Any of you MS guys having trouble logging into the app? I've been trying for 2 days now and been on the phone with Jackson 5 times so far and can't get in. I can log into my account on the computer but not the app! Was wondering if anyone else is having issues??
Sent you a message.
I've not had that problem, have had a problem claiming a permit though, was supposed to be called back after they got it resolved for me, but not heard a thing, guess I'm gonna call them again.
I've been having a serious issue myself. I've not draw a NR permit since the first year when everyone draw. 0/3 sucks when you've been a hunting a place for decades.
Huge shout out to DH88!!! Thanks for your help today brother!
Nathen is a great guy and help and a stone cold killer!
Thanks guys. If anyone else has issues with the new app or their account, send me a PM !
Dang it Nathan!! I went to great lengths to crash that site!
I had a lot of issues last year. Anytime I added a new permit I had to uninstall and sign in via web browser then redownload the app