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General Discussion => General Forum => Daily Devotional & Prayer Requests => Topic started by: BOFF on April 26, 2012, 11:29:27 PM

Title: Friday Devotional 04/27/2012 "God is Always with Us"
Post by: BOFF on April 26, 2012, 11:29:27 PM

Well, I can only write how relieved, and how grateful I am to the Lord for his many blessings. Tonight, as I went into the kitchen, I heard some water running/dripping. Instant alert, as the sink had no water coming from the faucet, and the dishwasher was not running, nor the washing machine. I looked under the sink to find the pantry floor standing in water, and water streaming out of the plastic purification filters' housing. A simple twist of the knob of the shut off valve, and the water was shut off to the filters. I called my wife in to bring some towels, and had the mess cleaned up, the filtration system removed from the kitchen sink, and everything back under the sink, in about 30 minutes!! 

Praise the Lord!!!!  Thank you Jesus for your protection and blessing upon my family and our home!!

To make a bad situation even better, we were supposed to be out of town today, through Friday evening. Write about mixed emotions. The thoughts of water running that long, and unattended, running its course through our home, made me feel sick at my stomach, and blessed at the same time.

God's timing is perfect, and was perfect today, yesterday, and in the future. I will not go into the details of why we were not able to be out of town, when we THOUGHT we needed to be, but we were at home. Thank you Lord!!! To You be the glory!!!

In reading tonight, I know God was, and is with me, and I thank Him for it. I know we will have times of persecution, and trials, but still, God is with us.

Matthew 28:20b (NIV1984)

20.... And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Romans 8:38-39 (NIV1984)

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Do you have the Lord's love and care in your life to handle all affairs?
He does not promise us a life without difficulty, but he does promise us His love, which will see us through till we are by His side in eternity.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your love, grace, mercy, and salvation through your son Jesus!! Thank you for your presence with me tonight, and always. Help us to keep our eyes fixed upon you. Be with those who are hurting, searching for answers, and those who are trapped in the forest of lies this society has developed in serving one's self, instead of you. We thank you for what you have done, and for what you are going to do. For it is in Your glory we claim and ask these things, Amen!!

God Bless,
David B.

Title: Re: Friday Devotional 04/27/2012 "God is Always with Us"
Post by: Roostem33 on April 27, 2012, 03:59:09 AM
In reading tonight, I know God was, and is with me, and I thank Him for it. I know we will have times of persecution, and trials, but still, God is with us.

This is so true David, it is so easy for us to overlook the small but true blessing's in our live's. Thanks so much for the wonderful devotion this morning I really needed to read this!!!!

Have a blessed day,
Title: Re: Friday Devotional 04/27/2012 "God is Always with Us"
Post by: misfire on April 30, 2012, 10:21:30 AM
Thank you David. Again, I am facing something terrible and this message was right on time.
Title: Re: Friday Devotional 04/27/2012 "God is Always with Us"
Post by: BOFF on April 30, 2012, 10:51:39 PM
Quote from: misfire on April 30, 2012, 10:21:30 AM
Thank you David. Again, I am facing something terrible and this message was right on time.


Sorry to read of your difficult time.

Prayers lifting you up.

God Bless,
David B.