Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

General Discussion => Gobbling Activity Reports => Topic started by: nybowhunter on May 07, 2024, 11:03:36 PM

Title: NY 2024
Post by: nybowhunter on May 07, 2024, 11:03:36 PM
Was out this past weekend in Southern NY.

Saturday, May 4th
65 degrees
Partly Sunny

Heard 3 or 4 distant gobbles at first light, but nothing responding. Around 10:30am got one to gobble 3 times before a dirkbike came through and spooked the birds.

Sunday, May 5th
49 degrees

Went to a spot that had active birds the day before, but nothing sounding off. Winds were in the 12mph range which may have also kept the birds quiet. Drove around to check fields for birds in the rain but only came across a lone hen.

Tough first hunt of the season.

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Title: Re: NY 2024
Post by: mikejd on May 08, 2024, 08:00:38 AM
NY is tough. I had 3 Jake's I wanted to fool around with the other day. They gobbled at first light. Never answered me and never made a peep after fly down.
Even the Jake's are tight lipped here.
I have not heard a gobble after 7 am in close ro 10 years I believe 2016 last time.
Title: NY 2024
Post by: nybowhunter on May 08, 2024, 08:34:52 AM
It is tough and it's definitely not what it used to be.

Over the last few years I've had to be willing to travel for turkeys. It's gone from driving an hour from home to 3 hours from home.

OnX has been helpful in marking potential spots to scout so there's a game plan on how to spend time efficiently in areas area. It becomes more scouting than hunting and just going from property to property until finding some turkeys that want to be vocal.

It's hard and will wear your down, but when it all comes together it's very rewarding. That's why we're all out there chasing those birds

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