Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

Fun Stuff (Games, Contests) => 2015 OG Turkey Contest => Archived turkey hunting contests => Headhunters => Topic started by: harleytom on March 13, 2015, 10:22:15 PM

Title: Opening day eve
Post by: harleytom on March 13, 2015, 10:22:15 PM
Will be hitting it hard starting tomorrow folks. Looks like rain in the morning clearing around mid-day. May have to hunt some fields if that's the case.
Title: Re: Opening day eve
Post by: RIStrutStopper on March 14, 2015, 08:55:51 AM
Good luck! Hope to see some pics later today!
Title: Re: Opening day eve
Post by: turkey harvester on March 14, 2015, 10:09:10 AM
Lucky dog!!!  Hope you smoke a good one. Good luck
Title: Re: Opening day eve
Post by: jblackburn on March 17, 2015, 02:13:54 PM

Good luck, I'm ready to start entering scores!!
Title: Re: Opening day eve
Post by: harleytom on March 17, 2015, 10:31:32 PM
Its been a slow start so far guys. Flocks just broke up and gobblers seem reluctant to confront others, even Jake decoys. Have had to rethink my stategy, off a few days this weekend and hope to get on the same page as these birds soon.
Title: Re: Opening day eve
Post by: RIStrutStopper on March 17, 2015, 10:52:15 PM
Sounds just like how my early seasons usually go. Turkeys have a different Idea about how to act than I think they should. After they beat me up for a while I usually get one, but they don't make it easy. Keep at it!
Title: Opening day eve
Post by: okiegobblers on March 17, 2015, 11:31:19 PM
Looking forward to seeing you post a kill pic!
Title: Re: Opening day eve
Post by: turkey harvester on March 18, 2015, 01:53:03 PM
Our birds here need to shut down for a spell. They're gobbling like its the 2nd week of April. Season don't start till the 20th of April. Keep after em Harley.
Title: Re: Opening day eve
Post by: harleytom on March 18, 2015, 09:31:05 PM
Well, had a memorable experience today. Had my decoys set out and had 2 birds gobbling on either side at daybreak. Neither would commit so I decided to just hang out and wait on a straggler to wander through. I was on the edge of a small greenfield and about 10 am I started to nod off. I heard a group of crows start going crazy so I though maybe they'd get a gobbler going. About that time I heard wing beats toward my decoys (on my left), I thought "how could a turkey have snuck in on me like that" as I turned that way. Imagine my shock as I saw an eagle trying to take off with my DSD hen. He carried it about 5 feet before dropping it and flying off. When I retrieved decoy I didn't note any significant damage (probably due to hard body) but the steel stake was bent at almost a 90 degree angle where he hit it. To say I was stunned is an understatement. This may explain why our birds are acting different around our fields than they did last season.