Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

General Discussion => Turkey Hunting Tips ,Strategies & Methods => Topic started by: Model 1300 on April 25, 2015, 02:24:25 PM

Title: Advice needed!
Post by: Model 1300 on April 25, 2015, 02:24:25 PM
Today was the PA youth spring gobbler day. I went out and got in the blind at 5:30 there was 6 gobblers around me 2 behind and 4 in front. I started doing some soft yelps at about 6:00 am and had a hen come in no more then 10 yards from the blind. Then after the hen moved on one of the four gobblers came to the top of the hill and started to strut and gobble to every time I called. He did that for about 10 minuets and then moved on. How do you guys work a hung up bird?
Title: Re: Advice needed!
Post by: KYHeadhunter02 on April 25, 2015, 04:41:44 PM
Did you call everytime he sounded off?
Title: Re: Advice needed!
Post by: maddog3355 on April 25, 2015, 04:47:07 PM
You can't call everyone in but call so soft you can barely hear it, scratch in the leaves. Go mobile and get in front of him if he leaves you gobbling. He probably headed someplace and will likely to it again. It might take you a couple mornings to figure them out.
Title: Re: Advice needed!
Post by: SteelerFan on April 25, 2015, 04:51:51 PM
Mother Nature's plan is for the Gobbler to gobble and strut to attract the hens to him... As hunters, we are trying to reverse that process by sounding like a hen (a stubborn one, at that) that calls to "advertise" her location. We hope a gobbler will come looking - and come far enough, but sometimes the gobbler will get to a point where they think they've shown themselves enough to "win" the attraction of the hen. He gobbles, he struts...and when no hen comes to him - he leaves.

Strategy wise for the hunter, decoys can be used so the gobbler gets a visual on the hen and continues closer to show off for her - or- you can try the silent approach and make the gobbler "hunt" some more for the hen he heard calling. It becomes a "stale mate" of sorts when he won't come closer, and you obviously can't get closer. Sometimes letting him walk off and you making a move can bring him in again, other times... they win. Rest assured, if that bird answered you and he was close enough for you to see him - he knew exactly where "she" should have been.
Title: Re: Advice needed!
Post by: Greg Massey on May 17, 2015, 12:06:16 PM
As I tell people the turkey you think your going to kill is the one you don't and the one you don't think your going to kill is the one you do kill... if he hangs up.. not a lot you can do.. just wasn't his day to die..
Title: Re: Advice needed!
Post by: BABS9 on May 17, 2015, 02:11:17 PM
Try just going quiet. Call to him and get him going and then just shut up on him. Many times that will bring him in. Decoys as well could work.
Title: Re: Advice needed!
Post by: GobbleNut on May 17, 2015, 10:30:28 PM
Having a leaf pile handy next to your set-up so that you can reach down and scratch and shuffle around in them with your hand is a great tactic for fooling gobblers that are hung-up.  I had six gobbler hung up about eighty yards out this spring,...wouldn't come in those last yards using a variety of calling tactics.  ....Reached down and scratched in some leaves next to me and they immediately came right in,...only five of them left.