Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

General Discussion => General Forum => Topic started by: Bowguy on January 23, 2019, 06:55:07 PM

Title: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on January 23, 2019, 06:55:07 PM
Is it me or is no one reading what he has for rules? It's for our protection.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Sir-diealot on January 23, 2019, 06:56:17 PM
Yes, but in segments, read most of the part about trades last night but have to finish it and the rest of them.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on January 23, 2019, 07:03:51 PM
It's pretty cut n dried. Nothing is limiting the regulars except regarding pics. Seems suddenly or maybe I've only recently noticed all the new low post people listing items for sale. We have no way of knowing they're honest or not. We can't trade w them either.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Sir-diealot on January 23, 2019, 07:06:52 PM
Quote from: Bowguy on January 23, 2019, 07:03:51 PM
It's pretty cut n dried. Nothing is limiting the regulars except regarding pics. Seems suddenly or maybe I've only recently noticed all the new low post people listing items for sale. We have no way of knowing they're honest or not. We can't trade w them either.
It is not you, I have seen a lot this week in particular.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on January 23, 2019, 07:07:47 PM
His words

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Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on January 23, 2019, 07:08:11 PM

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Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on January 23, 2019, 07:08:30 PM
Am I reading wrong?

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Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Greg Massey on January 23, 2019, 07:23:30 PM
I think a lot of us who have been on the forum long time , understand the low post people trying to sale or trade ...CAUTION ....
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Jeremy66 on January 23, 2019, 07:26:37 PM
Guess I will take the blame on this one as I posted a choke tube for sale without reading the rules. Haven't ever seen where you can't post an item for sale if you don't have so many posts. Regardless if I agree with it or not it is in the rules and I do understand why it is there. I know I'm not gonna gonna screw someone over but no one else knows that.  Guess I will have to start posting more instead of just reading.  I removed my for sale post.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Sir-diealot on January 23, 2019, 07:27:48 PM
Well I finished reading that part now, now to read the other two. Would you be kind enough to remind me where they are please? Thank you.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Greg Massey on January 23, 2019, 07:32:03 PM
Quote from: Jeremy66 on January 23, 2019, 07:26:37 PM
Guess I will take the blame on this one as I posted a choke tube for sale without reading the rules. Haven't ever seen where you can't post an item for sale if you don't have so many posts. Regardless if I agree with it or not it is in the rules and I do understand why it is there. I know I'm not gonna gonna screw someone over but no one else knows that.  Guess I will have to start posting more instead of just reading.  I removed my for sale post.
No one is blaming you , we just want to get to know you first .. people have been scam for a lot more than the price of a choke tube ... Welcome to the forum...
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on January 23, 2019, 07:36:58 PM
Quote from: Jeremy66 on January 23, 2019, 07:26:37 PM
Guess I will take the blame on this one as I posted a choke tube for sale without reading the rules. Haven't ever seen where you can't post an item for sale if you don't have so many posts. Regardless if I agree with it or not it is in the rules and I do understand why it is there. I know I'm not gonna gonna screw someone over but no one else knows that.  Guess I will have to start posting more instead of just reading.  I removed my for sale post.
I agree you aren't to blame for a mistake and it's not you. It's a whole bunch it seems like. I actually only posted this here to help everyone. Hope you understand
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: SinGin on January 23, 2019, 09:49:53 PM
I like rule #5.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: CALLM2U on January 24, 2019, 08:25:29 AM
I appreciate this thread being posted.  While I haven't put anything for sale on the site, it's not a common rule so it's good that it's out there for everyone to see. As I tell my team all the time, "reminders are great, errors are bad" 

I actually agree with the rule and it makes a lot of sense when trying to navigate the challenges of a public forum.  That being said, as someone who has a low post count, it is a bit disappointing for someone like myself who has things they'd like to sell at some point and would never dream of scamming anyone.

I strongly believe in James 1:19 so I'm not one to post unless I feel it's valuable to others or I genuinely need help.  I'm here to learn from you all who have much more experience than I do.   It may take years for me to get to the point where I could sell items-and that's quite ok.  Again, I don't necessarily disagree with the rule, it just sucks that honest people get pulled down by dishonest people.   

Just my perspective from one of the 'new guys'.  Side note, I love this board and it's now my 'first stop' forum. 
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: bbcoach on January 24, 2019, 08:25:52 AM
As most of the vets on here know these rules have been in place for many years.  I've noticed in the past couple years most ignore them.  I'm not a moderator but have called out posters several times for No pics and not setting a firm price.  This is a great site, let's help keep it that way.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: TauntoHawk on January 24, 2019, 09:51:02 AM
Quote from: CALLM2U on January 24, 2019, 08:25:29 AM
I appreciate this thread being posted.  While I haven't put anything for sale on the site, it's not a common rule so it's good that it's out there for everyone to see. As I tell my team all the time, "reminders are great, errors are bad" 

I actually agree with the rule and it makes a lot of sense when trying to navigate the challenges of a public forum.  That being said, as someone who has a low post count, it is a bit disappointing for someone like myself who has things they'd like to sell at some point and would never dream of scamming anyone.

I strongly believe in James 1:19 so I'm not one to post unless I feel it's valuable to others or I genuinely need help.  I'm here to learn from you all who have much more experience than I do.   It may take years for me to get to the point where I could sell items-and that's quite ok.  Again, I don't necessarily disagree with the rule, it just sucks that honest people get pulled down by dishonest people.   

Just my perspective from one of the 'new guys'.  Side note, I love this board and it's now my 'first stop' forum.

Agree this forum does have more and stricter rules then most but that is why I buy/sell/trade here with more confidence then any other forum. my good and bad encounters on places like archerytalk have been almost 50/50 the last few years while here they have been closer to 95/5 in favor of positive
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: trkehunr93 on January 24, 2019, 10:33:54 AM
I personally like the rules, I see way too many items being posted for sale w/out pictures (that's a rule and I've pointed it out to posters before).  Shannon runs a respectable forum and while an item sold could still go south regardless of how many posts you've made I seriously doubt someone with the intent to swindle someone is going to patiently wait to post X number of times before they do it.  Read the rules, follow the rules and all is well.  My  :z-twocents:
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on January 25, 2019, 03:08:53 AM
I'm glad no one has taken anything even remotely wrong. The intent was only information.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Harty on January 25, 2019, 06:24:34 AM
The "rules " are simply there to help protect everyone. The few swindlers always make it difficult for the majority of nice people.im a new member within the past year and  have had people PM me to help and just get to know me. There is a comfort level in doing business with someone you know or are at least acquainted with. I hope I can foster that  comfort level by continuing to post on this site
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: captpete on January 25, 2019, 06:53:08 AM
I like the rules, especially #5. I know the rules are here help to protect us form scams, but there is another big benefit to them. By posting to get your count up, you are actually becoming a contributing member to forum....making it better than it already is. The more you post the more comfortable you will feel and more than likely to contribute to the forum. I am more a "lurker" myself...I tend to post when I have something to contribute that hasn't already been said.

Also to all the new people...Welcome to the forum.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: KentuckyLB on January 25, 2019, 11:45:25 AM
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: wchadw on January 25, 2019, 12:18:32 PM
no, i don't think so....
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: raven105 on January 25, 2019, 05:55:36 PM
I would attribute some of this to guys that primarily use tapatalk. When I first got the app, I subscribed to a few classified forums and that's it. I can't see people's post count in the app and rarely visit the general forum. I could see how those like me and others, who visit even less, would overlook the rules or never see them at all.

It's good that you posted this and should probably be continuously brought up as we get closer to season when selling/trading heats up.

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Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on January 25, 2019, 06:21:51 PM
Quote from: raven105 on January 25, 2019, 05:55:36 PM
I would attribute some of this to guys that primarily use tapatalk. When I first got the app, I subscribed to a few classified forums and that's it. I can't see people's post count in the app and rarely visit the general forum. I could see how those like me and others, who visit even less, would overlook the rules or never see them at all.

It's good that you posted this and should probably be continuously brought up as we get closer to season when selling/trading heats up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's actually the reason I posted it. So it gets talked about and more exposure. I bet lots guys prob aren't disregarding the rules on purpose but aren't aware. Still they're great rules and they protect new folks too.
If they try to trade or buy something I'm sure they don't want to get beat themselves. The count isn't impossibly high either.
I'll keep pushing it up if it gets too far down so it's noticed
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Yoder409 on January 25, 2019, 07:31:47 PM
The way I look at it..............the rules is the rules.  They were put there by the man who runs the show.  His site..........his rules.  They were also put there for good reasons.  Like 'em or not.................look at the good trade feedback on this site versus the scammer list.  PAGES of good folks doing good and honest deals !!!!!!  Only a couple of turds have been in the OG punchbowl.  The rules WORK.

You're not gonna find another place like it !!!
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: zsully on January 25, 2019, 09:20:44 PM
I agree that the rules are the rules but I see the frustration from the new guys as well. I've been coming to the forum for years and I definitely read way more then I post. I just checked my stats. This is my 94th post and I average 0.091 posts per day. My name is in the positive seller/buyer feedback. I think 100 posts is a big ask but I love the site and if that's where I have to get to be able to fully participate I will get there. Unfortunately lately it seems like causing drama could become a tool to elevate post numbers quickly which I know is not the intent.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Jrkimbrough on January 27, 2019, 05:42:52 AM
 :wave:  i read them!  Lol

I'm fairly new to the forum and have thought about posting something in the classifieds but haven't yet because of the rules.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on January 27, 2019, 07:41:08 AM
Quote from: zsully on January 25, 2019, 09:20:44 PM
I agree that the rules are the rules but I see the frustration from the new guys as well. I've been coming to the forum for years and I definitely read way more then I post. I just checked my stats. This is my 94th post and I average 0.091 posts per day. My name is in the positive seller/buyer feedback. I think 100 posts is a big ask but I love the site and if that's where I have to get to be able to fully participate I will get there. Unfortunately lately it seems like causing drama could become a tool to elevate post numbers quickly which I know is not the intent.

Idk it mentions quality posts. In some places that's even in bold print. Is causing drama quality?
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: zsully on January 27, 2019, 08:18:07 AM
Quote from: Bowguy on January 27, 2019, 07:41:08 AM
Quote from: zsully on January 25, 2019, 09:20:44 PM
I agree that the rules are the rules but I see the frustration from the new guys as well. I've been coming to the forum for years and I definitely read way more then I post. I just checked my stats. This is my 94th post and I average 0.091 posts per day. My name is in the positive seller/buyer feedback. I think 100 posts is a big ask but I love the site and if that's where I have to get to be able to fully participate I will get there. Unfortunately lately it seems like causing drama could become a tool to elevate post numbers quickly which I know is not the intent.

Idk it mentions quality posts. In some places that's even in bold print. Is causing drama quality?

Bowguy, I agree with you that drama related posts aren't quality. However, I don't see anyway to to differentiate between which of my posts are "quality" and which aren't and who makes that determination? Seems like a giant nightmare for someone to have to read every post and match it to the user name and confirm "quality". 
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: dayna105 on January 27, 2019, 10:05:23 AM
Quote from: Yoder409 on January 25, 2019, 07:31:47 PM
The way I look at it..............the rules is the rules.  They were put there by the man who runs the show.  His site..........his rules.  They were also put there for good reasons.  Like 'em or not.................look at the good trade feedback on this site versus the scammer list.  PAGES of good folks doing good and honest deals !!!!!!  Only a couple of turds have been in the OG punchbowl.  The rules WORK.

You're not gonna find another place like it !!!

Agree with you 100%. I also think that a person's join date should be considered. But like you wrote the rules were put there by the man that runs the show. Also agree this is a great site to visit, for learning and new ways to spend cash...lol
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on January 27, 2019, 01:10:11 PM
Quote from: zsully on January 27, 2019, 08:18:07 AM
Quote from: Bowguy on January 27, 2019, 07:41:08 AM
Quote from: zsully on January 25, 2019, 09:20:44 PM
I agree that the rules are the rules but I see the frustration from the new guys as well. I've been coming to the forum for years and I definitely read way more then I post. I just checked my stats. This is my 94th post and I average 0.091 posts per day. My name is in the positive seller/buyer feedback. I think 100 posts is a big ask but I love the site and if that's where I have to get to be able to fully participate I will get there. Unfortunately lately it seems like causing drama could become a tool to elevate post numbers quickly which I know is not the intent.

When I say posting something not knowing anything about turkey cause that'd be against beginners too and I'm sure there's no intent at anyone for that.
If the fellow contributes, goes can follow simple discussion, participated in the site I bet that'd show quality even in someone beginning stages.
Idk it mentions quality posts. In some places that's even in bold print. Is causing drama quality?

Bowguy, I agree with you that drama related posts aren't quality. However, I don't see anyway to to differentiate between which of my posts are "quality" and which aren't and who makes that determination? Seems like a giant nightmare for someone to have to read every post and match it to the user name and confirm "quality".

I think the man who owns the site and makes the rules is obviously the one who decides. Never seen a vote here thank God.
If you said good morning 100 times or started drama about the border wall or something like that and not once mentioned turkey for instance I think that show no contribution to the site and imo lack of quality posts. This is for all our protection and we should be thankful the man values his members this way.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: SoIncallcollector on January 27, 2019, 02:16:09 PM
Quote from: Bowguy on January 25, 2019, 03:08:53 AM
I'm glad no one has taken anything even remotely wrong. The intent was only information.
I appreciate you making me aware of the rules. I never took it the wrong way. I took it as helping a new member out. I'm a fairly new member and have primarily been using the tapatalk app and a few forums. I've since read the rules and completely understand the reasons and appreciate the site looking out for members. I love this site and want to follow the rules and help keep it great.

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Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on February 03, 2019, 03:55:06 PM
Hey guys I hope you don't mind just pushing it to top to help awareness
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Old Gobbler on February 03, 2019, 05:28:22 PM
We had some BIG TICKET scams last year , all revolving around call trades with people with low post #s ....my membership consists of people like me and you ...someone tells me or you somerhing something here...I take it to be gospel ...unfortunately some low lives have caught onto how trusting our membership is and is out to RIP us off constantly ...I had a flare up of low post pranksters about 4 years ago selling choke tubes (low post ...no picture ) I delleted about 40 profiles that year, I also cleaned house with other classifieds violators...all LOW POST ....and it was the same small group of pranksters ...I have some very sophisticated ip#tracers at my disposal ...

Stuff like trading calls , and there is a issue....but the one person doesn't want to give back the calls

People trading calls ....there is a issue .....they are asked to send back the calls but instead they smack them up with a hammer ( for real the guy took a hammer to them )

Folks CONTINUOUSLY posting up ammo and choke with no picture ...and they have low posts ....guess what...people got duped ...money gone ! I was forced to implement some rules ..they are not  restrictive to the regulars here ..and they help the site function better ..and now I have 99% of the BS in check mate

If you want to sell something and you have low posts....start posting ...contribute to the forum ...and the forum will HELP you ..these are GOOD  people here...just get to know them and you will be one of us

We got the BEST PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET ON THIS SITE and I am looking to help promote your businesses and help keep you guys safe and entertained in a troll free environment


Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: greencop01 on February 03, 2019, 06:21:45 PM
My  :z-twocents: shame on you if you buy or trade w/ someone who has low posts. Shannon has said this on several occasions. It is for our own safety, follow the rules. It goes both ways! Don't post w/o pictures and don't post w/ low post numbers, and don't deal w/ them for us. Its not rocket science.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: tomstopper on February 03, 2019, 06:22:45 PM
Quote from: Old Gobbler on February 03, 2019, 05:28:22 PM
We had some BIG TICKET scams last year , all revolving around call trades with people with low post #s ....my membership consists of people like me and you ...someone tells me or you somerhing something here...I take it to be gospel ...unfortunately some low lives have caught onto how trusting our membership is and is out to RIP us off constantly ...I had a flare up of low post pranksters about 4 years ago selling choke tubes (low post ...no picture ) I delleted about 40 profiles that year, I also cleaned house with other classifieds violators...all LOW POST ....and it was the same small group of pranksters ...I have some very sophisticated ip#tracers at my disposal ...

Stuff like trading calls , and there is a issue....but the one person doesn't want to give back the calls

People trading calls ....there is a issue .....they are asked to send back the calls but instead they smack them up with a hammer ( for real the guy took a hammer to them )

Folks CONTINUOUSLY posting up ammo and choke with no picture ...and they have low posts ....guess what...people got duped ...money gone ! I was forced to implement some rules ..they are not  restrictive to the regulars here ..and they help the site function better ..and now I have 99% of the BS in check mate

If you want to sell something and you have low posts....start posting ...contribute to the forum ...and the forum will HELP you ..these are GOOD  people here...just get to know them and you will be one of us

We got the BEST PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET ON THIS SITE and I am looking to help promote your businesses and help keep you guys safe and entertained in a troll free environment

And thank you for this Shannon.

Sent from my XT1710-02 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: idgobble on February 05, 2019, 11:49:59 PM
 Thanks for all the reminders.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: ol bob on February 06, 2019, 08:50:08 AM
Thanks Shannon this is about the last turkey forum left keep doing what you have to to keep it strong.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on February 10, 2019, 09:38:16 PM
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on February 20, 2019, 03:50:52 AM
Gonna push this back up as a reminder
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Sir-diealot on February 20, 2019, 02:20:56 PM
To be honest I can't seem to find the new ones, every time I find the rules in the index I get the ones from 2011
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: captpete on February 23, 2019, 08:41:41 AM
Quote from: Sir-diealot on February 20, 2019, 02:20:56 PM
To be honest I can't seem to find the new ones, every time I find the rules in the index I get the ones from 2011

They are a sticky at the top of the Turkey Call, Turkey Pot call and Miscellaneous Classified sections(plus a couple of others). Here a link to one of them.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Sir-diealot on February 23, 2019, 09:27:46 AM
Quote from: captpete on February 23, 2019, 08:41:41 AM
Quote from: Sir-diealot on February 20, 2019, 02:20:56 PM
To be honest I can't seem to find the new ones, every time I find the rules in the index I get the ones from 2011

They are a sticky at the top of the Turkey Call, Turkey Pot call and Miscellaneous Classified sections(plus a couple of others). Here a link to one of them.
Thanks, I would not have thought them to be in that location. Saved in my Oldgobbler Folder on my desktop.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on March 01, 2019, 04:40:30 PM
Just pushing it back up guys, seems a few fellas still don't know. Hope no one minds
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: coyote1 on March 02, 2019, 12:49:25 AM
What's with the pay pal only? That's like saying you can't buy anything at Walmart unless you use a credit card.
With all the identity fraud and what not I don't want a checking account linked to anything online.
It's pretty bad when a guy that's been here 6 years can't sell a few calls. I didn't realize it until the last couple weeks but it's got  a little stuffy here.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Sir-diealot on March 02, 2019, 01:16:32 AM
Quote from: coyote1 on March 02, 2019, 12:49:25 AM
What's with the pay pal only? That's like saying you can't buy anything at Walmart unless you use a credit card.
With all the identity fraud and what not I don't want a checking account linked to anything online.
It's pretty bad when a guy that's been here 6 years can't sell a few calls. I didn't realize it until the last couple weeks but it's got  a little stuffy here.
You misread bud, you are fine, this is the part you missed. "It is entirely up to the sellers discretion if they will accept a cashier's check or postal money order instead of PayPal" Personally I would rather do everything with Paypal, I have been with them since just about their beginning and have only ever had one problem and that was because I waited to long to report the problem. I will consider Money Order for things 50.00 and over, but if things go wrong you have to pay the Post Office 10.00 just to investigate and it takes over a month and then they may still not even return you money, been there, lived through that more than once. And checks? Checks provide zero protection whatsoever, none. I really prefer Paypal for these reasons, they are the only ones that really provide you with protection.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: coyote1 on March 02, 2019, 01:25:56 AM
 :Maybe I misinterpreted that. I'm old school, this forum is about as deep into the computer world as I go.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Sir-diealot on March 02, 2019, 01:38:54 AM
Quote from: coyote1 on March 02, 2019, 01:25:56 AM
:Maybe I misinterpreted that. I'm old school, this forum is about as deep into the computer world as I go.
That's okay, everybody makes mistakes, my parents had me!
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Clydetaylor1 on March 02, 2019, 11:30:57 AM
I need to read them. Have scanned them but not really read them.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on March 20, 2019, 01:33:41 AM
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on April 11, 2019, 05:34:23 PM
Seeing adds not complying w the rules to protect us so I'm pushing this up. New members please read the classified rules.
There's also rules Shannon has set for the rest of us we need to follow as well
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: idgobble on April 11, 2019, 08:48:00 PM
Thanks for keeping this thread going.  It needs to be recycled frequently.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: captpete on May 07, 2019, 06:46:52 PM
Just bring this back to top.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: dublelung on May 08, 2019, 08:55:12 AM
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Southerngobbler on May 08, 2019, 09:37:13 AM
When you buy or get something new do you read the instructions before anything else-of course not, most guys don't break out the instructions until a wheel starts to fall off. No offense but it's just the way most guys operate.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: mattbrooks on May 08, 2019, 05:43:41 PM
I don't guess I've ever read the rules either. I understand the reasoning. I guess I need to start posting more than reading too.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on May 09, 2019, 08:54:03 PM
Fellas, the reason for the thread was simply to help guys like the ones who posted they didn't read the rules.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on May 14, 2019, 12:25:51 PM
There's some fellas that haven't read the rules so I'll push this back up to help
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: dublelung on May 14, 2019, 01:00:57 PM
Quote from: Bowguy on May 14, 2019, 12:25:51 PM
There's some fellas that haven't read the rules so I'll push this back up to help

Seems it bothers you more than it does most on here so here's a free bump for you.  Glad I could do my part.  :jackson:
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on May 14, 2019, 01:57:18 PM
Seems the fact it's here bothers you a bit? It's ok you don't have to read it it's for new guys who perhaps hadn't. Thank you for bump though.
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: dublelung on May 14, 2019, 11:56:44 PM
Quote from: Bowguy on May 14, 2019, 01:57:18 PM
Seems the fact it's here bothers you a bit? It's ok you don't have to read it it's for new guys who perhaps hadn't. Thank you for bump though.
Nope, it being there doesn't bother me in the least. I've never been one to keep a nitpicker from nitpicking so carry on.  :toothy12:
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Bowguy on June 20, 2019, 07:41:08 PM
Noticing done fellas aren't aware so it's back up
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: zelmo1 on June 21, 2019, 04:22:53 AM
The easy way if you have a question, is to read the post and if you are not 100% sure you are good, pm Old Gobbler. That is what I do. Works every time. Al Baker
Title: Re: Does anyone read Shannon’s classified rules?
Post by: Old Gobbler on July 07, 2019, 07:16:27 AM
Be forewarned. ....there are total scammers out there,
it is rare to get a scam on OG but.... 99.99999% of them are low posters , this goes for cheap and expensive items and even call trades

The rules are there to protect YOU our valued member(s)