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General Discussion => General Forum => Topic started by: GunRunner on May 18, 2024, 11:12:07 AM

Title: Ol’ Tom Gunslinger Vest
Post by: GunRunner on May 18, 2024, 11:12:07 AM
I would appreciate comments and reviews from any hunters that have this vest.

One thing I did note was there does not seem to be a water bottle pocket.

Title: Re: Ol’ Tom Gunslinger Vest
Post by: compton30 on May 20, 2024, 08:55:30 AM
I used it for the season and I like it but there's pro's and con's to everything. Not being hydration bladder compatible is the biggest flaw of the vest, for me. I still rigged it up so I could use a bladder but it's a big thumbs down for me. The other downside is the magnets on the striker compartments. I haven't lost any, but they can get jarred loose and I could see it being a problem for someone who uses pot calls more than I do.

Outside of that, I like everything else about it a whole heckuva lot. Really comfortable for long hunts with a lot of walking.

I have an Alps GS as my other vest. I think they will see equal time just because I like both vests. The Gunslinger is laid out better and particularly the box call pocket is better than the one on the GS, but the lack of a pocket for the hydro bladder is like low-key so annoying to me. Feels like a stupid problem. 

Anyway, Ol Tom Gunslinger is a thumbs up from me.