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Fun Stuff (Games, Contests) => 2016 Turkey Hunting Contest => 2015 OG Turkey Contest => Archived turkey hunting contests => Gods of Thunder => Topic started by: derek on May 29, 2016, 09:11:24 AM

Title: 2016 spring turkey season comes to a close
Post by: derek on May 29, 2016, 09:11:24 AM
2016 spring turkey season ended for me this past Wednesday, a day earlier than I had intended.  I had an enjoyable week, and because I've been a big slacker on sharing hunts on here as of late, I thought I'd share the last few birds that only put the highlight on this spring's already incredible season.  I entered the week with 3 tags in 2 locations and 4 mornings to fill them... A tall order, but I was looking forward to trying.   

Monday morning I started off slipping into a section of woods I was sure a group of gobblers I had previously had a very close call with were roosted.  Humid and some light rain.. nothing gobbles anywhere close to me.  I sit there for a bit, nothing flies out within earshot.  There were a few gobbles across the way, and I "thought" I heard two gobbles that were definitely on private to the other direction.   I tried to see how close I could get to the bird gobbling more steadily, and it was pointless.. just couldn't get close enough to be able to do anything with him.  I head towards where I thought I heard the other bird and as I get closer – I get a bird to answer.  Two birds, definitely on private and not seeming to want to budge.  I play for a while and I wasn't getting anywhere.  The sun was starting to break out and I knew birds would be rolling so I left them gobbling.  The 3rd spot I hit was one I had been working a bird in I was certain was a bruiser.. I get him to gobble and stay on him for 2 ½ hours.. he didn't gobble much, but would let me know he was still there periodically and I even thought it was going to happen at one point.  Eventually he went quiet and I lost him.. I slipped out to not disturb him any more.  Back to the original spot.. driving down the road I pass the public field near where I worked the pair earlier.. low and behold.. two longbeards on public with no hens in sight.  I park and slip into the woods.  I'm approaching them and yelp.. nothing.  Move up closer, yelp and they hammer back.. already inside the woods!  It seems they're going around a different way than I intended so I am all but running to get to a certain point where I felt I'd be better off working them from.  I'm cutting the whole way in an attempt to redirect them.  When I sit down, I pour it on them for a minute and they eat it up!  It doesn't take long and I see 2 longbeards coming through the woods - 12:54 I finally get a clear shot and he perks up for me just at the right moment. 
Very pleased to see these on him when I get up to him! 

(http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/drmnhipster/13321783_10102907694124574_456312055071532910_n_zpskp8dfy2b.jpg) (http://s214.photobucket.com/user/drmnhipster/media/13321783_10102907694124574_456312055071532910_n_zpskp8dfy2b.jpg.html)

(http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/drmnhipster/084_zpsq0lvpqqh.jpg) (http://s214.photobucket.com/user/drmnhipster/media/084_zpsq0lvpqqh.jpg.html)

Tuesday - the dilemma hit on where to start out.  Knowing what Monday's bird was sporting hookwise and that he had a brother with him put him higher on the list.. but I still had that other bird I worked late morning Monday that I had 6 hunts invested in at this point this year and just had the feeling he was a good bird.  Being stubborn - I needed the closure on that bird.  So I slip in early where I thought he would be.  Rain before gobble time had things pretty quiet, which I loved for the walk in but no so much come gobble time.   I don't hear a peep.  I tree yelp some.. nothing.  About the time I think a bird could be on the ground I let out a real yelp and a bird HAMMERS on top of it 60-70 yds away.  It seems he's moving back and forth, but not gaining any ground towards me.  This goes on for a long time.  I've called a good bit, at times getting pretty saucy with him.  At 6:39... he finally flies out!  'Doh - had no idea he was still in the tree.  I guess he had a long branch he was walking up and down on.  He pitches out towards a private field.  Next time he gobbles he is in it.  I reposition some and try to heat him up.  I can already tell he's winding down as now there's hens out in that field as well.  I catch a glimpse of him moving away from me.  Call some more.. thought I was screwed for the time being and let my guard down a hair.  Next thing you know he steps out 35 yards away.  My hands aren't on my gun.. I let him walk behind a tree and make my moves.. when he steps out on the other side I was head down on the stock and ready to rock.  6:57 he down!
After seeing a couple birds already this season.. I had begun to think I was going to mess up my multibeard streak.. happy to see this on this guy. 

(http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/drmnhipster/13325489_10102907693206414_3360748317952133737_n_zpsfpgdmcsf.jpg) (http://s214.photobucket.com/user/drmnhipster/media/13325489_10102907693206414_3360748317952133737_n_zpsfpgdmcsf.jpg.html)

Spurs weren't what I was hoping for at 1 1/8", but he was a heavy one for this late at 22lbs 8oz.

(http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/drmnhipster/085_zpsiticvhhq.jpg) (http://s214.photobucket.com/user/drmnhipster/media/085_zpsiticvhhq.jpg.html)

So being tagged out there, I now have to change it up for the last tag.  MDBowman hunted Tuesday night and heard a bird gobble 4 times close to dark.  He was in a small section of woods I know pretty well, but being that he walked around there before dark.. didn't know where he might be roosted so tried a different spot first thing Wednesday morning.  Ended up calling in the same pair of jakes twice. 

(http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/drmnhipster/13310412_10102907692378074_7806698141090901912_n_zps8mq4i79x.jpg) (http://s214.photobucket.com/user/drmnhipster/media/13310412_10102907692378074_7806698141090901912_n_zps8mq4i79x.jpg.html)

Moved to another spot and no luck.. at this point its well after noon.  I head towards where MDBowman heard that bird.  Sat and called for a few, nothing.  Covered that section of woods.. nothing.  I move through a large field that has a thick hedgerow leading to a small field.  I slip through that hedgerow and am real careful coming out the other side.  There's a dark spot against the woods on the other side but I thought it was just a shadow.  As I step out to look farther up the field, that dark spot lifts it's red head.  I freeze.. I can't tell if it's a jake or lb.. He takes a few steps out into the field to check me out a little better as he didn't know what I was.  I see the beard swing.  I raise up, knowing its a longer shot, I take the time to bear down and squeeze the trigger.  1:55pm he goes flopping.  Maybe not the perfect hunt we all look for, but I'm not one for passing up a gift. 

(http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/drmnhipster/086_zpswfg3ehjv.jpg) (http://s214.photobucket.com/user/drmnhipster/media/086_zpswfg3ehjv.jpg.html)

Decent spurs on him too
(http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/drmnhipster/13263742_10102907691884064_6940458694085685471_n_zpsqynt8jam.jpg) (http://s214.photobucket.com/user/drmnhipster/media/13263742_10102907691884064_6940458694085685471_n_zpsqynt8jam.jpg.html)

I sat next to that bird for a long time just taking it all in.  It has been a great season, as they all are.  I feel very fortunate that God made me a turkey hunter, that I had my father to introduce me to it, and that I am able to hunt this bird.  To be able to see, hear and feel things that the majority of people will never understand.  There is no real way to describe it. 

I apologized to my father for killing that bird! lol.  Even had to take him Thursday morning in which we had a very exciting hunt but didn't end in a gunshot.. however he evened the score without me Friday. 

Is it April yet?

Title: 2016 spring turkey season comes to a close
Post by: BowBendr on May 29, 2016, 11:16:48 AM
Great write up. You had an awesome season and kept the streak going !
You guys had a ton of rain and bad weather this year, didn't you ?

2015 Old Gobbler contest Champions
Title: Re: 2016 spring turkey season comes to a close
Post by: Doug Lewis on May 29, 2016, 04:03:24 PM
Title: Re: 2016 spring turkey season comes to a close
Post by: derek on May 29, 2016, 04:41:54 PM
Quote from: BowBendr on May 29, 2016, 11:16:48 AM
Great write up. You had an awesome season and kept the streak going !
You guys had a ton of rain and bad weather this year, didn't you ?

2015 Old Gobbler contest Champions

Rain/clouds/rain/clouds - there was a 2-3 week stretch there where we did not see the sun.  Made it nice when it finally came out though. 
Title: Re: 2016 spring turkey season comes to a close
Post by: MDbowman on May 29, 2016, 10:36:47 PM
Congrats on another great season. Nice write-up.
Title: Re: 2016 spring turkey season comes to a close
Post by: DMP on May 30, 2016, 08:13:50 AM
Great job Derek.....
Title: Re: 2016 spring turkey season comes to a close
Post by: Fullfan on May 30, 2016, 08:40:39 AM
Derek  Once again congrats on some super birds. I'm a spur man myself, but that one with the two beards got my attention.  Good job.. 
Title: Re: 2016 spring turkey season comes to a close
Post by: canadatom on May 30, 2016, 09:30:52 PM
Congrats on an awesome season!!
Title: Re: 2016 spring turkey season comes to a close
Post by: whitelightning on May 30, 2016, 11:39:25 PM
Great season brother. you really poured the coals on towards the end there. but I gotta ask...is it April yet?