Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

Turkey Calls => Tube Calls => Topic started by: irishff727 on March 06, 2013, 05:51:11 PM

Title: Tube call
Post by: irishff727 on March 06, 2013, 05:51:11 PM
Ok guys here's a link to me attempting to run a pappys tube call. Be gentle lol
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: packmule on March 06, 2013, 06:07:48 PM
I commend you for having the courage to post a link like that.  Definitely don't put it away, tube calls take a little work to master.  I picked up a tube call a little more than a year ago and it took a month of good hard practice to get to where I was happy with the sounds I was making.  Lyle (Houndstooth game calls) and Joe (TRKYHTR) both posted links to web videos they had made that helped me out quite a bit.  Maybe search for those, or they might even re-post for you.  For me the following things were important:

(1) Getting the latex stretched to the correct tightness, too tight = high pitches/squeaky, too loose=low pitch, no high notes. 
(2) Start with the cluck and build from there.  Once the latex is stretched correctly you can make the cluck by saying "tick".  With my tube call and latex the clucks are low toned and very mellow.  You can use the same "tick" sound with a little more air and intensity to get cutts.
(3) Your yelps are too short and don't break from a high tone to a low tone.  Try slowing them down a bit and getting the nice 2 note break. 

You're on the right track, stick with it and good luck.  Once you develop the skills to make the cluck, cutt and yelp you can quickly pick up any other sounds you want with the tube. 
Title: Tube call
Post by: irishff727 on March 06, 2013, 06:18:46 PM
Thanks I guess I needed to post this so someone could point me in a right direction
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: kdog on March 06, 2013, 06:26:32 PM
Im not being a smart (  !  ) but id keep working on it.It sounds more like a duck than a turkey at this point.At least it doesnt sound like any turkey that ive heard.I also just bought one of pappys tube calls mine was in lignum vitae.I'll try n do a sound bite of mine so we can compare how they sound.I noticed the tension on the latex how much it is stretched greatly changes the sound of the call.

Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: TRKYHTR on March 06, 2013, 06:38:02 PM
Here is a video clip of a tube call demo I did that packmule referred to. Pappy's tube call doesn't look like it is baffeled so you will need to use your hand or fingers to tone it down. It also looked like your latex was to tight. I like a small arch in the latex but yours looked to much and too tight. Keep loosening the latex and trying until you get the sound your looking for. Maybe Pappy has some other tips for his tube call.


Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: hunter22 on March 06, 2013, 06:45:21 PM
Sounds more like a crow call. ;D

Try loosening the latex. It sounds too tight to me. Make the front high pitched sound kee and drop your jaw and make the yauk. Speed up the rhythm and combine the kee yauk for a five note yelp. Learn to cluck, cutt, and yelp on a tube before attempting a gobble. 
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: Jbird22 on March 06, 2013, 06:58:08 PM

Lyle's video is in the link above.
Title: Tube call
Post by: irishff727 on March 06, 2013, 07:04:54 PM
Video was very helpful. Not gonna put away the tube call but don't think it is gonna see much hunting time this season. For now think I'll be sticking wife box and diaphragm
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: pappy on March 06, 2013, 10:25:17 PM
I pat you on the back for giving it a try and then posting, I didn't dare show anyone how I played mine at first, at least yours sounded like a "duck" mine was more like a cow peeing on an electric fence.....but try to loosen your latex. One thing is to measure the outside of the call at the mouth area, I think it is 1 - 1/8" then lay out a piece of the latex I sent you and mark a couple marks that distance apart (  .        .  ) then center them on the tube call, putting each dot on the out side edge, then roll your O-ring over the latex while holding it in place with your other hand. This should create your quarter moon on the reed, rising from the center. This should get you close to where it needs to be as far as tension is concerned. Some folks like a reed that has a little flap to it, some don't, but in time you will get used to where you like it set and it will come natural.
As for playing the tube, all of the videos are great examples of how to do so, and let me tell you this, these folks did not pick up the call from the box and record these videos......oh no.....these are examples of commitment and practice, since this style tube is not baffled, you will have to use your hands to bring it down some, and try to sound out these words, tee-yuck  -   shoo - uck  -  tick  these will get you started.
But most of all DO NOT QUIT you have to practice, and surely to goodness if you need to cal lme do so, 573-688-2306, we can practice together over the phone.......
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: ThicketThrasher on March 06, 2013, 11:56:22 PM
Yes I would try to loosen the latex some. Work on the cluck...I do it by kinda saying the word "tuck" into the tube. You want it to pop a little and not just squeak. I wouldn't worry about a gobble just yet, work on the cluck and yelp. Don't give up on it, just slow down a little and try to get one sound at a time to come out of it. Tube calls are hard to learn, but very versatile once you get the hang of it.
Title: Tube call
Post by: irishff727 on March 07, 2013, 04:34:19 AM
Thanks guys for all the info an help. I knew when I started messing with it I was way off. But rather than try to explain what I was doing thought it best just to show you all what I was doing. Don't mind a good critique it's what makes me better. Pappy took you advice and measured the sides and just kid the latex on there with no stretch and then rolled the o ring on. It does sound better and not so high pitched now. Spent about a hour last night just getting the high to low sound and working on clucks. Would have been longer but the wife shut it down. Lol. Definitely see the versatility of the tube call and the good thing about me is I don't give up. So thanks for the info guys gonna put some more time in and when it gets better ill post up another video. Thanks all
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: wvcurlytop on March 10, 2013, 04:20:27 PM
Don't ever give up!!  If all of us on this forum could have videoed or recorded our first attempts with turkey calls, well we'd still be laughing..  If you make the commitment to become better, you will.  If you give up, well you'll always be a quitter..  Good luck
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: CallDr on March 11, 2013, 12:53:34 AM
A tube call is all about "stretching the latex in Tune". Just like a person does when making a mouth call. Besides the stretch there is the Gap between the latex and the shelf ( or solid half moon ) that may also need some adjusting.

It really is a Simple call to learn...... if it's in tune and the Gap adjusted for You. In the video Joe did shows you what sounds come from the latex stretched right ( or Tuned ).

Like a mouth call...... they can be frustrating at first because getting the latex and gap adjusted takes time. I remember my first attempt sounded like a goose...lol.

I get raspy sounds from my tubes because I stretch the Latex different and with a specific "gap" that fits me. When I stretch my latex I get the front tension adjusted and then the middle and Back tension where there are definite visible "wrinkles". The wrinkles is what flaps or vibrates and gives a rasp rather than clear notes.

I will post a video once I finish the Tube Call I am working on now. It uses 2 O Rings. The first ring is used for Tuning and the 2nd is to Lock the reed in place once it's tuned to your satisfaction.

NOTE: If the O ring is so strong that once you place it over the tube....... it's hard to get or adjust the right stretch, the more frustrating it can be. Just don't give up or try another caller till you learn how to stretch your calls and what Gap suits you the best.

Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: lumberjack on March 12, 2013, 12:31:27 PM
I certainly am no expert, But what helped me with yelps was to work on the two notes seperately and try to hold them out for a few seconds.... it doesnt call turkeys but it forces air control.  Also, to get the two different notes try dropping your jaw slightly.  kinda like sayin keee-yuk.  Once you get the two notes down its just a matter of speeding up...begin with keeeeeeeeeeeeeee-yuuuuuuuuuk.....and eventually shorten it to ke-yuk....then string them together!!!  Keep working on it...I wish my purrs sounded like that sometimes!!!! The best place to practice is while driving.....although it does require one hand off the wheel!!!! First listen to the experts......reed tension is paramount! Good luck! :you_rock:
Title: Tube call
Post by: irishff727 on March 12, 2013, 02:03:13 PM
I've been plugging away playing till my lips hurt just not getting it. I can play it out highhhhjhhj to low if I go slow but when I try to put them together the sounds like crap
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: pappy on March 12, 2013, 07:51:33 PM
irishff727 if in any way you are not satisfied with your tube call just let me know I will certainly refund your monies and or make another call. You really just need to keep plugging away at it, is there any one near you who plays one? It always helps to have eye to eye contact with someone when you are trying to learn. Just let me know, Pappy
Title: Tube call
Post by: irishff727 on March 12, 2013, 07:57:03 PM
Not at that point yet pappy still not giving in quiet yet. I don't know of Anyone close to me that uses a tube call what so ever. I have listened to a bunch of sound files and messed with the latex a lot even tried some different thickness latex. I am sure it will just come to me one day.
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: lumberjack on March 13, 2013, 05:29:38 PM
Not sure how well it would work...but do you use Skype??  Not the same as face to face....but better than nothin.  Just a thought.
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: BT on March 17, 2013, 07:12:19 PM
I personally like the extra thin / tan latex, and to add some rasp, you might want to try using two layers of latex on the call at once, similar to a diaphragm call.  Try setting the bottom piece of latex just a tad longer than the top piece of latex.  Put another way, the bottom piece will be slightly closer to the mouth piece than the top piece of latex.

You might also try blowing air over your bottom lip, while saying "book book book" in what feel to me like a very loud whisper.  This should help you learn move air over your bottom lip, while moving your jaw.  From there, you can change the sounds with your voice, changing to yalk, yalk, yalk, yalk (Once again, I don't just blow it.  I actually feel like I'm saying it under my voice.)

For clucks and cuts, I like quick bursts of pook, buck, took, tuck, or anything else along those lines.  -- Using Pook or buck, I feel like I'm popping my lips apart as the air is released.  Using took or tuck, I feel like I'm popping my tongue in a quick downward direction off the back of my top teeth, as the air is released.

Hope that helps and best of luck! 
Title: Re: Re: Tube call
Post by: zeus26 on March 17, 2013, 08:55:53 PM
Quote from: BT on March 17, 2013, 07:12:19 PM
I personally like the extra thin / tan latex, and to add some rasp, you might want to try using two layers of latex on the call at once, similar to a diaphragm call.  Try setting the bottom piece of latex just a tad longer than the top piece of latex.  Put another way, the bottom piece will be slightly closer to the mouth piece than the top piece of latex.

You might also try blowing air over your bottom lip, while saying "book book book" in what feel to me like a very loud whisper.  This should help you learn move air over your bottom lip, while moving your jaw.  From there, you can change the sounds with your voice, changing to yalk, yalk, yalk, yalk (Once again, I don't just blow it.  I actually feel like I'm saying it under my voice.)

For clucks and cuts, I like quick bursts of pook, buck, took, tuck, or anything else along those lines.  -- Using Pook or buck, I feel like I'm popping my lips apart as the air is released.  Using took or tuck, I feel like I'm popping my tongue in a quick downward direction off the back of my top teeth, as the air is released.

Hope that helps and best of luck!

Any chance you toss a pic up of the double latex reeds on a tube?  Just want get a visual if spacing.


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Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: BT on March 19, 2013, 09:17:14 PM
Title: Re: Re: Tube call
Post by: zeus26 on March 20, 2013, 07:09:51 AM
Quote from: BT on March 19, 2013, 09:17:14 PM

Thanks BT!

Am I correct in thinking that its the top reed that is shorter?

Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: BT on March 21, 2013, 04:44:10 AM
Yes.  I put the top reed shorter and change them out when they've been used a bit because they'll start to stick together.  Good luck and hope it helps!
Title: Re: Tube call
Post by: pappy on March 21, 2013, 04:53:05 PM
John, I got the tube call today and will put your pot call Glass/Glass in Quilted Maple in the mail in the morning, unless we are snowed in. pappy
Title: Tube call
Post by: irishff727 on March 21, 2013, 06:41:46 PM
Lol thanks pappy it looks great cant wait
Title: Tube call
Post by: nickhrp on March 06, 2014, 02:31:04 PM

Quote from: TRKYHTR on March 06, 2013, 06:38:02 PM
Here is a video clip of a tube call demo I did that packmule referred to. Pappy's tube call doesn't look like it is baffeled so you will need to use your hand or fingers to tone it down. It also looked like your latex was to tight. I like a small arch in the latex but yours looked to much and too tight. Keep loosening the latex and trying until you get the sound your looking for. Maybe Pappy has some other tips for his tube call.


This was a the very video I used in teaching myself it help tons and I still watch it and continue too practice and it takes a lot of practice keep it up I started out with clucks then moved to yelps and along the way I learned how to purr and control my tone and volume with different levels of rasp the tube is my favorite call don't give up

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