Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

General Discussion => General Forum => Daily Devotional & Prayer Requests => Topic started by: Joneshunter on April 03, 2024, 10:39:15 PM

Title: Idols
Post by: Joneshunter on April 03, 2024, 10:39:15 PM
I'm not the best at typing stuff down so maybe this is gonna make sense. But I can attest, come turkey season my mind is stuck on that gobbler and turkey hunting. But we got to remember who created the woods. Who created the beautiful birds we try to hunt and pursue. The Lord. Trying to pursue these birds and becoming obsessed with hunting it's easy to almost make the bird your idol. I feel so busy during turkey season with life and trying to find time to hunt. But for some reason it's easier for me to try to read up on turkey or watch some hunting video then it is to open up my old Bible. Lately I've been trying to stay up a little later and read my Bible more. I figure it would be better to sleep in a few hunts and learn more about the Lord rather than not picking up my Bible and focusing on his word at all. As a side note I try to pray before every hunt and maybe me getting closer to the Lord I feel like is gonna help me appreciate the little things and the hunt even more. Maybe through this period of trying to get closer to the Lord I'll be blessed with a gobbler on the side. Who knows. But that's how I like to think about things. God bless and remember to always keep him first and not let worldly things become your IDOL.
Title: Re: Idols
Post by: eggshell on April 04, 2024, 07:52:51 AM
Well said. I think I probably been in this game a bit longer than you, but I came to the same conclusion many years ago. There was a time all my relationships suffered from turkey hunting. I missed too many birthdays and special events and often was so disengaged with my family and friends it was sinful and I became unpleasant to boot. Finally I found a relationship with the Lord. He  showed me I had indeed made turkey hunting an idol. I changed my ways and grew both as a person and turkey hunter. I also pray before I hunt and I give thanks when I am done. Many days I just sit in God's creation and meditate on what a wonderful world it is. Funny thing happened, I actually became more successful as a turkey hunter without the pressure I was putting on myself. Make no mistake, I still hunt turkeys hard and I enjoy it very much, but I approach it more as a blessing than a conquest. I found out you will enjoy life, faith  and hunting even more when you balance it all out and give each it's dues.
Title: Re: Idols
Post by: runngun on April 06, 2024, 05:09:23 PM
Y'all both did a fantastic job with the words that y'all wrote!!! Definitely the "TRUTH" and I appreciate that.

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Title: Re: Idols
Post by: misfire on April 08, 2024, 02:10:14 PM
Well stated.
Title: Re: Idols
Post by: Ranger on April 08, 2024, 02:32:13 PM
Amen Brother!!  We only have them because of Him
Title: Re: Idols
Post by: LMO on May 28, 2024, 09:48:56 PM
X2 Thanks