I need some advice!!! We set up on a huge bean field this morning that is over 400 yds across. The birds ended up roosted on the other side and shortly after fly down they came half way across the field and strutted and gobbled their heads off for over an hour. There were 5 toms and two jakes and one hen. During this time I tried every tactic that I have in my small arsenal to no avail. They would strut towards the decoy setup, which was a full strut tom and a hen, but would never come any closer than 100-150 yards. Any ideas on what to do to close the deal in the future? And also, why did the toms roost literally 3/4 mile from the group of over 20 hens they were all with an hour before dark yesterday?
Use a jake decoy not a full strut Tom decoy
This^^^+ a coupe of hens deeks
I have never used a Tom decoy, but there are days they show no interest in coming to the dekes. Other days, they race in - same farm, same field, same birds. First thing I would try is a couple fo hens and lose the tom. Jake or not.
Throw some gobbles at them and use a jake fan on your deke
Quote from: Hook hanger on March 24, 2015, 03:05:24 PM
Use a jake decoy not a full strut Tom decoy
:agreed:. With a couple of hen dekes.
:gobble: Less aggressive jake decoy and a couple hens. If you can get a blind in the field, I think it would help your chances also. Al Baker
Gobble tube