Hey guys,
I have tried multiple lead loads in my mossberg 835. I was shooting 3.5" Winchester high velocity #5s. I killed some turkeys with it, and it did well, but a friend insisted that I try 3.5" Winchester XX Mag #6s. Wow!!!!! I have used this load now for years, and the high velocity loads cannot touch the XX (in my gun at least). I have a pure gold choke tube. I shot three 10" patterns at a ranged 40yds. my numbers were 179,179, and 199. That's apparently pretty good for lead. Give XX a try, I'm glad I did!!!
that's the best lead 6 pattern I've seen - I always got better numbers with the high velocity??
Cool, shoot what works.
By far this has been the best lead load (3-2-6) for my Win 1300.
:happy0064: :z-guntootsmiley:
Wow, indeed! Shift that circle about 1/2" to the right, and it looks like it'll pass the 200 mark.
that is a good looking pattern for lead shot, you should have no problems with it
Good old reds!! That's an awesome pattern. I know several people who get very good patterns with 3.5 xx
Very nice pattern! Especially for lead at 40 yards.
the red Winchester's are the best lead loads out there
I have sung the praise of that load for years. It's still the best shooting lead load available although the Federal Premium old shells would probably hang with it. But as good as the Winchester XX load is, my experience says that load won't shoot like that at 40yds. There would be no need for htl if lead shot like that. Just my 2 cents.
Great pattern!!