Expanding on Yoder's box call thread.....
Let's see a pic of the VERY BEST sounding scratch box you ever owned. Not limited to one single scratch box. But, let's do one scratch box per post. A pic or pics of that one scratch box and a full description.......maker.......wood combo......any side notes or sentimentalities.
Here is my submission:
Tim Bullock mulberry with mulberry striker. This call is something else.
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Nice call!!! I will try to dig some of mine out.
Scott Basehore Alaskan Yellow Cedar with a slate striker. This caller is field proven and make great soft talk. Striker is from a larger piece of slate found on family property.
Bill Lyman Pistachio & Holly with slate striker. A field proven scratcher that will do it all, from kee kee's to soft talk.
Great additions Bob!
I have two that immediately come to mind
This is an SS figured walnut with holly soundboard and a purpleheart striker I nicknamed the sleepy hen. It's my favorite call when talking to a gobbler on the limb(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220214/65f56943234563cf24954584544af402.jpg)
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Quote from: TauntoHawk on February 14, 2022, 02:03:30 PM
I have two that immediately come to mind
This is an SS figured walnut with holly soundboard and a purpleheart striker I nicknamed the sleepy hen. It's my favorite call when talking to a gobbler on the limb(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220214/65f56943234563cf24954584544af402.jpg)
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Wow, beautiful scratch box and beautiful photo!
So, this is gonna be VERY vague........
But the best scratcher I ever played was just last week.
A gentleman sent it to me to have a holster made for it. It is like NO other turkey call I had ever seen before. But, the design was both misleading (doesn't look like any other scratcher you've ever seen) and ingenious at the same time. The call he sent me was a walnut scratcher for a poplar box, out of his "reject pile". Just as a pattern for the leather work. Umma tell you right now......... I'd kill turkeys for the rest of my life with this "reject" !!!
Anyways........ I am not at liberty to post up another man's call. And, I'm sure a bunch of you are gonna be wondering. But, if I end up with one of these calls as my own......and with the maker's blessing....... I'll come totally clean.
Quote from: Yoder409 on February 17, 2022, 11:29:57 AM
So, this is gonna be VERY vague........
But the best scratcher I ever played was just last week.
A gentleman sent it to me to have a holster made for it. It is like NO other turkey call I had ever seen before. But, the design was both misleading (doesn't look like any other scratcher you've ever seen) and ingenious at the same time. The call he sent me was a walnut scratcher for a poplar box, out of his "reject pile". Just as a pattern for the leather work. Umma tell you right now......... I'd kill turkeys for the rest of my life with this "reject" !!!
Anyways........ I am not at liberty to post up another man's call. And, I'm sure a bunch of you are gonna be wondering. But, if I end up with one of these calls as my own......and with the maker's blessing....... I'll come totally clean.
You got me wondering who the maker is and if I have any of his.
Quote from: Beards and Hooks on February 17, 2022, 05:26:21 PM
Quote from: Yoder409 on February 17, 2022, 11:29:57 AM
So, this is gonna be VERY vague........
But the best scratcher I ever played was just last week.
A gentleman sent it to me to have a holster made for it. It is like NO other turkey call I had ever seen before. But, the design was both misleading (doesn't look like any other scratcher you've ever seen) and ingenious at the same time. The call he sent me was a walnut scratcher for a poplar box, out of his "reject pile". Just as a pattern for the leather work. Umma tell you right now......... I'd kill turkeys for the rest of my life with this "reject" !!!
Anyways........ I am not at liberty to post up another man's call. And, I'm sure a bunch of you are gonna be wondering. But, if I end up with one of these calls as my own......and with the maker's blessing....... I'll come totally clean.
You got me wondering who the maker is and if I have of his.
In talking to this gentleman........... I'm pretty sure you don't have a call from him.
Quote from: Yoder409 on February 17, 2022, 05:46:42 PM
Quote from: Beards and Hooks on February 17, 2022, 05:26:21 PM
Quote from: Yoder409 on February 17, 2022, 11:29:57 AM
So, this is gonna be VERY vague........
But the best scratcher I ever played was just last week.
A gentleman sent it to me to have a holster made for it. It is like NO other turkey call I had ever seen before. But, the design was both misleading (doesn't look like any other scratcher you've ever seen) and ingenious at the same time. The call he sent me was a walnut scratcher for a poplar box, out of his "reject pile". Just as a pattern for the leather work. Umma tell you right now......... I'd kill turkeys for the rest of my life with this "reject" !!!
Anyways........ I am not at liberty to post up another man's call. And, I'm sure a bunch of you are gonna be wondering. But, if I end up with one of these calls as my own......and with the maker's blessing....... I'll come totally clean.
You got me wondering who the maker is and if I have of his.
In talking to this gentleman........... I'm pretty sure you don't have a call from him.
Cant wait to hear his name Yoder ????
Update please.
OK........... Let's get a little of the cat out of the bag.
I talked to the gentleman who built this call this evening. I'm ready to send him his new holster ad return the call. These pics are of the call he sent me from his "reject pile". Like I said before........ I'll take this "reject" out and kill turkeys with it ALL DAY LONG.
So, it LOOKS like a box call. Like a mini-paddle. Walnut paddle. Poplar box. BUT...........slide the paddle to the side.......it has one rail. In the center. And it does NOT run like a box call. So the paddle is actually the striker. Paddle handle held stationary between the left index and middle finger.......box held in the right hand and struck/slid across the paddle. There's a modified poly spacer washer on the paddle/striker screw that controls/limits the angle to which the box can be rolled. The paddle is held silently in place when not in use by a pivoting, sturdy leather retainer that is magnetically captured in the closed position. Fit........finish........ingenuity.......sound.........this call is AMAZING !!!
Quote from: Yoder409 on March 20, 2022, 08:20:57 PM
OK........... Let's get a little of the cat out of the bag.
I talked to the gentleman who built this call this evening. I'm ready to send him his new holster ad return the call. These pics are of the call he sent me from his "reject pile". Like I said before........ I'll take this "reject" out and kill turkeys with it ALL DAY LONG.
So, it LOOKS like a box call. Like a mini-paddle. Walnut paddle. Poplar box. BUT...........slide the paddle to the side.......it has one rail. In the center. And it does NOT run like a box call. So the paddle is actually the striker. Paddle handle held stationary between the left index and middle finger.......box held in the right hand and struck/slid across the paddle. There's a modified poly spacer washer on the paddle/striker screw that controls/limits the angle to which the box can be rolled. The paddle is held silently in place when not in use by a pivoting, sturdy leather retainer that is magnetically captured in the closed position. Fit........finish........ingenuity.......sound.........this call is AMAZING !!!

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Wow that's cool!
Quote from: ChesterCopperpot on March 20, 2022, 08:32:19 PM
I know !!!!! Right ??? :drool:
Now........ You want the bad news ?? :'(
This gentleman is really not into building these to sell, per se. He supplies a few friends. Builds some during the winter when there's not much to do outside. Says he doesn't know if he wants to tie up the kind of time it would take to market these calls.
But, hey......... !!!! On the bright side...... If he ever does start building them to sell........ Have we ever got a snazzy little holster design for them !!! :z-guntootsmiley:
Quote from: packmule on March 20, 2022, 08:43:50 PM
Wow that's cool!
There's some VERY ingenuous ideas incorporated into that little box.
Quote from: Yoder409 on March 20, 2022, 08:47:55 PM
Quote from: ChesterCopperpot on March 20, 2022, 08:32:19 PM
I know !!!!! Right ??? :drool:
Now........ You want the bad news ?? :'(
This gentleman is really not into building these to sell, per se. He supplies a few friends. Builds some during the winter when there's not much to do outside. Says he doesn't know if he wants to tie up the kind of time it would take to market these calls.
But, hey......... !!!! On the bright side...... If he ever does start building them to sell........ Have we ever got a snazzy little holster design for them !!! :z-guntootsmiley:
So the question is, how do I become his friend

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Very neat, and nope you were right I don't have one

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That's a very nice piece of work. Would love to have one myself but fully understand why he wouldn't want to take orders. He enjoys building them and that's more important than anything else.
Quote from: ChesterCopperpot on March 20, 2022, 09:29:00 PM
So the question is, how do I become his friend 
LOL !!!! The $64K question.................
In my first telephone conversation with this gentleman, if I understood correctly.........this call was an original design of his father's. I believe he said he found a box of calls......unfinished calls....from his dad's shop. He remembered helping to build these as a youngster. Apparently all the tools and machines had been sold from the shop. So he decided to piece the shop back together again and resume building these and, at least, one other type of call. But, at least at the present time, he's not really looking to get into taking orders, etc.
Very cool call.
A recent scratcher that quickly moved to the best one I have. Brown striped ebony box with a butternut soundboard.
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Wow I like that call and striker. Looks like there is a gap between two surface pieces. Can you run the call on either side of the striker?
It is two different woods with a gap between them. Very unique design that I have only seen this builder do. Each side of the striker is able to be used resulting in slightly different tones.
Very nice!
Quote from: greentrout on October 27, 2023, 10:25:55 AM
It is two different woods with a gap between them. Very unique design that I have only seen this builder do. Each side of the striker is able to be used resulting in slightly different tones.
The only maker that I've seen building this style of call is Bill Hinkle. I own three of his calls and feel that he did a nice job making them. I'm not sure if he does them any more.
That is one of Bill's for sure. And I do not believe he is currently making any.
I still hope to add one from another Bill one day!!!
Quote from: greentrout on October 28, 2023, 07:57:47 AM
That is one of Bill's for sure. And I do not believe he is currently making any.
I still hope to add one from another Bill one day!!!
I see what you did there ;D
Quote from: greentrout on October 28, 2023, 07:57:47 AM
That is one of Bill's for sure. And I do not believe he is currently making any.
I still hope to add one from another Bill one day!!!
Yea I need to get back at it and make a few more before the ski area opens for the season. Been working on my first box call in at least ten years and just finished it up yesterday.
Quote from: callmakerman on October 29, 2023, 08:33:50 AM
Quote from: greentrout on October 28, 2023, 07:57:47 AM
That is one of Bill's for sure. And I do not believe he is currently making any.
I still hope to add one from another Bill one day!!!
Yea I need to get back at it and make a few more before the ski area opens for the season. Been working on my first box call in at least ten years and just finished it up yesterday.
If you happen to, I'd sure like one!
Quote from: greentrout on October 29, 2023, 01:48:54 PM
Quote from: callmakerman on October 29, 2023, 08:33:50 AM
Quote from: greentrout on October 28, 2023, 07:57:47 AM
That is one of Bill's for sure. And I do not believe he is currently making any.
I still hope to add one from another Bill one day!!!
Yea I need to get back at it and make a few more before the ski area opens for the season. Been working on my first box call in at least ten years and just finished it up yesterday.
If you happen to, I'd sure like one!
I will keep it in mind as I have to do one at some point for a friend.