Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

Turkey Hunting Tips => Fall Turkey Hunters Forum => Topic started by: GeorgeJR on December 03, 2012, 05:29:42 PM

Title: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: GeorgeJR on December 03, 2012, 05:29:42 PM
Older hunter on my Dad's property not once but now twice in the fall (last year and this year) shoots at one turkey and kills three.  He is hard of hearing (too proud to use his hearing aids) so when I talked to him he couldn't tell what I was saying, when I asked what he did with the other birds he had no problem telling me he took only the one he wanted to shoot.

I don't know what his gun set-up is my guess he is running a modified or open choke.

He is a friend of the family, but still should be ethical about your hunting IMO.
Didn't want to take the other turkeys as he didn't want to be caught with more then he had tags.  But had no problem wasting the meat away.  Didn't have a cell phone to call the DNR to let them know what happened to at least have a food bank or ? use the meat. 

I asked my Dad his 2 cents and he didn't like hearing what I was told either.  Also didn't like that he was driving into the field which adds to compaction as we no till farming and try to avoid doing this as much as possible.  However my Dad is also a guy that tends not to do anything to rock the boat.

So I am debating on a few options:
A)  Tell him he is more then welcome to use my Shotgun (about a 21 inch pattern at 40 yrds) as if he checks the scope and beyond the bird very minimal chance of multi kills.

B)  Ask him what type of choke he is using and tell him to pattern his gun with me before he hunts again.

C)  Tell him my feelings about wasting wildlife and how feeding the coyote could help wreck the great hunting we have today.  I've heard as they get to eat the meat they get a better appetite for it.

D)  Do nothing and hope my Dad has a talk with him...  (Wife likes this answer as it isn't my land).

What do you guys think....  I personally would like to ring his neck.

Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: jakesdad on December 03, 2012, 06:35:33 PM
Make it obvious to him that this year was his last "free pass".If it happens again he's gone.If he argues that its not your land and you dont have any business telling him that(or your dad wont tell him either)I'd call the DNR.May cause hard feelings but gee whiz.Happening once I could see,but twice in 2 years its almost like he's trying to do it and doesnt care.Just my .02.
Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: o2stk1 on December 03, 2012, 08:13:31 PM
will your dad back u up? if so I would let him know if it happens again it over, I know it can be hard to tell someone that but I for one will not put up with that. I have control of 300 acres and tried to talk to the coon hunter about his dogs running the deer, didn't go so well. now its posted and leg hold traps are set. that's how one person can mess it up for all. if I sound harsh sorry, but opening morn. dogs ran the creeks and draws till 11 am
Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: Hooksfan on December 03, 2012, 11:52:28 PM
Sounds like he needs to be more careful for sure if it has happened two years in a row.  Even then, the biggest problem I have is that he left two of em laying.
If it is doable, I might offer to take him along if I were you and coach him if you are worried about his abilities.  If he were doing it on purpose with disregard for the consequences then I would be more likely to voice my frustration with him.
It seems like topics like these bring out the super "ethical" folks who would call themselves in if they made a mistake like mentioned here (again it is assuming it was a mistake).  As long as I know that my intentions were ethical, I wouldn't feel compelled to call myself in and I manage to sleep just fine.
If you turkey hunt long enough, accidents will happen. 
Hopefully, that is the case here, and the old fella will get himself lined out and you can all avoid future drama.
Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: fallhnt on December 04, 2012, 01:50:48 PM
I have shot 2 birds with one shot a couple times but have had the tags so no big deal. I use a turkey choke on my gun so I don't know that a choke is your answer.But the waste is SAD.
Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: trkehunr93 on December 24, 2012, 10:53:11 AM
I had this happen to me once in the fall years ago, I did not know that the hen I shot had 2 more walking in behind her and when I ran to get her I had 3 flopping.  I am very careful to make sure I am shooting at a bird that is along the edge of the flock in the fall.  For this to happen two years in a row and to leave the other birds laying is down right disrespectful to the turkeys we pursue.  This man needs to be given the boot and not allowed to come back, I would not let the third time be the charm!
Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: gjr902 on January 07, 2013, 01:25:51 PM
I have had this on going battle with a certain Tom where I hunt. One time in 4 springs, I've had a 20 yard shot, but he was with 2 other birds. One was a jake, the other I think was a hen, but i only had tags for two males, and the only shot I had would have taken all three birds. I passed on the shot. Some days I regret it, when that Tom is gobbling at me and not coming in. With that being said, its important to do what is right for you. It seems that you have a need to say something, because you feel its right. I would do what you need to do to have a clear conscience. IMHO
Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: GSLAM95 on January 09, 2013, 12:06:35 PM
He has done it two years in a row and from the way your telling it, sounds to me like he had no ill feelings over it what so ever.  Pure negligence on identifying your target and more importantly what's behind it!  In most cases this is considered a slob hunter who has no morals or ethics for the game he pursues.
Accidents happen but two years in a row and the way you described it, I don't see any responsibility taken on his part what so ever. 
It sounds like your judgement is good and since your dad didn't like the results either perhaps he will think about it and correct the situation in the near future.  Good luck hunting....
Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: drenalinld on January 09, 2013, 02:17:57 PM
Violating game regulations is bad. Wasting meat is inexcusable IMO. I would at least tell him you don't approve of wasting game and a pattern of irresponsible shots.
Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: GeorgeJR on February 12, 2013, 11:39:28 AM
Update;  He did talk to my Dad and he didn't think much of it tell talking to me.  I'm going to offer my shotgun up for use next fall and tell him if it is inside the circle it will be killed. 

Side note:  I took my boy hunting (6 yr old) and he made some noise as the first round of 15 birds were getting close to a shot.  So we moved stands and I was able to call and get gobbles returned for 30 mins (first time I have ever called in the fall).  They ended up coming a direction I was hoping they wouldn't (isn't that always the case) but after my boy made a bit of noise I was able to swing around and take a shot I knew would end up with two birds possibly going down.  Clean kill on both but I had 2 fall tags which is why I took the shot.  He was so happy to be part of the hunt.  I knew the pattern and knew I would about wack the head off of one and the other one was 15 yrds back I had a clean kill on it as well.  They grouped up when they heard some noise and for the love of my son I wanted him to see a clean kill and not sweat that he made some noise again when I was trying to get into position for a shot.  He asked questions about why I knew I would get 2 birds and about the target practice with patterning and knowing what my shot width at different yardage and knowing your target and beyond.  New generation has much more access to information and the internet to help.  Thanks to this group as well!

Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: ziggy on April 18, 2013, 06:42:31 PM
E) never invite him back to hunt again. 

if i was in a state where there was a 1 bird limit and a GUEST shot 3 birds in 1 shot, then wasted the meat, not once but twice in as many years, he would not be coming back and i sure as hell wouldn't let him be borrowing my gun in hopes that it will correct the problem.

and if i did have a guest that show 3, he sure as hell wouldn't be wasting the meat either.  he'd be toting all 3 birds back to the hill and we'd find a way to put the meat to use.  leaving two birds in the woods because of his mistake is inexcusable.  sounds like someone i'd be very hesitant to have back on my land.

edit: just saw where he drove into your fields.  we also no-till so i understand the frustration.  that's strike 4.  this guy sounds like someone who doesn't respect you or your property enough to be invited back.  but if you keep coddling him by letting him use your gun, or "not rocking the boat", then what do you expect?  he'll keep disrespecting your property and your wildlife.  sorry if i'm coming off as harsh, but this guy would never be invited back on my land.
Title: Re: What to do... 2 cents requested on shooting 1 and dropping more then 1 turkey.
Post by: sixbird on April 18, 2013, 09:10:19 PM
I think I'd have to ask him not to come back...Let's give him the benefit of the doubt that it was a mistake...TWICE! He wastes birds that could have provided an experience for you or someone else. And he's o.k. with it??? Then he drives in your fields? When do you throw the bum out? When he comes back with your scope broken or your gun ruined?
Places to hunt are so precious...I make it a point to ask where I should park. If there are any rules/wishes...Can I help with anything around the farm?