Thanks to a purple heart purr pot from jellyhead, and a cedar slate from hookhntr I used in advance of the cedar/cherry box I made and was (field) testing for a customer, this fine gobbler almost lit on my head. After a very difficult 15 yd shot I realized it was only 6:20 am and I had already used 3 different calls. I love it when I call to much and it still works. " HAPPY HUNTING " Savagecaller
:icon_thumright: :newmascot:
Congrats Steve! Mighty fine bird right there!
Congrats on a nice bird! I'm glad to know that mine work on boys too, not just " Meleagris lesbo gallopavo ( north american lesbian wild turkey )" I'm as happy as if I shot him. Just glad I didn't have to carry him that far. Wait, I'd tote him twice that far. I'm sure hookhntr is stoked too, as you are!
Congrats! Nice birds!