Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

General Discussion => Turkey Hunting Tips ,Strategies & Methods => Topic started by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 03, 2016, 05:22:00 PM

Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 03, 2016, 05:22:00 PM
Ok. I hunt turkeys with my dad. It's been something I've looked forward to since I was 6. My dad always brought me along and I watched a master hunter slowly and methodically call mainly 21-24lb monster easterns into gun range and dropped every bird he shot at. I was so excited to finally hunt at 12 and I knew my dad would do everything he could to help me bag my first bird.

My first season was 1998. Nothing. We even heard almost nothing. My dad shot both his turkeys when I was at school. So I didn't even get to enjoy watching him take one. Total bummer but hey I was 12 and I was optimistic. That optimism has finally wavered. It's not working I need to make a change.

So my question is: 1. Could my dad calling, usually he swings wide so it will bring the bird right into my path with a decoy offset in between us and setup so the bird won't see either of us in its line of sight, be sending all the birds to him? Should we move closer together?

2. Should I just stop hunting with him and or wait until he can't? I feel like striking it out alone will be rough at first but Jesus it cannot be any worse than this! Also I need to gain confidence in my abilities as a hunter. Having my hand held seems to be counter intuitive.

3. Or should I just let him keep doing this until I'm 79 and still have not shot a spring bird? This is the one sport we share and equally love. Ducks too but we hunt turkeys hard. I just think something needs to change in order for me to start succeeding. I can't hunt much longer without bagging at least one bird.

Killings not the most important thing for me. But doing it once in a decade would be appreciated.
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Frylock on May 03, 2016, 05:44:00 PM
Yeah man, you gotta break off on your own and find some new areas to hunt and learn, some things can't be taught.

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Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Farmboy27 on May 03, 2016, 05:50:06 PM
Tough question. Have you participated in the calling at all?  If not then it is defiantly time to start. Change things up a bit. You said that your father is an accomplished hunter but sometimes that doesn't matter when hunting with someone else. I have called some "first birds" in for others but I'm not that great at it. I think I'm to conservative and try to hard to get the bird to the perfect place for the perfect shot.  Could this be the case with you're father?  Few of my hunts turn out exactly like I plan them and I know I'm more willing to take chances when I'm only costing myself a bird and not someone else. Also, although I cherish every minute I hunt with family and friends, some times you have to go to it on your own. My uncle took me turkey hunting my first few years and I know he was a bit disappointed when I told him I was gonna try it by myself. But even more so I think he was proud that I learned enough to try it on my own. My son is 9 and he is my best hunting buddy ever. When the time comes that he decides he's ready to go it alone I'm gonna be pretty darned sad. But I'm gonna be even more proud if what I taught him and what he learned!  Talk to your dad. I'm sure he will understand.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: SteelerFan on May 03, 2016, 05:50:43 PM
Ugh... that is a dry spell.

1. Don't EVER take for granted time spent hunting with your Dad (a lot of us wish we still could)

That said, there's A LOT more to this story... Are you hearing ANY birds, seeing any birds in all that time? You might have to find better spots.

If it's a matter of coordinated effort at that critical moment that makes or breaks the hunt - that can be worked out with some post-encounter strategy discussions afterwards to improve for the next time?

If you feel like you need to strike out on your own, there's nothing wrong with that either. Two hunters can share a hunt on the same property in two different locations, working different birds.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 03, 2016, 05:59:48 PM
Oh we're seeing birds. We worked 12. What was said before about being too conservative is the problem I believe.

He calls so little it's ridiculous. Like once every 45 minutes. I know he is trying too hard and he needs to relax and let me make mistakes.

I've been listening and mimicking his calls for over a decade and Jesus I think I know how to call like him he just had these other times he's taken friends that mess up and spook birds by doing something dumb like trying to get a box call our when the birds on its way!

Our spots are better than ever. As a kid we never had this sort of population. Hunters bought tags at a really low low rate this year in our area so we have no competition really.

We strike out to get that 22+ lb looking tom in the AM and I'm going to demand be lets me at least work my slate as its 18 years old. I know it inside and out. Soft clucks loud purrs loud yelps soft everything.

I can even do a damn gobble amazingly on a mouth call.

I may not be the best at working birds....BUT! I haven't really had my chance yet. I will keep you updated guys and I am not going to give up. It's a new day tomorrow and we have birds everywhere I did the leg work and scouting time to roost one and bag him tomorrow.

We have him patterned I don't need to call. Setup and wait for him to see that avianx and see what happens. Wish me luck guys!
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: SteelerFan on May 03, 2016, 06:04:55 PM
Tell your Dad your plans... tell him you think "we" need to change tactics, be a little more aggressive, use more calling, etc. etc. tell him you want to give it a try. If he balks at that idea, then it's time to tell him "ok, but I'm going to go try it my way for a while... meet you at the truck".

Good luck!  :icon_thumright:
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Farmboy27 on May 03, 2016, 06:40:47 PM
Whatever you do, if you decide to tell him you trying it on your own, do it nicely!!  Turkey hunting might be important, but it doesn't hold a candle to family!  Best of luck to you. Hope it all comes together soon.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: silvestris on May 03, 2016, 07:34:03 PM
Your Dad seems to be doing ok on his own.  I think he will be proud when he hears you say, "You take this one, I'm going to go find one of my own".
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Double B on May 03, 2016, 09:03:31 PM
You have accelerated your learning curve hunting with your Dad, I sure hope you get a bird.   I call sparingly but even i call a little more aggressive than your description.  My mentor started upping the ante and forcing me to call more and that helped as I made mistakes and learned....still learning every hunt it seems.  Good luck.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Gobspur on May 04, 2016, 08:45:46 AM
1.  Continue to hunt and spend time with your dad.  That is paramount.  Ask him "why do think you always kill birds by yourself, but we always strike out together?"  Maybe that will get him thinking he needs to change things up.

2.  Also find ways to hunt by yourself.  I deer and turkey hunted for years with friends and family.  Then I started to hunt more and more by myself, and my success rate started going up.  That got me thinking.  Now, I will sometimes hunt in the same general area as others, but ALWAYS be myself.  Its a one man game for me.  I'm just a better hunter by myself.  Learning decision making comes quick like this, because its you and you alone.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Bill Cooksey on May 04, 2016, 09:24:30 AM
Am I missing something with the math? You started hunting with your dad at age 12 and it was in 1998? You're now almost 30 and have never killed a turkey? If my math it right, you should have found ways to strike out for some days alone 14 years ago when you started driving.

As others have said, treasure the moments with your dad. Mine was my best friend, and I treasure every moment of our time together. But, as in life and love, in hunting there is a time to begin going it on your own. You'll never grow otherwise.

If you are truly worried about hurting his feelings, simply slip away for some solo hunts without telling him. You're a grown man, and I can't imagine he keeps tabs on your daily schedule. The solution is VERY simple. Just go hunting.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: supremepredator on May 04, 2016, 01:12:16 PM
My mentor taught me the basics, I hunted with him about 3 times, then I went off on my own. He gave me some calls and even let me borrow his 870. I had no idea what I was doing that year and didn't kill a bird (did call in a hen though) next year I again hunted on my own and killed nothing, but I learned from that. This year I hunted with another guy in the club. We run and gunned together unlike my mentor (he hunts more from a blind) we heard zero gobbles each time we hunted. But one magical morning i was hunting alone and had a bird gobble over 50 times and got close enough to hear him drumming, but I couldn't close the deal. I then moved to a blind where about 7:30 my buddy walked up the hill to get in the same blind. He was not very happy and I apologized for taking his spot, but he was very forgiving, cause he new how bad I wanted to kill a bird. At 9:00 I called and killed my first bird. It was just a jake but he was mine and I called him in all by myself and was so proud of myself. With that being said he was not the only bird I called in. 2 weeks before that I called in a Tom, but because of my poor setup he saw me and bolted. The next day after I killed that jake, I moved in on gobbling bird and misjudged where he was and bumped him. The last day of the season I had 2 more jakes come at me at 28 yards. as tempting as it was, I let them walk after watching them for an hour. I learned from each of these situations and it is going to make me a better Turkey hunter. You will make mistakes and you will learn from them, you just have to keep hunting and have patience. Patience is the number one thing that kills turkeys, remember that. Sorry for the long lecture, but that's just my 2 cents.
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Dmason3 on May 04, 2016, 04:30:10 PM
Just keep trying man. I've killed all my birds solo. I'll set up some mornings on a group and hear over a hundred gobbles before fly down. If I take him were lucky to hear more than ten. It's crazy. I swear he's starting to think I'm making stuff up. I'm trying to get him his first bird and I don't know what it is but things are just different with him out there. Persistence is the number one thing that has got me my birds. Just keep trying

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Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Happy on May 04, 2016, 05:29:07 PM
I think you should do both. It's great you got to learn the basics from your dad. That being said you have to create your own style. What works for your dad may not work for you. I didn't really have a mentor in the turkey woods other than one fellow I hunted with one time. We never heard a bird. I hit it on my own and it took a few years of hard knocks before I ever pulled the trigger. Some of that is a blessing as I developed my own style and didn't have some of the negative attributes of hunting with others. I think that's something you need to do. Don't get me wrong I still screw up  and feel like smacking my forehead a against the nearest tree but I kill birds now. It's a lifelong growing process which is why it's so addicting. That being said you also should treasure time hunting with your dad. It's something a lot of folks don't get the chance to do.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: ilbucksndux on May 04, 2016, 05:49:34 PM
My thought is that he is being conservative because he wants you to get one. I know I'm that way with my kids,and others I take hunting. When I'm on my own I get aggressive and get as close as I humanly can to a bird before I set up. Or its just turkeys being turkeys and you alwasy hit the off days.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 05, 2016, 04:40:08 PM
Thanks for the input guys! I'm staying at it! I almost got one today, yesterday and that was with them totally silent. I'm getting their guys! Seriously I have to be. If I end this season and no success? I can't see it happening but I don't want to jinx myself!

Also I talked to the old man and he said "I want your input on every hunt now. You know these birds better than anyone. You spent every day watching from the roads, hiking miles into state land, roosting birds and you followed my rules and didn't use a turkey call. This is your time. I'm working all day and I more than trust you finding us the birds. Tomorrow your on the slate."

So the best turkey hunter I personal know has signed off and agrees 100% with you guys its time for me to get involved more. I have a slob located. Beard dragging through the leaves today. Didn't hunt that wood lot today but he's been there for the last month and a half. Time to get it done.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: renegade19 on May 05, 2016, 09:11:27 PM
There are few outdoor things more rewarding than killing your first turkey alone.  I'll never forget that.  But, there's nothing like quality time with your dad.  A few years ago, my dad and I placed really high in a big bass tournament.  Well enough to get a blurb in the local paper.  Next day, a buddy had seen the results and congratulated me.  His next words were "how cool would it be to be fishing with my dad one more time?".  His words really made me realize how fortunate I was.  Now, my dad is fighting cancer and it's gonna win.  Cherish all the times you can but make time to kill one on your own too!  Find the best of both worlds.  Good Luck!
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Happy on May 05, 2016, 09:43:29 PM
Good luck to you. I think it's gonna g happen for you soon!
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: rkm456 on May 08, 2016, 10:00:14 AM
My bet advice would be to learn all you can from your dad, but don't be afraid to go it alone. Having said that if he knows you always go out with him, it's a bit of a dick move for him to be hunting when you can't. A lot of the time a piece of land will only yield a couple birds a season, if he's shooting 2 of them while you aren't there he's really diminishing your chances of success. Just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 08, 2016, 12:31:35 PM
It's just getting too much now. I spent my whole week roosting and patterning birds only to have 7/10 birds shot. I have myself a ton of birds and spots with zero pressure and I think people literally saw me parked there one day and went in. Boom all my hard work down the drain.

I've been out Sunday through Sunday now and only opening day did we even hear a gobble past 6:30am. With the miss on opening day I think that was my only real chance at a bird.

I'm starting to realize my hard work means nothing in turkey hunting. Without a ton of luck I don't think I'll get one. Beginners luck ran out for me 7 years ago.

Today my dad said my calling was better than he's heard most people he hunts with. Slate, diaphragm and box. I only call loudly to get locate birds rest is just soft calling on a field/ravine edges. My dad reminded me of the Memorial Day 24 lb bird he shot.

I had called the bird across a ravine to me and my dad was way on the other side of the ravine since the bird would always come to the second call. He called..bird doesn't gobblez...nail my diaphragm with a sharp Yelp just one bam he gobbles and he's off the roost coming my way.

I purred him into 50 yards..he followers up the stupid hedge and when he turned I tried to get my gun over and boom off he goes flying to his roost and "BAM BAM" my dad shoots it.

Reason I bring this up? I've done that 4-5 times and it's always my dad who shoots the bird. Even if I don't call and the birds been looping us and I setup 50-60 yards in front to cut him off? The bird would loop right to him.

I am straight up cursed. This is not my sport I guess. I love it and I've learned every type of call from the purr to a mouth call gobble and use them sparingly if I'm working a bird. Everyone else I know does the same things and they scout less and get more turkeys. I just don't have the luck needed.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: rkm456 on May 08, 2016, 02:08:26 PM
Why not ask your dad to sit with you so he isn't cutting off the birds?
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 08, 2016, 03:58:35 PM
It just doesn't work when we're sitting close the birds always want to swing so wide away from the call. Like they come in for a look then strut a half second and book it.

Doesn't matter. He's about had it and Monday is the last day he will go with me. His friend has shot tons of birds but for some reason he needs to help him shoot a turkey this week.

And trust me they will get one and I'll still have nothing. This is just how it goes for me and I'm not going to worry about skipping hunting with him because he sucks at helping me get a turkey. I bet anyone of you guys could have had me into a turkey hunting machine. Not sure why he can't?
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Happy on May 08, 2016, 04:23:46 PM
I think you are really frustrated and understandably so. However you can't let it get the best of you. Welcome to what many turkey hunters face every year. It sounds like your not afraid to work and that's good. That's part of what it takes to be successful on land others can hunt. Now when you scout out birds you have to keep in mind that other people are doing the same. I always take the birds that no one else will go after. People are generally lazy and use that to your advantage. Hunt further and longer than others and be smart. Get in early and quiet. Move through the woods quietly and listen. You can tell a lot of what's going on in the woods around you by listening. Don't be angry at your father but understand you will learn more on your own. From the time I went on my first hunt to when I finally pulled the trigger was ten years so don't feel bad. And I was on my own when it happened. Remember, quitters complain and winners bust their buts till they win. Good luck.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: SteelerFan on May 08, 2016, 04:53:45 PM
Quote from: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 08, 2016, 03:58:35 PM
It just doesn't work when we're sitting close the birds always want to swing so wide away from the call. Like they come in for a look then strut a half second and book it.

Doesn't matter. He's about had it and Monday is the last day he will go with me. His friend has shot tons of birds but for some reason he needs to help him shoot a turkey this week.

And trust me they will get one and I'll still have nothing. This is just how it goes for me and I'm not going to worry about skipping hunting with him because he sucks at helping me get a turkey. I bet anyone of you guys could have had me into a turkey hunting machine. Not sure why he can't?

It might just be me... but I'm more confused than ever about your "situation".  ??? Birds "always swing wide"?? It happens so often that you set up purposely for this??

Your Dad has about "had it"... but he's going to hunt with a buddy? What's he "had it" with? You? Your attitude?? In your first post you mentioned being 12 in 1998 and your father killed two turkeys that year when you were in school. That was 18 years ago. Have you both gone 18 years without killing a bird?? I'd have taken up golf by now...

"...because he sucks at helping me get a turkey. I bet anyone of you guys could have had me into a turkey hunting machine. Not sure why he can't?"

At your age, the only one that can make you a "turkey killing machine" is you. You were going to be "calling the shots", so to speak, on this last hunt this weekend? Did you? Maybe you are also sharing some "blame"?

??? ???

Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 08, 2016, 05:08:19 PM
Quote from: Happy on May 08, 2016, 04:23:46 PM
I think you are really frustrated and understandably so. However you can't let it get the best of you. Welcome to what many turkey hunters face every year. It sounds like your not afraid to work and that's good. That's part of what it takes to be successful on land others can hunt. Now when you scout out birds you have to keep in mind that other people are doing the same. I always take the birds that no one else will go after. People are generally lazy and use that to your advantage. Hunt further and longer than others and be smart. Get in early and quiet. Move through the woods quietly and listen. You can tell a lot of what's going on in the woods around you by listening. Don't be angry at your father but understand you will learn more on your own. From the time I went on my first hunt to when I finally pulled the trigger was ten years so don't feel bad. And I was on my own when it happened. Remember, quitters complain and winners bust their buts till they win. Good luck.

Thanks happy what a great reply. One thing you learn about me?

Haha I am a complainer but I never give up. I do more work than anyone I've met scouting and what not. Maybe I did too much scouting and people saw me? I don't know.

I will be spending my remaining time pushing myself to hike around 8 miles in a 12,000 acre woods. It's humongous! But I will walk it maybe Tuesday and alone I will try to do what I haven't done in 7 years with my dad and that's bag a turkey.

I'm a quarter of the season through. I had my first real shot at a real eastern tom. I know nothing is promised and nothing comes with out hard work. I'm doing the work. I really hope I can use the tips I'm reading around here and effectively turn from a great woodsman to a fair to good turkey hunter.

I noticed one little thing though. Not little actually. I've lost 97 lbs since I started scouting in February. No surgery, no drugs no lifting just straight up walking the biggest hills I know of looking for birds. thats something I can take from this season.

Turkey hunting is saving my life. Again thanks for encouragement guys as you know that's the toughest thing to come by. Can't kill em if you're in bed!
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 08, 2016, 05:25:27 PM
Oh I blame myself a lot for my failures. Surely someone my age should have soaked it in and learned how to be a productive or at least competent turkey hunter. But I'm not.

I'll clear it up. We hunted from 12-18 together every day. Then I stopped. Picked it up again st 27 and three years later I have one rio to show for it that I bagged in Texas alone.

I am negative but that's after I've been up from 4am-noon and I haven't heard a thing. I'm sure he's getting bored with taking me out and seeing me defeated but good god I go home regroup and within 20 mins I'm talking to him again about what we can do tomorrow.

Maybe tonight I won't answer the call. I have surpassed him in just about every other type of hunting but turkey. I need to go learn and make mistakes. Until then he's got friends to hunt with. My son will be 12 someday and he can help me teach him as well.

Again it's my fault. I'm the one that spent 42 hours this week and didn't hear a single gobble after Wednesday. I know that and want it to change before I'm 50 and before my dad passes away. He can't be having fun dragging us around everywhere seeing nothing. I can see the itch in him he wants to go hunt and so do I. Just time maybe we did it alone.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 08, 2016, 05:36:05 PM
Oh steelers fan I am serious that's always how he wants to setup and I don't know why. Sure it has worked for others and people do it successfully. The very last bird we worked he sat about 50 yards to the left of me with a decoy and we tried to lure the bird down the center of the field.

The bird came about in gun range then swung hard right and did a large half circle then headed right down the trail he never walks down.

This certainly could have worked but it didn't. I'm not sure what we did wrong. I was covered head to toe and didn't move a muscle. Didn't even peak or move my eyes until he was turned around and strutting. Then bam 50 yards out and through some brush he goes no shot.

I know it's confusing how I type. This is just the desperate ramblings of a terrible turkey hunter out of ideas.

I'm also open to any kind of luck rituals lol. I have to be pushing into being he most unlucky hunter I know. I can tell you guys one thing. If I get a turkey it will have been earned. No doubt about it.
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Happy on May 08, 2016, 05:37:48 PM
Stick with it. The best turkey hunters are at it year round. A lot of work goes down before a gun is ever taken to the woods. Even when hunting for other game a true turkey hunter notices turkey sign and behavior. He reads and studies maps, practices calling, stays in shape. And above all else he stays motivated. The harder you work the more you appreciate success. A lot of people never get that simple point. Above all else enjoy it and try not to worry about how you stack up to other hunters, just always try and improve. I think we have all been guilty of that at times but it really doesn't matter. It's you vs the bird and that's all you need to worry about. Best of luck to you. If you want it bad enough you will make it happen.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: silvestris on May 08, 2016, 05:50:34 PM
I think there is a lot of leg-pulling going on here.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: 457121 on May 08, 2016, 05:51:28 PM
 In the early '80's when I started turkey hunting (age 11) the only info I had was from Outdoor Life and Field and Stream magazines. Back then some articles recommended BB, #2, or #4's for body shots on turkeys! I had no idea what I was doing. Every bird I called to either shut up immediately or gobbled while going directly away from me. In my second season I started noticing that they roosted in pretty much the same places as the year before. Tried more calling and they just wouldn't cooperate. When season three rolled around I went to the same roosting areas and just sat down (no calling) and let them gobble and watched what they did after fly down. I started to notice patterns in their routes after fly down. I got my first tom after setting up an ambush. I continued to kill gobblers till I was a senior in high school that way. Later I combined the tactic with subtle calling. That was the key to my first success, get between the bird and where he wants to go.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: SteelerFan on May 08, 2016, 06:16:51 PM
Ok 7, that's a LITTLE clearer. So, Lord knows there are books written on hunting turkeys, and by wiser men than me - but I'll offer up my 2 cents of advice...

You've scouted, and know there are turkeys there. That's step 1. Will they gobble on the roost? Will they answer calls? That changes daily... so let's just go with a "typical" scenario.

You go to your area pre-dawn and listen. A bird starts gobbling on the roost (either on his own, or with a little encouragement from an owl hoot). Try to pinpoint his location as best you can, and head that way. Try to set up reasonably close - but remember that last step may be one too many. As a "general" rule, I like to be at least within 150 yds (depending on foliage). You might be able to sneak even closer, like 1/2 that distance 75-80 yds?

If I'm gonna put out a decoy, I'll set it 25-30 yds out and slightly off to the side - so if the bird approaches from his known location, he won't be looking at me sitting behind the decoys (movement). If I'm "guiding" I'll sit right beside the gunner on his / her off side (right, for right handed). I'll have the gunner sit with almost a 45 degree towards the bird - so they can smoothly adjust the barrel.

Ideally, if you can use terrain to your advantage - set up on a bench or rise, 35-40 yards from the edge. Make a bird come look for you, and when you see him, he should be in range.

Sometimes I set up 20, 30, 40 yds BEHIND the gunner, if I think pulling a bird all the way in is going to be a problem (open woods, etc). That way, when the bird hangs 70 yards from ME, he's already in range of the gunner.

Again, this is just a tiny bit of info, but generally how I start each hunt. Good luck! You've got us all sucked in now to the saga of the "World's Unluckiest Turkey Hunter"... so keep us posted.

Oh, and if that doesn't work, try fanning...
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Bill Cooksey on May 09, 2016, 09:46:29 AM
If you whine this much to your dad, the man is a saint for continuing to carry you turkey hunting. Thirty years old? Good grief. Get a grip; change your attitude, and start hunting alone. Or, take up golf.

I guess that's pretty harsh, but it's past time to make a serious change in the way you approach this. Or, you might just be trolling.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: nitro on May 09, 2016, 10:16:43 AM
Totally agree, My upcoming book about turkey killin is going to be titled -

"It ain't for everyone"  :TooFunny: :TooFunny:

Quote from: Bill Cooksey on May 09, 2016, 09:46:29 AM
If you whine this much to your dad, the man is a saint for continuing to carry you turkey hunting. Thirty years old? Good grief. Get a grip; change your attitude, and start hunting alone. Or, take up golf.

I guess that's pretty harsh, but it's past time to make a serious change in the way you approach this. Or, you might just be trolling.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: SteelerFan on May 09, 2016, 03:09:04 PM
Quote from: nitro on May 09, 2016, 10:16:43 AM
Totally agree, My upcoming book about turkey killin is going to be titled -

"It ain't for everyone"  :TooFunny: :TooFunny:

:TooFunny: :TooFunny:
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: coyote1 on May 09, 2016, 04:01:08 PM
I didn't read every response but it sounds like you should change tactics. Hunt alone at least some of the time for crying out loud. When hunting with your dad change it up a little, if calling sparingly isn't working get more aggressive. Don't get stuck in a rut.

I wish my dad would hunt with me but he has no interest. It sounds like you are about my age and our parents aren't getting any younger, cherish the time spent with him. I only started turkey hunting 6 years ago with no mentor at all, everything I learned was either self taught or from the folks on this forum. I'm not trying to be rude but I have killed 5 gobblers in these 6 years, it can be done.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 09, 2016, 07:03:47 PM
Im good with my dad were always going to be hunting buddies. I cherish everything he's taught me and I think a lot of it was me feeling like I let him down because he's taught me so much and took all this time to show me the ropes  (even though I've had a 7 year break I didn't even realize time flies) and I can't put a single bird down.

But i am a hunter. I have become more proficient and above average as a duck and goose hunter and even a easier sport like that took along time to be good enough where skunked wasn't a word in my vocabulary more than once or twice a season.

I'll get the turkey hunting down too. It's just a matter of me sticking to it and god damn am I stubborn so giving up is not an option.

For all the dads on here, I'm one myself, I am not regretting the time with my dad. Not at all. It's more frustration in myself. No more whining from here on out.

I have 1,000 new swampy oak bottoms to explore tomorrow.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 09, 2016, 07:11:12 PM
Quote from: Bill Cooksey on May 09, 2016, 09:46:29 AM
If you whine this much to your dad, the man is a saint for continuing to carry you turkey hunting. Thirty years old? Good grief. Get a grip; change your attitude, and start hunting alone. Or, take up golf.

I guess that's pretty harsh, but it's past time to make a serious change in the way you approach this. Or, you might just be trolling.

He is a saint. I don't whine to him ever. And that was the problem I opened up to him this weekend and he was all for it. He doesn't need this stress I can handle it I am an adult as you said.

Waking up at 4 am everyday leads to me being an idiot sometimes. I'm not trolling either i did have to take a break from years 20-28 and hunted very little in years 18-19. I forgot how time flies and I put way too much pressure on myself. That's over. Time to learn more and keep at it.

Sitting under a 25 foot oak watching the roost area of the new land. Just watched 4 hens enter the oaks and a tom was not too long after. Haha. And Seven jakes. Man if I don't get a bird in these woods? Time to rethink my hobbies but until then I'm excited and my dads going to be on the far side hunting the ridge and I'll be handling the very active oak bottoms.

No more whining. Only turkeys. Time to fill some tags.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Bill Cooksey on May 10, 2016, 07:14:11 AM
Maybe this will help your confidence; turkeys, on average, are no harder to kill than ducks. Now, go kill one.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: owlhoot on May 12, 2016, 05:41:27 PM
Quote from: Bill Cooksey on May 10, 2016, 07:14:11 AM
Maybe this will help your confidence; turkeys, on average, are no harder to kill than ducks. Now, go kill one.
There you go, get after it!
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 06:52:35 AM
Boom! 24 lb! 10 inch beard! Dead as a door nail 60 yards. 5 in the head and neck! Oh yea! About an inch Spurs on this bad boy.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 06:56:10 AM
How do I post a photo? It's saying its too large but how can I compress it on an iPhone?
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Hookinembig on May 26, 2016, 07:16:23 AM
Congrats you finally got one. Great job and way to hang in there!
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 08:13:56 AM
Thanks hook! I may have whined a bit but I never ever give up! Man this is a great feeling!
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 08:28:17 AM
Official measurements! 23lbs. Had to calibrate the scale as 24 seemed a bit high. 23 still take it!

1 inch Spurs. 9 inch beard that is so dense and thick!
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Happy on May 26, 2016, 09:07:17 AM
Congrats. That's a good bird.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 11:52:07 AM
Quote from: Happy on May 26, 2016, 09:07:17 AM
Congrats. That's a good bird.

Thanks happy! Hey I really want to post the birds photo. It keeps saying file too big and like every photo I have it's on my phone.

If anyone can help that'd be awesome. Unless I just need to download them to my lap top and then do it?
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: beakbuster10 on May 26, 2016, 01:11:32 PM
Congrats on finally getting it done, but I'll throw my .02 into what's going wrong for you. You're just not setup between where a bird wants to be and where he is at any given time. There is just no way after all that time in the woods you got your first bird. From the sounds of it, you're covering a lot of ground scouting and hunting but it seems like it's too much ground to really know the land. Turkey hunting for the past 12 years has made me such a better deer hunter in the fall and really hunter in general; because to kill consistently turkeys you have to know every ditch, fence, creek, hill, hedgerow, thicket and logging path on your piece of dirt to know where a bird wants to and will not go.
Also don't get down on yourself. I've had a few days to a week where it seemed like I did nothing right. Then I actually think about what went wrong and why, and go every morning for the next week calling a bird to someone's gun barrel. That's what's so great about turkey hunting, you can go from jester of $h1# mountain to the king of the world in the snap of your fingers.
Also from the way you talk here about knowing exactly where the bird always goes but then he doesn't when you're hunting; that leads me to believe you're chasing the same turkey too much. They can sense hunting pressure, yes they are dumb birds but he will eventually figure out that when I hear this nasty sounding girl in the woods and never see her or I see a big camo blob by a tree, I'm not going thAt way and or I'm going to wait for her to come to me while I go the other way.

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Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 01:30:53 PM
Quote from: beakbuster10 on May 26, 2016, 01:11:32 PM
Congrats on finally getting it done, but I'll throw my .02 into what's going wrong for you. You're just not setup between where a bird wants to be and where he is at any given time. There is just no way after all that time in the woods you got your first bird. From the sounds of it, you're covering a lot of ground scouting and hunting but it seems like it's too much ground to really know the land. Turkey hunting for the past 12 years has made me such a better deer hunter in the fall and really hunter in general; because to kill consistently turkeys you have to know every ditch, fence, creek, hill, hedgerow, thicket and logging path on your piece of dirt to know where a bird wants to and will not go.
Also don't get down on yourself. I've had a few days to a week where it seemed like I did nothing right. Then I actually think about what went wrong and why, and go every morning for the next week calling a bird to someone's gun barrel. That's what's so great about turkey hunting, you can go from jester of $h1# mountain to the king of the world in the snap of your fingers.
Also from the way you talk here about knowing exactly where the bird always goes but then he doesn't when you're hunting; that leads me to believe you're chasing the same turkey too much. They can sense hunting pressure, yes they are dumb birds but he will eventually figure out that when I hear this nasty sounding girl in the woods and never see her or I see a big camo blob by a tree, I'm not going thAt way and or I'm going to wait for her to come to me while I go the other way.

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Quote from: beakbuster10 on May 26, 2016, 01:11:32 PM
Congrats on finally getting it done, but I'll throw my .02 into what's going wrong for you. You're just not setup between where a bird wants to be and where he is at any given time. There is just no way after all that time in the woods you got your first bird. From the sounds of it, you're covering a lot of ground scouting and hunting but it seems like it's too much ground to really know the land. Turkey hunting for the past 12 years has made me such a better deer hunter in the fall and really hunter in general; because to kill consistently turkeys you have to know every ditch, fence, creek, hill, hedgerow, thicket and logging path on your piece of dirt to know where a bird wants to and will not go.
Also don't get down on yourself. I've had a few days to a week where it seemed like I did nothing right. Then I actually think about what went wrong and why, and go every morning for the next week calling a bird to someone's gun barrel. That's what's so great about turkey hunting, you can go from jester of $h1# mountain to the king of the world in the snap of your fingers.
Also from the way you talk here about knowing exactly where the bird always goes but then he doesn't when you're hunting; that leads me to believe you're chasing the same turkey too much. They can sense hunting pressure, yes they are dumb birds but he will eventually figure out that when I hear this nasty sounding girl in the woods and never see her or I see a big camo blob by a tree, I'm not going thAt way and or I'm going to wait for her to come to me while I go the other way.

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Thanks for the input. You're right I was doing too much traveling and my dad and i have the same issue. He loves calling birds. And I think we're hooked on gobbling too much? He is a master at working them when they want to work but as he birds are changing he has to as well. We will start to hunt them with pop up blinds next year and setup on fields. That was very active this year we just stuck with old school tactics and after opening day those did not work.

As for hunting the same birds? Sort of. We have two large dairy farms we hunt and like
I said I just hoofed it too much.

The bird I shot today? We left him be because so many hunters were after him. When we saw it empty for awhile? We knew it was time to get in there before Memorial Day weekend. I'm so glad this worked out! My confidence is now established and I know I can kill turkeys.

What I don't know? Is patience. No more mega running and gunning. No more marathons. I'm going to start taking it slow.

Also today I got a great symphony of hen calling and I am doing well with my mouth calls and I didn't have confidence before but boy did they whine nice and get those hens riled up. Only cut four notes since my dad was calling mainly but those cuts got the hens mad and forced the tom off the roost and into my game bag!
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: beakbuster10 on May 26, 2016, 02:04:03 PM
Quote from: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 01:30:53 PM
Quote from: beakbuster10 on May 26, 2016, 01:11:32 PM
Congrats on finally getting it done, but I'll throw my .02 into what's going wrong for you. You're just not setup between where a bird wants to be and where he is at any given time. There is just no way after all that time in the woods you got your first bird. From the sounds of it, you're covering a lot of ground scouting and hunting but it seems like it's too much ground to really know the land. Turkey hunting for the past 12 years has made me such a better deer hunter in the fall and really hunter in general; because to kill consistently turkeys you have to know every ditch, fence, creek, hill, hedgerow, thicket and logging path on your piece of dirt to know where a bird wants to and will not go.
Also don't get down on yourself. I've had a few days to a week where it seemed like I did nothing right. Then I actually think about what went wrong and why, and go every morning for the next week calling a bird to someone's gun barrel. That's what's so great about turkey hunting, you can go from jester of $h1# mountain to the king of the world in the snap of your fingers.
Also from the way you talk here about knowing exactly where the bird always goes but then he doesn't when you're hunting; that leads me to believe you're chasing the same turkey too much. They can sense hunting pressure, yes they are dumb birds but he will eventually figure out that when I hear this nasty sounding girl in the woods and never see her or I see a big camo blob by a tree, I'm not going thAt way and or I'm going to wait for her to come to me while I go the other way.

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Quote from: beakbuster10 on May 26, 2016, 01:11:32 PM
Congrats on finally getting it done, but I'll throw my .02 into what's going wrong for you. You're just not setup between where a bird wants to be and where he is at any given time. There is just no way after all that time in the woods you got your first bird. From the sounds of it, you're covering a lot of ground scouting and hunting but it seems like it's too much ground to really know the land. Turkey hunting for the past 12 years has made me such a better deer hunter in the fall and really hunter in general; because to kill consistently turkeys you have to know every ditch, fence, creek, hill, hedgerow, thicket and logging path on your piece of dirt to know where a bird wants to and will not go.
Also don't get down on yourself. I've had a few days to a week where it seemed like I did nothing right. Then I actually think about what went wrong and why, and go every morning for the next week calling a bird to someone's gun barrel. That's what's so great about turkey hunting, you can go from jester of $h1# mountain to the king of the world in the snap of your fingers.
Also from the way you talk here about knowing exactly where the bird always goes but then he doesn't when you're hunting; that leads me to believe you're chasing the same turkey too much. They can sense hunting pressure, yes they are dumb birds but he will eventually figure out that when I hear this nasty sounding girl in the woods and never see her or I see a big camo blob by a tree, I'm not going thAt way and or I'm going to wait for her to come to me while I go the other way.

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Thanks for the input. You're right I was doing too much traveling and my dad and i have the same issue. He loves calling birds. And I think we're hooked on gobbling too much? He is a master at working them when they want to work but as he birds are changing he has to as well. We will start to hunt them with pop up blinds next year and setup on fields. That was very active this year we just stuck with old school tactics and after opening day those did not work.

As for hunting the same birds? Sort of. We have two large dairy farms we hunt and like
I said I just hoofed it too much.

The bird I shot today? We left him be because so many hunters were after him. When we saw it empty for awhile? We knew it was time to get in there before Memorial Day weekend. I'm so glad this worked out! My confidence is now established and I know I can kill turkeys.

What I don't know? Is patience. No more mega running and gunning. No more marathons. I'm going to start taking it slow.

Also today I got a great symphony of hen calling and I am doing well with my mouth calls and I didn't have confidence before but boy did they whine nice and get those hens riled up. Only cut four notes since my dad was calling mainly but those cuts got the hens mad and forced the tom off the roost and into my game bag!

Again congrats on sticking with it and finally getting it done. There is only a couple ways to kill a gobbler any given day and about 1,000 ways not to kill him. And those ways change from day to day with weather, hunting pressure, time of the season, where the bird is located and really what kind of mood he's in. The key to success is learning from mistakes to know which ways will kill birds by the way any bird is acting/gobbling/located. I think you got down on yourself too much when you weren't killing birds and you weren't taken anything from positive from coming up short. Over the years I've truly been blessed to kill more than my fair share of gobblers, ducks and mature bucks compared to a lot people, but what got me to killing those creatures fairly regularly were the days I didn't or the days I've messed up. I still mess up, not nearly as much as I used to, but it still happens. Biggest thing is to make sure you learn something from messing up and don't get so down on yourself that you miss the lessons God sends us through failure.

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Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 03:50:06 PM
Still trying to post the photo.....tough system on here
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 03:52:25 PM
lol it didn't post the photo but the attachment ugh...If anyone is willing and smarter about the photo posting on here than i am....please post it. MAN! lol dying to show this big gobbler off. Just heard from one of the best turkey guides I know and he said he would have boosted his business this year if he put just one down for a clinet like that.

Lean year in new york. I feel very blessed to call this my first Eastern gobbler!
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Happy on May 26, 2016, 07:27:56 PM
You can download tapatalk and load pictures directly from your gallery . It's a free app
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: TRG3 on May 26, 2016, 07:32:49 PM
If you can find someone that hunts at your pace, more power to you. If it's your dad, that's even better. I can sit from daylight to dark, if necessary. I haven't found anyone willing to be that patient, so I'm a lone hunter, enjoying the time I spend in the woods. If I get a turkey, all the better. I've got a ground lounger that allows me a variety of options from watching to sleeping to reading, so I'm happy just to sit, wait, and watch.
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 08:19:43 PM

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Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 08:24:01 PM
Quote from: TRG3 on May 26, 2016, 07:32:49 PM
If you can find someone that hunts at your pace, more power to you. If it's your dad, that's even better. I can sit from daylight to dark, if necessary. I haven't found anyone willing to be that patient, so I'm a lone hunter, enjoying the time I spend in the woods. If I get a turkey, all the better. I've got a ground lounger that allows me a variety of options from watching to sleeping to reading, so I'm happy just to sit, wait, and watch.

My dad is 6 inches shorter than me and 60 but he walks faster than me! He is a turkey fiend and loves it more than any other sport.

He tried way too hard to get me a turkey and I appreciated it but now it's time we hunt together as a team without worrying who shoots what. I think we are just beginning a long and memorable career as hunting buddies.

My dad does have diabetes and he wears a Fitbit to track his miles. He made me wear it when he went to work each day. I'm well in the 110 mile range. I'll walk another 110 if it means a bird like this is waiting at the end!(http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160527/eb4b735677053491df6c0808db2603f2.jpg)

Look at that rope! I still feel shock! Like I'm in shock I got s turkey like this. He's everything I could've wanted in a first turkey!

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Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: owlhoot on May 26, 2016, 08:25:40 PM
Nice one , what a rope!
Congrats  :icon_thumright:
Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 08:30:47 PM
I can't wait to get this little guy out hunting!
He's wearing the only available outfits as the washer dryer hasn't been delivered yet lol. Santa came home with a turkey and his elf made sure to get all up in that turkeys business picking feathers and what not! He can't keep quiet yet but hope soon as he realizes what hunting is maybe he will be a good boy who knows?

My oldest turns 12 next season. She has CP. she is very very good at being still and quiet and if I wheel her in and hold a cross bow she can aim fairly well. She shows amazing interest in hunting. Her real dad passed away and he would have done the same for her. I'm proud of her and hope one day she can do what she loves I won't let anything get in our way if she wants to turkey hunt! Ducks maybe too much but turkey and deer are bigger targets she can handle it I think.Better get working on a portable crossbow tripod! . (http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160527/979f2275f0d34ee0b0a30a40d6ba07df.jpg)

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Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 08:31:47 PM
Quote from: owlhoot on May 26, 2016, 08:25:40 PM
Nice one , what a rope!
Congrats  :icon_thumright:

Thanks I'm happy i got the big boys photo up! He was worth every ounce of sweat and weight lost!

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Title: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Sevenyearsandcounting on May 26, 2016, 08:33:15 PM
Hey I'm halfway to a grand slam already! Rio adult bird and eastern adult bird. Both will be tail mounted next to each other!

Wife's from Hawaii so I'm
Planning on grabbing a merriams while there.

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That's the rio. 22lber.
Title: Re: Is it easier to kill turkeys solo? Am I hindering my growth as a turkey hunter?
Post by: Marc on May 30, 2016, 12:38:50 PM
I read most of the posts...

Great to hunt with your pops, but that is not to say you cannot hunt on your own, and start to find your own spots.

But even after reading your posts and of your success...  Hunting good areas with good populations of birds, I gotta' wonder how you went so long with so little success???  That is a long dry spell for a productive area...  And quite frankly something is up with that.  Maybe talking...  Or moving...  Or both.

I really enjoy hunting with my father, and he is an avid bird hunter...  Sometimes we hunt together, sometimes we do not (although he does not really enjoy turkey hunting).

Enjoy some hunts with your dad, but I would really encourage you to get out on your own more than not, find some new spots, do your own calling (the way you want) and learn your own lessons...  So you can be a mentor to your own children.

Honestly, outside of taking the kids, or someone new to the sport, I rather dislike turkey hunting with a partner.  Seems like every time I take someone, one or the other of us ruins the hunt by doing something silly (talking or moving at the exact wrong time).  And admittedly there is a selfish pleasure I receive from setting up, calling in, and shooting a bird on my own...  No one to blame when things go wrong, no body to share the glory with when that bird is flopping on the ground.