Got a good box of longbeard xr. Ithaca turkeyslayer 12 gauge with factory .670" choke at 35 yds. Longbeard xr 3", 1-3/4 oz of #6 at 1200 fps.
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Nice! That will do the trick :icon_thumright:
Awesome pattern.
Gotta love those turkey slayers! Have 2 of my own. Good luck. That pattern willlll killll.
Great looking pattern.
That gobblers coming out of the woods over your shoulder with that pattern for sure. :OGturkeyhead:
last year first year with the new to me Ithaca Turkleyslayer. Love it!
I bought one of those new back in 1989 and still use it. It's killed a lot of birds from me over the years. Mine is in advantage camo and I shoot a kicks goblin thunder choke with great success with that gun it likes federal heavyweight. Good luck with your new gun. You're gonna love that thing!