Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

General Discussion => Turkey Hunting Tips ,Strategies & Methods => Topic started by: Okiehuntr on March 29, 2014, 05:05:07 PM

Title: Advice needed
Post by: Okiehuntr on March 29, 2014, 05:05:07 PM
What can you do when a Tom keeps coming in then going back. Had two come in prob 25 yds. Just didn't have a shot. Then another 3 times back and forth. Those times just weren't close enough. Tried moving back to get them to follow, but they never really committed. Only thing I didn't use decoys was in the woods, guess I will try them next time. Every time I stopped calling they would go away, the hen finally won out and they were gone.oh and couldn't get in front of them the were headed across the fence someone's land.
Title: Re: Advice needed
Post by: memert116 on March 29, 2014, 05:31:27 PM
I had that happen a few years ago.  It took a few days of going after them from the same set up and a few different ones that were close by.  I ended up taking one of them.  You know where they are so just stay patient and stay after them.....obviously try not to bust them out of there or educate them.  Good luck
Title: Re: Advice needed
Post by: MazeNBlu3 on March 29, 2014, 05:39:10 PM
My advice would be to try a decoy set-up and maybe some soft calls. This happened to me last season. For 3 days I had the same gobbler pegged on a logging road that he would not come off of. I went back the 4th day with 3 decoys, 2 hens and a jake. I had one hen in a breeding position and the other feeding. I had the jake behind the breeding hen. Long story short that and some soft calls got him really ticked off and he came in looking to fight.
Title: Advice needed
Post by: alloutdoors on March 29, 2014, 07:16:30 PM
You should have gone forward, not back. Wait for them to move away, give a series of yelps and immediately move forward so they will be in range when they come back. Wait for them without calling anymore.
Title: Re: Advice needed
Post by: Bigspurs68 on March 30, 2014, 12:51:04 AM
Agreed! Move up when he leaves and kill him when he comes back. Not that simple, I know but if the cover allows it then that's the plan. You could also circle him if he's out of sight and call him to where he wants to be.
Title: Re: Advice needed
Post by: ridgerunner on March 30, 2014, 06:57:24 AM
Quote from: alloutdoors on March 29, 2014, 07:16:30 PM
You should have gone forward, not back. Wait for them to move away, give a series of yelps and immediately move forward so they will be in range when they come back. Wait for them without calling anymore.

I agree..done it and it works..when the bird moves away, ease up 20 yards or so, sit down and call away from the bird, or don't call at all..keep doing this until one of you makes a mistake..If the woods is leafed out good and you have good cover it works well.. killed more than one gobbler like this.
Title: Re: Advice needed
Post by: Okiehuntr on March 30, 2014, 08:12:25 PM
Forgot to mention that I had my son in front and I was behind him calling. And there was no circling him he was too close to the boundary line.
Title: Re: Advice needed
Post by: cgoff on March 30, 2014, 08:44:17 PM
  I have killed several birds by moving up, sometimes as little as ten yards will do it.
Title: Re: Advice needed
Post by: jblackburn on March 31, 2014, 05:18:02 PM
Quote from: Okiehuntr on March 30, 2014, 08:12:25 PM
Forgot to mention that I had my son in front and I was behind him calling. And there was no circling him he was too close to the boundary line.

What I was going to say is don't be afraid to get on your knees or even stand up to shoot, done this several times to get the shot.  But with your son, depending on his age, a decoy might be a good option.
Title: Re: Advice needed
Post by: sbraham on April 02, 2014, 12:44:17 PM
Scratching leaves like a feeding turkey when hunting woods can be very effective
Title: Re: Advice needed
Post by: Gooserbat on April 02, 2014, 01:23:06 PM
Move 10-15 yards froward and to one side, call enough to get him turned back around and then use the ol'leaf scratch, followed by the thunderous boom of a 12 Ga, and flop, flop, flop.