FINALLY! Heard 1st gobbles of the year, 6:30am , 30 degrees, beautiful morning. Flock as been here for a few days, been listening, had 3 Toms and 6 jakes in yard yesterday, 2 of the Toms and 1 of the jakes were strutting a lot.
Amen brother, they will be waiting for you.......... :fud:
5:50am 1 Gobble, have seen the flock all back together, Toms fighting to establish who's the boss. Really thought this morning I would've heard a lot more gobbling. This morning it was in 40s tomorrow back into the 20s. Stood out there for 45 minutes.
You really know how to make a guy jealous and rub it in, Jeff. Wish I could walk out the door and see and hear gobblers. Unfortunately, the nearest wild turkeys from where I live are about two hours away. ::) :)