in some thick stuff and to my right was the edge of a huge hardwood drop off. As I was sitting there for a minute I realized I can actually see the turkey on the roost so I got to watch him strut and gobble for quite a while and that was one of the coolest things I've ever gotten to see while hunting. He was probably 70-80yds. I was really reluctant to call any because my set up was not very good. I was pinned down and couldn't do anything so I decided I would just send him a couple real soft yelps just to let him know I was there and as soon as he flew down I was gonna try to make a move. He pitched down at 7 o'clock on the dot and I decided to wait until I heard him gobble one more time to see what he was doing so I could adjust my set up. Well it didn't take just a couple minutes and I could hear the turkey and he was coming my way. I can hear him spitting and drumming and it was just a minute or two later I saw him through the brush. He begin to skirt towards the edge of the big drop off and he was just over the lip enough that I could not see him. He was spitting and drumming the whole time and he was super close. He finally worked past me enough that I had to switch my gun from right to left hand and eventually I just decided to get up on my knees. I had forgot to put my mouth call in and I couldn't reach my slate so I began scratching the leaves a little bit just to let him know where I was. I finally began to raise up to try to see the bird and as I started to move he started clucking and bobbing his head. He turned to go back the way he came from and I was able to get a shot. I knocked him down and got up to chase him and he rolled all the way down the big hill. This is definitely one of my most memorable hunts. He pitched out of the tree at 7 o'clock and I pulled the trigger at 7:08. (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190403/56f84444cef3332cb49eb9c0b9813daa.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190403/bab965368f0b81682b8d63c6a0a5b9da.jpg)
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Great story , congratulations on an awesome hunt. Man hope you got more birds to take .

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I was really just hoping to get a bird this year. Everything now is just a bonus!
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Another awesome hunt bro. You are killin it. I am happy if I can get out to scout up here. It will break and I will be able to enjoy what you are now. Great season so far bro :funnyturkey:
I realize this must be torture for all the northern guys lol. I'll be pouting because my season is over. Maybe I'll have to come up and join someone.
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Well guys wish me luck tomorrow. My wife and I are going to go out for a hike. We need a chance to get away from the kids and hang out a little bit and she wanted to do something outside. We'll we're going on an armed hike lol. I'm going to use this as a chance to look over somewhere I've been wanting to walk through. The goal will be to have fun and hopefully avoid other hunters. And since we'll be out there around 10-1 or so I'll be listing intently for lonesome gobblers looking for love. Good luck to the rest of y'all who are hunting this weekend.
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NH and Maine start May 1st bro
Another slow day for me went in 3-1/2 miles . Never heard a bird . Last day down here for south zone tomorrow . Big cypress is dry makes for easy walking . Nice in the morning at 4 am but hot coming out was 87 felt hotter! (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190406/b1d781e5be68416a7e57e05d91a42d96.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190406/4aeacca8cba7e190c507ab61b9d56313.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190406/f996a031dad71b6b5045975d07b143c5.jpg)my water hole (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190406/760f2bff5e8e58a4b73753c49eacd683.jpg)bromeliad blooming (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190406/dca1e9972f133b237107bf0958510eaa.jpg)hope to have a turkey photo tomorrow
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Pretty landscape down there. We only got to spend 30-45 in the woods. Me catching a crawfish was the highlight of the day!
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Mud bugs , yum ????
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Beautiful country
Birds were getting active, aaand we had an ice storm today :OGturkeyhead:
It wasn't happening Sunday for me the birds are not around where I was hunting . Well the big cypress is done hope to move my hunts up to central fla public land , longing to hear some gobbles or see some tracks.
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Heard a few gobblers this morning even though the weather was stinky. I had to leave a bird around 9:15. I think they were just getting going. They were all down in bottoms and gobbling but not particularly interested in any of my calls.
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Another storm for you north boys . Be safe
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11 days into april and I'm still seeing multiple hens with gobblers all day long. Hopefully things will start picking up next week, I'm off work and plan to get after them pretty good!
We were treated to "thunder snow" last night in SE MN. Woke up to about 6" of the stuff. It should be gone by opening day (Wednesday, 4/17).
I've been in the woods the last few mornings before work and I'm getting my butt kicked. All the gobblers have hens and are still spending their time in the bottoms. They gobble in the tree and not much on the ground. My brother barely missed getting a shot this morning. He managed to get set up super close but the Gobbler worked the other way of course. I'm thinking about going in super early in the morning to a big bottom I chased a bird in a couple days ago. It's supposed to be rainy though. If it is I should be able to sneak in.
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Frustrating hunt , got to check station at 4:30 first one in . Drive to the firebreak I walk in on . I'm about 1/2 mile in and a car is driving down the break . I talk with the guy and he has a handicap permit , cool . We figure out where each is hunting all good . 45 min before day break 2 l guys are coming under the oaks I'm in so I shine them . The guy keeps coming and gets to me and ask am I hunting there . So I say ya And he leaves 15 min later he's back and wants to argue that the only reason I'm hunting there is because he has a blind there . I tell him no I never saw a blind I'm hunting here because I've hunted there for years and it's in my gps . He sets up 75 yards from me and his buddie sets up 100 yards on the other side of me . Then after sun is up I see his blind 30 yards away 1 foot high of palmetto fronds???? . At 8 he decides to make another blind so at 9 I make a blind and proceed to leave the area . I told the guy he needs a class in ethics I was in the woods an hour before him and he should of went to another spot all he wanted to says was I was hunting his spot and I should of left . Got to luv it .
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That suck camotoe. Sorry about that. I hunted several mornings this week and got it handed to me everyday. Them dang birds are amazingly lucky or eerily good at avoiding people. One morning I hear this bird start gobbling really early but it sounds like he's on the edge of a cutover. After a quick look at the map I decide to circle on him. This was my first time in there so everything is new. On the way around I realize he was probably in a little finger of hardwoods that jutted out from a big bottom into the cutover. I am sneaking along and all of a sudden I hear drumming. Yes! I ease down and slip around onto the side of a tree and I see two turkeys walking off. So I climb back out of the bottom get up on the edge of the cutover, attempt to shortcut through the cutover and the briars quickly won so I ease back to the woods and sneak back down where I think I'll be in front of them. Pull off some real sneaky stuff and sit down by a tree. Hasn't been ten seconds and he gobbles about 75 yards past me. Dang it! Anyway he outsmarts me the rest of the morning. Yesterday I wake up at 3:00 and get to a new gate at 4:05. I'm accessing another new way this time extra early. I'm going into the opposite end of the bottom to let him take his time and come right to me. I get down in there and set up. Take a little nap. Wake up to rain. Put on my gear and wait for sunrise. 7:15 he starts gobbling and I'm thinking I am set up for one of the most picturesque hunts every. He'll come strutting right to me and I'll never have to make a sound. Well you guessed it. This time he must have flown out of the bottom over onto a clean cutover hill. It takes me a while to figure this out. Finally I put on one of the sneakiest stalks I've ever done. I've got my shotgun raised up, safety off and I peak over the hill to pull the trigger where I'm certain he is just right in front of me and I spot him on the next hill over. I picked the wrong one and he was about 50 yds away through some brush just strutting away. He walks off and I seize the chance to sneak back down, over, and back up onto the right spot and wait for him to return. Of course he never does and I never see him again! Once I got up there I understood what he was doing up there and I'll know for next time. He was on top of the world there and I'm sure he was strutting and drying off from the rain. I think I had a perfect plan going in to the far end of the bottom and will probably do the same thing next time but if it's wet or I hear him up there on top again I'll know what to do. I'm calling this bird Bob Ross because his view from up there where he was strutting looked like a Bob Ross painting. I'm going to get that rascal this coming week. I hope he's a just a huge old gobbler!
Nice sounds like a fun hunt, hope u get bob ross he's got skills like that gobbler .
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Keep hammerin guys :funnyturkey:
(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190414/dadf65ed3adb88e47b6ecf411932937f.jpg)here a pano view from the cutover hilltop where Bob Ross was. It's a pretty good little drop off everywhere right in front. All the different greens of the treetops were so pretty up there.
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I'm going after Bob Ross again in the morning. It's been crazy windy here all day but the wind is going to just about completely lay down by 6 in the morning. I'm not sure if I should go to the bottom or the cutover on the hilltop. If I do start on the hilltop and he comes up I'll be good and by accessing on the new side now I can do a sprint and get in front of him if he goes back up the bottom like the other day. I don't know. I kind of feel like they'll be in the bottom tomorrow. Any thoughts from you guys?
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Thoughts - shoot him in the head ???? sounds like u got a good game plan .

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I'm on top of the cutover hill now. Glad I bought the Gobbler chair last night or I wouldn't have had anywhere to sit up here. The bottom is all fogged in and the owls are hooting like crazy. I believe it's real owls this time.
Well Bob Ross wasn't gobbling down in the bottom today. I did get on a turkey in some hardwoods nearby and almost got it done until two guys snuck in on me. The bird was fired up and double gobbling. All of a sudden I hear a hen cut behind me then it did the exact same cut about three more times in a row. I see the two guys and wave at them and they turned and left. The Gobbler never said another word after that.
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Just outside the managment area I'm hunting
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There where 2 gobblers also one was smoke phase , pretty cool
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These guys where gobbling there brains out . 2 of the birds are the owners from what I was told and the rest are wild birds . I filmed a couple gobblers and a peacock going back and forth . Seemed like the turkeys wanted to give an add whooping to the peacock
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So, do think those smoke phase gobblers are descended from cross breeding with domestics?
Yes , the wild birds come into his yard and must be breeding with his birds . This is a pretty rural area where this house sits right on the boarder with the wma
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Down to the last 10 days here in Alabama. It's going by so fast. I'm going to give it my best to kill some more birds. I went Saturday and the weather was miserable but it's looking pretty good for in the morning.
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Opener in Maine next Monday, NH is 2 days after. You will be done and I will just be starting :OGturkeyhead:
You know I've never been to Maine before

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Finally, youth weekend then Maine opener on Monday and NH on Wednesday :turkey2: :turkey2:
Well it's down to the nitty gritty here in Alabama. I'm out this afternoon and spending the night for my last hunt of the season in the morning. Would have likely killed one this morning but my brother shot and missed. Oh well.
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Whackem bro
Good luck
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Guys did we ever get someone to be the team captain and keep our scores updated for the contest. I saw where they were asking about it/
PM Ac lawrence
Hey guys, I don't know if I'm technically the "captain" or not but I'll try to work on updating all the scores. I did look through some of the other teams to see what they had going a few weeks ago and I didn't see much. I look around again.
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Hey team I'm working on the "turkey Talley" list. I will add it to the first post in the harvest thread. Ya'll please take a look over it when I get done and make sure that everything looks right. There is also a thread now in the the bigger contest section where all the teams are listing their scores. I might get to squeeze in one last hunt out of state but I'm pretty much done. Ya'll northern guys keep dropping the hammer!
I got the list up. Ya'll give it a look over.
Looks good bro, thanks
Triple with my wife and daughter :turkey2:
Wow I don't think I've ever seen a family triple before. Congrats. Do we get to combine all three birds for one total score lol?
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Best day of my life guys, excepting the obvious births and achievements
Congrats that's one for the books . Something you all will cherish .
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Guys I'm super pumped about getting my mount back from last years bird. Check it out. (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190519/b93daef0b82ae5de551c51655293c2a1.jpg)
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That is awesome bro , WOW :turkey2:
Wow that's awesome .

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Anybody else still hunting?
I have one tag left in Maine and it is for one specific Dinoturkey :OGturkeyhead:
Good luck with the dinoturkey Zelmo. Time is running out!
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Putting more time into my wife, lol. Do we have 8 on the board?, we could use that ninth bird if we haven't posted the results or are still hunting. Good luck if you are still hunting
We've only gotten 8 so far. If we're missing any please let me know.
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Tagged out in Maine too, sorry no upgrade, but it should have been. I will post story a bit later. Got to do the work now the fun has been had :funnyturkey:
Hunted NH hard this morning with my wife, she wants a certain Tom real bad, lol. She has got it bad. Gobbling but not playing. So after noon she feeds me and I go to Maine and the girls go to the movies. I have been seeing a pair of dinosaurs and a solo giant about 2 miles away so 5hats where I head. First spot, I see 3 birds, good start. The giant Tom and two jakes, I am glad I started carrying binoculars. They are heading the best direction possible. I get around and get humping. I get to the tote road that goes to the back of the field and yelp one series and they hammer back. I am not in a good spot so I just hop off the tote road and get in some small pines. I start calling and they hammer back, but so do a bunch of hens. I anger the boss hen and she buggers right past me along with 6 more hens. The gobblers split up and the two jakes go in the woods and big boy stays on the road. Jakey1 and 2 come right to me and come on the road at 28 yards. They stroll past me and actually yelp and cluck as they do, first time I ever heard that. Then the Tom comes into view at about 40 yards, I see his long beard , I shot most of it off, swing out as he gobbles. I smile and take off the safe. He struts right down to me at 20 yards and I end our conversation. Just as I pull the trigger, I hear another gobble, not my bird . All tags filled, I walk onto the tote road and see grandpa staring at me . He was the bird I saw and I never saw the one I killed until it was too late. Rookie mistake, gramps was a beauty, but I had no tags left to fill. You win this one gramps. Next year you will be on my daughters list, and lord help you if she hunts Maine. Good luck and God Bless. Al Baker
Nice. Way to end the season. Good luck on the big guy next year.
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