Here's another interactive thread that is fun to chase. The idea is to respond to the question in the previous post with another question. Sometimes the thread will track along the same line for a few posts, then BAM! Somebody will throw a curve ball to take it a completely different direction. The idea is to respond to the last question posted ... with another question.
* Is it still hot where you live?
* Does a bear relieve himself in the woods?
* What if he lives in the zoo?
Be sure to follow forum rules about decency and civility and make sure you play nice. All responses MUST be in the form or another question.
Here we go:
Anything good on TV tonight?
Is the DNC still going on?
Is that on the surgery channel?
What is "is"
Is Clinton a stinkin' liar?
Does Monica's breath stink?
Did Bill Inhale ?
Wouldn't you if you were married to Hillary?
How did that cigar taste?
Did the Chinese puff, puff, pass?
Wasn't Bill impeached?
Did anyone ever tell him?
Did Hillary even care?
What is perjury?
Did Monica ever get her dress cleaned?
Do birds ever get afraid of heights?
What if fish were afraid of the water?
Why did I open this?
Are you really drinking milk?
Are your arrows really red ? :newmascot:
Does Virginia really have turkey's?
If you're not back in five minutes do I wait longer?
Do you have the extra cash for the meter?
Can you GUESS WHO dont have turkeys in their state ?
Where am I?
Are there any turkeys in Elmore Co. Alabama ?
Does the Holmes brothers ever kill turkeys in Alabama ? :newmascot:
Is that Stan Potts?
Do I really look like Stan Potts ? :newmascot:
Are you serious?
Does Stan Potts wear makeup?
Who is Stan Potts
and who cares
Why does everyone say I look like Stan Potts ?
Do I have Stan Potts money ? NO ! :funnyturkey:
How long did the Doctor say you had to wear those glasses?
Why do you hunt with Chaz?
Do you own a mirror?
If Chaz played sports, would it need a cup?
If Chaz played sports would he/she wear a sports bra ?
Has drenalinid ever done a GRAND SLAM with Chaz ?
Is Ronnie still dating Chaz ? :funnyturkey:
Who is Stan Potts?
How many Boone & Crocket bucks has Stan Potts Killed ? :newmascot:
Would Stan Shoot this buck ? :newmascot:
Was there a corn pile?
Was there a corn tree growing close by ? :newmascot:
what size shoe does stan have
Why ya'll hatin' on Stan? :TooFunny:
Does chaz count as two people in the HOV lane?
Is he that fat?
Why can you tune a piano and not tuna fish ?
Is Ricky the fish wisperer?
Is fat meat greasy!
Is a greased hog greasy?
Is a slippery slope truly slippery?
Does a fat boy like cake?
does cake like the fat boy
Do fat boys sweat a lot?
Do pigs like slop?
Why do we park in a driveway,and drive on a parkway?
Why are boxing RINGS SQUARE?!
Why is Chuck Norris THE MAN ?
If Chuck is The Man, does that mean Chaz is not Da Man?
How much wood could Chuck Norris chuck if Chuck Norris could chuck wood?
Is chuck norris really emitt the clown?
were is tiff
wheres Waldo?
How Many Beards Do You Have ? :newmascot:
whos on first
How many beards do you want?
How many do you need?
Is Chuch Norris's beard made of granite?
Is Tiffany prettier than a white faced mule?
Does a whit faced mule have big............ears?
Do fat girls like ice cream?
Why did Jr. Samples tell LuLu " For a fat girl you sure dont sweat much" ?
Was her phone no. BR 549?
Has a big gobbler ever made you so nervous you almost peed your pants ? :newmascot:
Does Ronnie have a bucket full of spurs??
Is that bigfoot?
Did he wear shoe's?
Whose bed have your boots been under?
How much wood can a woodchuck chuck?
Can a woodchuck chuck at all?
Would a woodchuck upchuck sawdust?
Can a woodchuck chuck Chuch Norris.........
Who is Chuck Norris?
Who's been living under a rock?
Isn't Jesus the "ROCK" ?
Would Dwayne Johnson disagree?
Can you smell what he's cookin'?
What is he cooking?
What is that smell?
Is it the smell that surrounds you?
Did you say surround sound?
Do you have Boston Acoustic system?
Are Boston Baked Beans Acoustic?
Do you want me to send you a sound byte?
Would I be impressed with the hang time?
Do you want fries with that shake?
Where's the clown's head?
Is the clown gonna die?
If I yell in his mouth will he yell back?
Can you smell what the Rock was fartin'
Would it smell like Chuck Norris's shoe?
What would Chuck Norris' shoe smell like
Does a can of whoop-azz have a smell?
can a can whoop any azz?
Could Chuck Norris beat Bruce Lee?
Was Rambo tougher than Colonel Braddock?
Could Dirty Harry whoop Charles Bronson
Could the Terminator beat Robocop?
Was Colonel Sanders tougher than Rambo?
Is the Original Recipe really the original recipe?
If it was the original recipe, does that mean there were no chickens before that?
If you make the original recipe better, would it be the new original and the original the "original original recipe"
Are all chickens, chicken?
...And if so, are all turkeys, turkey,...or are they from Turkey?
Why are male lady bugs called lady bugs and not man bugs?
Is that gender descrimination?
Are you a dumacrat???
Nope, I am an addict to OG, Are you?
Who is checking the forum while at work!? :you_rock:
Thats me. Does anyone else have a shortcut to Old Gobbler saved on their desktop @ work?
Who doesn't :OGturkeyhead:
and why would they not!
Why do I have four nuts?
Do you have one of mine?
Quote from: guesswho on September 11, 2012, 03:32:22 PM
Why do I have four nuts?
Cause yo mama didn't raise no fool !
If my Aunt had four nuts would she be my uncle?
Does she wear army boots?
So if she has four nuts and wears army boots she's still a she?
What does Chaz think about that
Why was drenalinld & Chaz Bono walking around at the NWTF convention last year holding hands & wearing a trumpet call around their neck ?
Are you sure it was a trumpet call?
Could it have been a ' HUMPIT" call ?
How do you erase a visual that's burned into your memory.
Why did he want me to try out his trumpet ? Why did it smell FUNNY ?
What did it smell like
Do we even want to know?
Why did it smell like Corn & peanuts ?
Did it have a hint of vaseline?
Is a question really a question if it's not a question?
How could a question be a question if it wasn't a question
who is on first?
What was the question?
Where's the gobbler???
Quote from: barry on September 12, 2012, 04:01:11 PM
Where's the gobbler???
Why are we talking about Chaz again?
Ain't he spurless??
If people are strange, are you a stranger?
Is it easier to turn a man into a woman or a woman into a man, and do the keep the spare parts?
Is turning a woman into a man an addathingtome ?
If your woman leaves you for another woman was it your fault?
Did the other woman used to be a man?
How much did she/he charge you?
did you pay in cash
Did you pay in food stamps ? :you_rock:
Was the secret service involved?
8) Does this look like Ray Charles? 8)
Quote from: lightsoutcalls on September 13, 2012, 09:16:34 AM
8) Does this look like Ray Charles? 8)
Or more like Stevie Wonder?
Do you wonder if Stevie Wonder ever wonders?
Does guesswho like "The Who"
Does The Who ever boo hoo?
Is boo hoo in Spanish spelled the same way?
Could you press "2" and find out?
Since people from Spain speak Spanish, why don't people from Mexico speak Mexican?
If an American baby and a Mexican baby got switched at birth, could they understand their parents when they got old enough to talk?
Would the American baby be eligible for foodstamps and welfare when he grew up?
What if he was a she?
wouldn't she be a heshe
Would you look to verify?
How much would you pay me
How much would you charge
Would you take a check to check?
Would it bounce?
So what if it does?
Would you have to pay a fee?
If it bounces does that mean heshe's more he than she?
Why are you all so fascinated with this HeShe?
I am more interested in the she than the he. Is there anyone else who agrees?
Does anyone disagree ?
Would Chaz disagree
Can Chaz count to eleven without taking it's shoes off?
Did guesswho call in Chaz's first gobbler ever ?
Was it a Bama Jake ?
Did Chaz dance after he/she killed it ? :jackson:
Can Chaz dance?
Does Chaz know where it's diaphragm is?
Did I just vomit in my mouth?
Could Alex Trebek answer any of those questions if he didn't have the cards?
Does the confederate soldier in my pic look like he has bell bottoms on
does it really matter?
If I is before E except after C, then how come someone so smart would spell his name Einstein insted of Ienstein?
wasn't he the guy that inveted solar power, or something like that??
Didn't he get smart by getting hit in the head with an apple?
Quote from: guesswho on September 14, 2012, 03:39:33 PM
Didn't he get smart by getting hit in the head with an apple?
Would you be referring to Issac Newton and the Law of Gravity
Did he get hit in the head with an apple too?
Is Nationwide really on your side?
How long till turkey season???
why do you ask ?
Do you always shoot the strutter?
or do you wait for a jake?
What about a bearded hen?
Are we back to Chaz again?
Who is Chaz?
Isn't it a bearded hen?
Why can someone buy extra kill permits for turkeys in Va. but not in Bama ?
:z-guntootsmiley: :newmascot: :newmascot: :newmascot: :newmascot: :newmascot:
Why does Bama not have any turkey's?
Why does Bama have so many Gobblers, Skeeters, Cottonmouths, Gators, Fire Ants, & Yotes ?
Do fire ants really start fires?
What about their cousins?
Quote from: redarrow on September 14, 2012, 09:40:31 PM
Do fire ants really start fires?
If you set in a pile of them ( I Have ) they will light your arzz up !
Quote from: vaturkey on September 14, 2012, 10:11:38 PM
Quote from: redarrow on September 14, 2012, 09:40:31 PM
Do fire ants really start fires?
If you set in a pile of them ( I Have ) they will light your arzz up !
Why did I set my owl hooter down in an ant pile while waiting for daylight this spring?
Why did I not notice that and bring it to my mouth, blow on it, and blow fireants all over my own face and lips..(true story)
Quote from: Eric Gregg on September 14, 2012, 10:23:06 PM
Quote from: vaturkey on September 14, 2012, 10:11:38 PM
Quote from: redarrow on September 14, 2012, 09:40:31 PM
Do fire ants really start fires?
If you set in a pile of them ( I Have ) they will light your arzz up !
Why did I set my owl hooter down in an ant pile while waiting for daylight this spring?
Why did I not notice that and bring it to my mouth, blow on it, and blow fireants all over my own face and lips..(true story)
Eric Gregg
I would have like to seen that ! :TooFunny:
Why does the solider in your avatar have bell bottom pants on ? :newmascot:
Is there really such thing as a piss ant?
don't all ants piss ?
Why do some ants have wings?
why did some old cars have fins ?
Were the cars amphibious?
Did they have flippers?
Are seals flippered
Will they come to a squealing seal call?
Will someone ask Eddie Salter to make one?
Would seal hunters buy it
What's the acceptable range for taking a seal while using a squealing seal call?
While useing this call, do you inhale or exhale ?
Are you under water or out of the water when you use it?
can you hunt from a submarine
Could you paint a submarine to look like a seal decoy?
Do the Beatles still live in a yellow submarine
Does it look like a yellow seal?
Didn't greenpeace paint it green?
Would redarrow paint it red?
Can anyone Guesswho is in the sub ? :newmascot:
Was it made at Sub Way?
wasn't it made at VATURKEYS house ?
Can Pappy paint it to look like a fishing lure
Do you think he has enough paint?
How come Pappy don't fish ?
How come Pappy don't make squealing seal calls?
How come Pappy hasn't responded to any of these ?
Is Pappy watching animal planet to see what a seal sounds like?
Why does Pappy take a Power Nap every day ?
Will a torpedo kill a turkey?
Why dont you ask Pappy ?
Who dares wake Pappy from his nappy?!
Do turkeys take naps?
And if they do,... do they snore?
wouldn't a snoreing Gobbler be easier to set up on in the dark?
Maybe he has sleep apnea
Are the seven dwarfs around?
Why does Santa hire Elves and not Dwarfs?
Who's taller, elves or dwarfs?
Which has bigger..........feet?
Would Elves be illegal aliens if they come down your chiminey without a passport
Why do cookies have Elf pictures on them ?
Was Elvis once a member of the Evles?
....Or was he a tall dwarf?
Was old Elvis a tall fat dwarf?
Did "The King" die while using the throne
Is calling Elvis a tall fat dwarf considered blasphemy in some circles?
If I told you I saw Elvis at Burger King, would you believe me?
Was he hanging out with that other King that dresses kinda feminine?
Is that the one that was confused with a certain past sportsman's organization CEO?
Do CEO's like OREO's?
Are they doublestuff?
Do LEO's like CEO's who like Oreo's that are double stuffed?
Do you consider Tifanny to be double stuffed!
Did you know she is married?
Should I not ask my next question?
Do you know the answer to your next question?
Is a clown creepy?
Does USPS pick up creepy clowns?
Do creepy clowns pick up creepy clowns?
If you bit a clown would it taste funny?
Did Ronald McDonnald ever give you the creeps
Do you think those honkin' shoes are an attempt to overcompensate for something else?
Talk about creepy, do you think his drapes match the carpet?
What makes Happy Meal happy?
Do you really want to know?
What is that "secret sauce" really made of?
And who makes it?
Is it a coincidence that the McDonalds clown and Guesswho have the same first name?
Is Guesswho a clown fish?
Can a Clownfish fish?
Can a woodchuck chuck wood?
Does a fat boy like McDonalds fries?
Can Guesswho change his first name?
Could we Guesswho was running a squealing hen call if we was in Barbour Co. Bama ?
If Guesswho dumped out that bucket of spurs & made a necklace out of them how long would it be ?
Do you mean the bucket of squealing hen calls?
Which is better,...a bucket of spurs or squealing hen calls?
Wouldn't a bucket of KFC taste better.
What about KFC's mashed taters and gravy as well?
Would you like some cole slaw with that?
How about some turkey nuggets??
Would you take it to go or dine in?
Would you eat chicken on the way to turkey hunt?
Can you bait pigs with bacon?
Does it hurt the turkeys when you remove their nuggets?
Did you shoot em with pixie dust?
Does Captain Hook?
Who shot J.R. :fud:
Did they shoot him in the nuggets?
Has anyone ever died of nugget infection?
Can nugget infection spread to the drumstick?
Will I ever be able to eat another drumstick?
Do you have a wing on your ding?
Do they make a cream for that?
Would you like your cream flavored or plain?
Didn't Lance have two nuggets before he had one nad ? :bike2:
Did he hang it in his spokes
Did he lose it at the Tour De Nad ?
Did anyone ever find it?
Didn't Chaz find it ?
What was he looking for?
Is that a "Hanging Chaz"?
Is Chaz's name Chaz Nonad Bono ?
Or does it go by it's Muslim name Addanad Bono?
Isn't it Adanad Anabono
Will vaturkey make it until DWTS new season starts?
Quote from: drenalinld on September 20, 2012, 11:10:53 AM
Will vaturkey make it until DWTS new season starts?
If my knee holds up I will be @ DWTS ! :funnyturkey:
Quote from: vaturkey on September 20, 2012, 11:29:07 AM
If my knee holds up I will be @ DWTS ! :funnyturkey:
Was that a question?
Has drenalinld ever kissed Chaz Bono ?
Does Chaz have a snood?
What is a snood made of?
Is it made of taint?
Well itaint shrimp is it?
Can Chaz play a trumpet like drenalinld ?
Does Chaz have a trumpet to play with now?
Who is this Chaz you all speak of?
Here's a hint,...does Chaz now have a Bono?
Who really wants to know
Does someone have a strange fascination with the chaz-ster?
If you wanted to calm Chaz down would you need to give him a Tranny-quilizer?
Why are we calling her a he when he is a she?
Just for your info !
Sonny & Cher had a daughter named Chasity. Well Chasity didn't like being a woman so she had a SEX change into a man therefore his name is Chaz ! Now back to our little game !
Will Chaz be on Dancing With The Stars This Season ? :jackson:
My point exactly! Game on
If she is not a he but really he is a she, why lie and call her a he when he is a she
Would you rather call a he a "she",...or a she a "he"?
OR...would you rather just be called for dinner?
Who is inviting us
Just who is Who?
And what is what?
Who is us and who is them
Back to the dinner question, I am hungry so what is for dinner?
Do you eat dinner at a diner?
Has anybody ever had to call there doctor for wood that lasted more than 4 hours?
Would you have to, if you could get a woman to stay with you after that 4 hours?
Why would you want her to stay after the 4 hours was over?
Why wouldn't you call everyone except a doctor?
If you could, would you call a lady doctor for good wood?
Quote from: guesswho on September 22, 2012, 02:08:08 PM
Why wouldn't you call everyone except a doctor?
:TooFunny: :TooFunny: :icon_thumright:
Would you call guesswho and say guess what?
Would Guesswho say sorry, wrong number?
Would Chaz say you got the right number ?
Would you hang up?
Do you put your spurs in a bucket???
How big should the bucket be?
How big a one can you get?
Are we talking about wood or buckets?
Can we get a wooden bucket?
Would a wooden bucket hold more wood.
Are there no birds in Bama cause all the spurs are in a wooden bucket ?
Are all those spurs in the wooden bucket from Bama birds?
If there were ten spurs in the wooden bucket and eleven spurs on the roost, how many gobblers does that mean?....((hint,...trick question...)
Why would it be 5 1/2 gobblers on the roost ?
Is a roost always wood?
Does roosted really mean roasted?
Has anybody ever really "roasted" one?
Does roasted mean he was once roosted?
Once he was roosted, did he know he was roasted?
Would he have roosted if he had known he would be roasted?
If a rooster roosts, why doesn't a turkey turk?
What would a Peacock do?
Would he pea?
Wouldn't pea-ing on ones own roost be considered a faux pas?
Is faux pas French?
Is faux pas French for cutting the cheese?
Are fart jokes on a turkey forum a faux pas?
Who cut the cheese ?
Are you French?
are you fried
Would you eat a fried faux pas?
WTFrench Fried Faux Pas are we talking about?
Who knows what faux pas is?
Does it leave stains?
Is it the foot of a fox??...
What number do I press for French?
Where can I get some French fried fox feet,...with fritters...?
Do they taste like chicken?
What doesnt taste like chicken?
Where do fritters come from?
Do all fritters come from critters?
I wonder if Tifanny would like for me to gitter some critter fritters?
What is your fascination with someone else's wife?
Would Lee possibly have a problem with this fascination
Could Lee possibly get miffed at anyones fascination with Tiff and want to have a riff with that stiff, or maybe even push him off a cliff in a jiff?
Has someone's rhyming button got stuck in the "on" position? ;D
Could it be he's a poet and just don't know it?
Is his name Longfellow ?
Are my big feets giving me away?
How big are they
...They are sooo big that it makes people ask, are those your real feets?
Are they as big as Ronald McDonalds?
Does your feet stink ?
Would anyone like to smell them and let me know?
Is it too much to ask for snake boots to be made in size 15?
Is it too much to ask that snakes just don't bite so that we don't need size 15 snake boots?!
Would they listen to you
Would they care?
Do snakes have ears?
Can they hear me SCREAM like a woman?
If you scream in the woods and no one is around, will you be heard?
Would it cause a turkey to gobble?
If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there, could you hear the gobbler that used to roost in it if SRTC screamed? ???
Where will he roost before being roasted now?
Is he a roasted rooster ?
Or is his old roost toast?
Is it raisin toast ?
Does it also have cinnamon and sugar
Should Lee drop off the key?
Could he get himself free?
can anybody really be free, living under Obama's rule ?
Would Nancy Pelosi's face melt under direct sunlight
Would the sun refuse to shine?
Should Jack step out the back?
Does Stan need a new plan?
Is there a need for Roy to be coy?
Will you just listen to me?
Can you really hear sounds of silence?
What the heck are ya'll talking about?
ain't amazing grace amazing.
Why did Jr Samples tell Lu Lu that for a fat girl she sure didn't sweat much ?
Is there 10,000 ways to leave your lover
Should Gus have hopped on the bus?
Shouldn't he have taken the " Magic Bus"?
Or gone space truckin'
Does space really look deep purple when riding the magic bus?
Has Chuck Norris ever been on Dancing With The Stars ?
Will AR win another game this year?
Did you have to mention my Razorbacks???!!!???!!!
Did you have to mention my Razorbacks???!!!???!!!
Why did you post it twice ?
How come nobody ever just gives a yes or no answer to any of these questions ?
Would you rather someone just answer yes or know?
What do you think ?
Is it possible to think of what you are thinking of at the same time?
Do you have any idea what you just asked?
Can turkeys think?
Does Obama think?
If so, what does he think about?
Does anyone else like chitlin's?
Is chitlins really spelled with a c.
Is it spelled schitlin's with a silent "S"?
Do you like collards too
Any others out there like me that don't like collards on their shirts?
Are there people who don't like shirts on their collards?
Whose name on here is the same as mountain oysters ?
Are you talking about 'HOGNUTZ" ?
Should KFC start serving chitlins & mountain oysters ?
Why not ?
Am I the only one here that is about to blow chunks?
How come my wife did not buy some baby back ribs at the store this week?
Do ribs make you toot ?
Do you really give a hoot?
Is a hoot only one hooter?
Can a hoot work at hooters?
Would it get about half as many tips?
Would that be the "Tip" of the iceberg?
How big is the iceberg?
Why, you got a ticket for the Titanic?
Are we on a collision course,...and with me on the lowest deck?
Why should we heed the warnings?
Why not give her some more steam :TrainWreck1:
Did they serve turkey nuggets on the Titanic?
Why couldn't Jack climb onto the door?
What door?
Was it the bathroom door?
Was the Titanic really unsinkable or was that just unthinkable?
Didn't you see the movie?
If so would you see it again?
Who was forced to watch it 3 times with their girlfriend in 2 weeks.....
Who applauded when you saw Leonardo die for the third time.......
You watched a movie 3 times with your girlfriend???
Why didn't you take your Wife instead?
Because she was with me watching a good movie right ?
Quote from: guesswho on October 02, 2012, 12:09:02 PM
Why didn't you take your Wife instead?
Was it because I was 18 and wasn't married yet.....
Was Titanic one of the best movies of all time?
Have you seen Young Frankenstein?
What happened to old Frankenstein?
Anybody seen the movie "Harlem Nights"?
Are Young (or old) Frankenstein and Harlem Nights a couple of really good movies?
Its fall shouldn't we be talking about hunting and not movie's ?
Could we talk about Bambi and have the best of both worlds?
What if we just put bambi on the grill and watch huntin' shows?
Would you wrap bambi in bacon?
could you use turkey bacon ?
is it really bacon if it is made out of a turkey?
What if it's from a baked turkey, wouldn't that be bacon?
would that be bacon,or bakeon
Isn't bakeon French for bacon?
If it is french would you use a ' Baquette" for a BLT ?
Do you say tamayto or tohmahto?
Can we just say maters.
Does it matter if we say mater?
If a gater ater mater, would he come back for mo' later, or would he hate'r?
Am I the only one who did not know that we had a bunch of poets on this forum?
If roses are red and violets are blue, does that make me a poet like the rest of you?
Does the red roses and blue violets on my new camo, make my butt look BIGER ?????
Wow, is that your butt or a flower garden?
Are those killer bees real or just in the print?
Can killer bees really kill you ?
If they couldn't why call them "killer" bees
Don't most bees have the potential to kill (at least to people who are allergic), so why not call them all killer bees?
Isn't that the law of the jungle,...killer bee killed?
Do jungles have laws ?
Was George of the jungle the lawmaker?
Did George ever watch out for that tree?
Didn't George move on up?
To a deluxe apartment in the sky?
Didn't Archie Bunker live next door to him.
Do you folks have a special Archie Bunker chair ?
Geez Edith, were those the days?
Does comedy central ever show any reruns of the show?
Didn't they used to have the reruns on TVland?
Can you watch them in the heat of the night?
Do they call you Mister Tibbs?
Do they call you Althea?
Or do they call you Bubba Skinner?
where you keeping the pie tonight?
How come Bubba's shirt is so tight?
Was he trying to show off his buff bod?
or his buffalo ?
did the deer and antelope really play where the buffalo roamed?
Wouldnt they have to clean up the chips first?
Is chip stomping a sport !
Would you participate?
Haven't we all stomped some chips in our lifetimes?
Am I the only one at work right now?
Are any of you working?
wouldn't Obama take care of us if we werent working ?
How many of us work at jobs that allow us to spend time here during work hours?
Who has to look over their shoulder and make sure the boss isn't looking at us looking at OG :you_rock:
when I log off I'm heading to the deer blind,aren't you ?
Who likes retirement ?
Who doesn't ?
Who could afford to in the future?
Can't the people from OPEC?
Does the future look bright through cheap sunglasses?
Did you ask ZZ Top ?
Do you think they can see through those beards?
What may be hiding in those beards
Would the duck dynasty men know?
If you own a Benelli shotgun shouldn't you have a ZZ Top beard ?
Does anyone else think Willie could use some xanax?
Should I ask my dog? His name is Willie.
Is it a coincidence that xanax spelled backwards is xanax?
Is it a coincidence that racecar spelled backwards is racecar?
...And is it a coincidence that some racecar drivers use xanax given to them by their mom and dad?
Which ones?
How the heck would I know?
Well if you dont know who does.
Is their any facts to support this?
Do you have pics to prove it !
Do you have pictures of Joe Biden rehearsing for tonight's gaffes?
Would his ugly mug break the camera?
Do I resemble that remark?
If you did, would you show your face on this forum?
Can you do the Boot Scootin' Boogie
Does it require skill of any sort?
Would I get arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior if I did ?
Lewd and Lascivious,...isn't that who the debate was between last night?
Would lewd and lascivious behavior be exemplified by Bill Clinton?
Does Bill have Monica on speed dial?
Or does Monica have Bill on speed dial?
Does Hillery know about it ?
Would she even care or does she have obamas on speed dial?
Is that a busy signal I hear???
Does Bill use a throwaway phone
Did Obama give him a free phone to?
Who paid for it if it was free?
Was the phone a part of the "change"?
Does anyone else NOT want to KEEP the CHANGE?
arent we still waiting for our change
Are we sure it's a change we can believe in?
Does everyone on this forum agree that the only change we need is for Mitt to beat Obama?
Where is the hope
We did get change, the problem is we used to get dollars. Right ?
Dollars?...What are those?
Isn't that what we have before our taxes are taken?
How much more could you do with that money
Money?...What money?
What was the question again?
How come we suck so bad at guessing the winners of football games?
Is it we suck, or the teams suck at being consistent?
When your weight goes over 300 pounds do you become a sheriff?
Would you look like Bufford T. Justice?
Has everybody run out of questions?
I cant think of anything,can you?
Are we there yet?
Where are we going?
Why are we going?
Are there GOBBLERS where we are going?
Will there be any girls ?
If Chaz was there, would she still be considered a girl
what would he/she be wearing ?
Are you trying to make me blow chunks?
If so, are they going to clean it up?
Who is they?
Are "they" the ones that are the same as the others?
Are the "others"the same as "they"are ?
Does anyone else have a headache?
Have you taken anything for it?
Did you call the doctor,...wake him up?
If my Aunt had testicles would she be my Uncle?
Am I having deja deja deja vu?
Or is it deja poo?
Isnt that the same as having the runs?
Isn't the "runs" what you get in your panty hose?
Is diarrhea hereditary since it runs in your jeans?
Would there be more adults wearing diapers if this was true?
Would you be pampered if you wore Pampers ?
Do you depend on Depends
That depends,doesn't it ?
Would anyone admit to wearing either of them?
Is that like Hope and Change?
Would you depend on Depends and need to be changed
What do you do with spare change?
Who has spare change
Is spare change really able to be spared?
Did you hear that gobble??
No. Is it just in your head?
Does that gobbler use Coin Star for his spare change ?
Where does he store his spare change?
Does he store it in his craw?
Did anyone forget to set their clocks back?
Which would you rather do, set it back or move it ahead?
Who likes getting up earlier to get in the deer woods before daylight? :P
Who is worn out after turkey season
Who is worn out after a trip to the grocery store?
Who else lets their wife do the shopping for that very reason?
How do you hand cuff a one arm man?
How do you derail a one track mind?
If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio
out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?
Is carpentry not much easier?
Who says things in life need to be easy?
Would that not be the people stuck on the island?
What is a island something in a kitchen
Would it be so bad to live off the grid in isolation?
Who are you people?
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Where are they from?
How olds this thread?
2012, who cares though?
do you walk to work or carry your lunch
Ready to reopen things up
SteelCityArcher opened an old thread.
Why did he do that?
Turned out to be fun, what led you to do that SteelCityArcher?
Because it's fun. Who doesn't like to have fun?
Gargamel does not, do you remember him?
Why is Gargamel such a scrooge?
Maybe he has hemorrhoids?
What did Papa Smurf do that was so wrong?
Quote from: SteelCityArcher on April 19, 2020, 10:05:21 PM
What did Papa Smurf do that was so wrong?
Do you think that there was only one Smurfette could have been a problem?
Did Bill leave a bigger stain on the office of the presidency or Monica's dress?
Why do Politcians leave a stain on everything?
Why can't there just be an honest one?
Is honesty the best policy?
Are you seriously telling the truth right now??
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Isn't telling the truth over-rated?
Why is a carrot more orange than an orange ?
Why is Clockwork Orange considered a classic movie?
When does a classic movie become classic?
What is the difference between classic and old?
Isn't it a time and class matter?
Come to think of it, why does anything matter?
Are you joking right now?
Do jokes make you laugh?
Is laughter the best medicine?
Do you laugh till it hurts?
Does hurting always have pain involved?
Is pain a higher form of hurting?
Does marriage increase your pain tolerance?
Marriage is supposed to be pleasant??
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Did we not learn anything from Al Bundy?
Could Al and Fred be related?
Could Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton be related?
Would she be willing to admit it if she were?
Did Sally really sell seashells by the seashore?
Quote from: SteelCityArcher on April 27, 2020, 10:27:46 PM
Did Sally really sell seashells by the seashore?
No, She sold seashells by the seashore, how did Sally get dragged into this anyway?
Sally is a hooker at Daytona Beach. That's what she's doing by the seashore. Could she possibly be the one who burnt down Sheryl's She Shed? Hmmm.....
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Quote from: RutnNStrutn on April 28, 2020, 10:02:58 PM
Sally is a hooker at Daytona Beach. That's what she's doing by the seashore. Could she possibly be the one who burnt down Sheryl's She Shed? Hmmm.....
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What you doing hanging out with hookers anyway? Hmm
Rumor has it Sally likes Gun's & Hoses. Could this be true?
Well played. Who knew Sally had such good taste?
Her good taste is why she likes Guns N' Hoses!!!

Why would hunters go to the sea shore? Hmmm......
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What? You don't believe in the Loch Ness Monster?
Is he related to Bigfoot?
How did they find Bigfoot to put him in the "Messin' with Sasquatch" commercials?
Didn't they just go to Rosie O'Donnell's house?
Why do you have to insult Bigfoot like that? What did he ever do to you?
Why is he called bigfoot and not bigfeet?
Do you think one foot might be bigger than the other?
More importantly, do you think his feet smell?
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Does said feet of Mr.Bigs have a nose?
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Is Bigfoot Sasquatches brother?
If so, do they have the same Mother?
I think I know, but who's the father?
Could it be George "The Animal" Steele?
I don't know,...he is ugly enough,...but do you think he is "furry" enough?...
Maybe it is Harry from Harry and the Henderson's?
Did talking about bigfoot skeer everybody away from this thread for almost three weeks?...
Or did turkey season hit and cause all sorts of temporary insanity?
Are the terms "turkey hunter" and "insanity" synonymous?...
If "turkey hunter" is synonymous with "insanity" when are all turkey hunters insane?
Can real turkey hunters just be insane in the spring, or does a real turkey hunter have to be insane all year long?...
If you are not insane then what type of turkey hunter are you?
Could insane and extremely motivated be the same thing?
This thread died and I bumped it back to life. Maybe people don't think it's that fun?