While out west my Son decided to buy a mouth diaphragm...within 10 minutes he was letting out some of the sweetest yelps and I was surprised as I had heard they can be difficult for some..I've never used one in 40 years as I have always called with my natural voice,tube call or a wingbone.what is the best way to store them and will soaking them in mouthwash hurt before storing?
Thank you
I store mine in about a 60/40 solution of Crown Royal and water and keep in them in the fridge. I have some that are about three years old that sound just as good or bad as they ever did.
Sherrill, go to the dollar store and get you an old timey plastic comb. Take scissors and cut some of the comb teeth off. Use these as reed seperators. Using full strength mouthwash can have an affect on the latex. During the season, I usually just use the reed seperators and fresh water after use each weekend. After season is out I mix a solution of about 3 parts water, 1 part mouth wash, and 1 part peroxide. I soak them for about 2 minutes, rinse them in fresh water again, allow to air dry on a paper towel, then store them in the frig. I usually get 3 or 4 good seasons on most of my mouth calls.
Quote from: savduck on April 20, 2012, 06:02:30 PM
Sherrill, go to the dollar store and get you an old timey plastic comb. Take scissors and cut some of the comb teeth off. Use these as reed seperators. Using full strength mouthwash can have an affect on the latex. During the season, I usually just use the reed seperators and fresh water after use each weekend. After season is out I mix a solution of about 3 parts water, 1 part mouth wash, and 1 part peroxide. I soak them for about 2 minutes, rinse them in fresh water again, allow to air dry on a paper towel, then store them in the frig. I usually get 3 or 4 good seasons on most of my mouth calls.
Thank you Sir!
I set mine in a bowl of mouth wash for about 30 seconds after each use. I then rinse them off, add reed separators, and store in fridge. I get a few seasons out of mine as well.
Teeth off of a plastic fork work well also ! :icon_thumright:
Quote from: 2ounce6s on May 18, 2012, 09:10:04 AMSame as the others mostly but I don't bother with reed separators.
I often wondered about weather or not reed separators are necessary.
i tried something a little different this year, i always try to at the end of each season if i remember to get them out of my vest, to take them all, use a toothbrush and toothpaste to scrub each one, then rinse in a solution of alcohol free mouthwash and water, separate the reeds, then put a reed separator in between each on, let air dry real good and place in fridge, this year i did all that but went and sprinkled some baby powder between the reeds also, but left the separators in, we'll see how it works
I like the reed separators made by primos. I wash mine with soap and water, pat dry with a paper towel, put in the Reed separator and let air dry. I to sprinkle some talcum powder between the reeds. It works like a charm, I've tried alot of different ways and this one works the best. For off season after doing this process I put them in an unused plastic snuff container and store them in the frig.
My stepdad used to work in a tobacco plant and I got a whole case of plastic snuff cans, they are really handy.