Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

General Discussion => Turkey Hunting Tips ,Strategies & Methods => Topic started by: hotspur on March 18, 2016, 06:50:50 PM

Title: what are the turkeys doing?
Post by: hotspur on March 18, 2016, 06:50:50 PM
I know everyone is busy, people have been listening for gobbles. I hunt Louisiana and Texas and I'm wondering what do you see out there ? Toms in groups? Hens  breaking up? Any single hens walking around? Everyone is invited, what state are you in and what are you seeing?
Title: Re: what are the turkeys doing?
Post by: wmn2 on March 18, 2016, 08:01:10 PM
I'm in south carolina and up until today I've been seeing toms and hens flocked together. Today I saw a lone gobbler strutting in a field by himself so I think they are breaking up here.
Title: Re: what are the turkeys doing?
Post by: fallhnt on March 18, 2016, 09:19:28 PM
I missed my turn today in MO. going to visit family and went a mile out of the way to see 4 birds in a field. When I got turned around 2 of the birds moved closer to the road...A gobbler strutting for a hen. :drool:
Title: what are the turkeys doing?
Post by: Happy on March 19, 2016, 08:20:08 AM
Still in flocked up here in the mountains of western Md. Some half hearted gobbling here and there on nice days. Bout normal for this time of year.
Title: Re: what are the turkeys doing?
Post by: Tomspur on March 19, 2016, 12:43:36 PM
I hunt in Texas (central) and our season opened today with winds blowing 20- 25 mph and gusts to 30. Heard gobbling at first light and did some light calling every 15 minutes or so and right at 8 see 4 mature birds coming. About 60 yards out a coyote scares them off. 30 minutes later a single hen walks through but nothing following. Hear the last gobble at 9 but see nothing else.
Prior to today, have been hearing a lot of gobbling and gobblers with hens in fields strutting. Although I saw those 4 gobblers together they mostly have been with hens for a week or so.
Our weather is going to break this evening so next week should be good. Good luck to you.