Turkey hunting forum for turkey hunting tips

General Discussion => Gobbling Activity Reports => Topic started by: HFultzjr on March 11, 2016, 09:05:02 PM

Title: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 11, 2016, 09:05:02 PM
My report from central PA 03/11/2016:

6:15am - Went out for a listen on back deck. Calm winds, nice morning. Crows going nuts just after daylight, spring peepers too. Not a turkey sound though. Even tried my new Crystal Mistress.....nothing. Went back inside to get ready for work about 7:30.

8:15am - Headed to work and less than 1/2 mile down the road from my place saw a gobbler in full strut, just off the side of the road. Backed up and it was a nice long beard strutting along with a couple of what looked to be jakes and about 6 hens. Put down the windows and didn't hear a sound from any of them. Only got a quick look as traffic was coming. He was really putting on a show for the ladies.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on March 12, 2016, 02:23:46 PM
I was out Tues. 3/8/16, heard first bird at 6:05 am., and a total of 8 till 6:20 am., taking a walk in my hunting area.

Leaving saw one flock with around 20 birds, and counted 6 strutting. When pulled in driveway, saw another flock, with about same number and counted 6 strutters in that flock.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 12, 2016, 04:56:51 PM
Quote from: catclr on March 12, 2016, 02:23:46 PM
I was out Tues. 3/8/16, heard first bird at 6:05 am., and a total of 8 till 6:20 am., taking a walk in my hunting area.

Leaving saw one flock with around 20 birds, and counted 6 strutting. When pulled in driveway, saw another flock, with about same number and counted 6 strutters in that flock.

Starts to get the fever going, doesn't it.
I've yet to hear a bird.
Lots of sightings (strutting, field feeding, etc.)
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 13, 2016, 08:25:57 AM

Holy crap I just had an exciting morning! All from my back deck.

6:40 (daylight savings time): Made a cup of coffee and went out back to listen to the morning wake up.
Very calm...one of those days where you could hear a mile away.

6:50 started a very light rain.....heard my 1st gobble out from my place to the right. Not a usual area for turkeys, as they are usually across the road.

7:00 several birds gobbling back and forth a bit about every 4-5 minutes. Crows calling, woodpeckers pecking.

7:20 heard a hen clucking behind my deck (80 acres of posted land). Unusual place as I seldom hear turkey back there. Only heard her for a few minutes.

7:25 all quiet.

7:30 Thinking it all over, I decided to play around with the cheapie HS strut slate call I purchased on sale for a couple bucks. I'll be danged, the ones I heard earlier started up again. Played with them for about 10 minutes, then all went quiet again.

7:50 had been calling softly since about 7:35 when I hear a gobble about 80-100 yards behind my deck. I quickly shut up so as not to be busted. Heard him 1 more time, but never saw him. I think that is the closest I have ever called one to my deck. This is a residential area with about 1-2 acre lots surrounded by posted land that nobody can hunt. These are my practice birds.

8:00 snuck back into the house so as not to get busted. Watched out the window, but never saw him.

Wow....all that excitement from the comfort of my PJs. It doesn't get much better than this, except to be able to shoot one. It will never happen here, as too residential.

Time to go get ready for church.

I'll be back..............
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: DirtNap647 on March 14, 2016, 08:07:54 AM
where in central pa you guys located
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 14, 2016, 04:56:44 PM
Blair county for me.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: Devastator on March 14, 2016, 07:30:39 PM
Heard some yesterday here in bradford county.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: DirtNap647 on March 15, 2016, 08:10:11 AM
small world im in centre
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on March 16, 2016, 03:06:13 PM
This morning listened to gobbling from driveway. Then on the way to breakfast in Juniata county, saw two flocks of birds, first one 20+ birds, and some strutters, second group about 8 birds and 2 strutters. All in fields with the rain and fog.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 16, 2016, 05:12:21 PM
Didn't get out this morning, but took a break about 11:30.
Went out on the back deck again and started a conversation with a hen behind the house.
I was really ticking her off, but she wouldn't come close enough to the houses to get a look.
Didn't hear any gobbles and sounded like a lone hen.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on March 16, 2016, 10:15:01 PM
Watched 14 with 2 strutter's from my driveway, this evening, headed to roost.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 17, 2016, 08:39:22 AM
Had a listen this morning at daybreak.
Didn't hear a bird.
Well, just one crow.
Started to rain just after and went back in.
About 20 minutes total listening time.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on March 17, 2016, 01:21:08 PM
Saw a flock of around 15 or so birds, about 3-4 gobblers, this morning at 8:30, headed to my wife's class breakfast.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 18, 2016, 09:06:36 AM
Heard several hens just before dark, way behind my house.
This morning heard several gobbles just after daylight, nothing past 7:20.
Again behind my house.
What's strange is I have yet to hear a bird across the road on the mountain. I have seen them there, but they are not vocal. I very seldom have activity behind my house, but this year it has come alive with turkeys. Must be something back there they like this year!
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 19, 2016, 09:48:02 AM
03/19/2016 report.

Location: Back Deck. Cold this morning with a frost. Sun was starting to peek out, then got cloudy. No wind, could "hear a country mile". Stayed out from daybreak until about 8:00 am. Nothing except a few crows. Cold and quiet. Ran out of coffee and decided to go back in and get warm.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on March 20, 2016, 08:51:29 AM
Even with temps at 28, this morning, the hens and gobblers were in a talking mood. Hen's started about 7:10 am. & didn't stop till 7:45 am.  Heard 4 different groups of gobblers. This one group of hens, had all the gobblers with in ear range, gobbling.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 20, 2016, 08:26:01 PM
Funny how one place they are going like crazy and the next the don't seem to exist.
Then it switches.
Cold weather really seems to shut them up in my area.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: Yoder409 on March 20, 2016, 09:46:10 PM
3/19/16 report:

I'm a whisker west of central.  But not too far.

Rolled Momma and the two little ones out early yesterday morning.  28 degrees.

We got to our listening spot about 6:45 and a wad of 3-5 birds were gobbling as we opened the truck doors.  We listened to them for quite a while waiting for others to open up elsewhere.  But only heard one other bird about 3/4 mile away.  So there were about 3-5 more birds that I heard two weekends ago that were not being vocal yesterday.

So we headed over to the restaurant for breakfast and saw a flock of 20-ish birds (there were 42 in it two weekends ago) with 6 strutters.

All in all a nice morning to be turkey folk.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on March 21, 2016, 09:09:52 AM
Report 3/21/16

Now this morning colder than Sunday, at 26, gobblers started at 6:40 am. & last I heard was at 8 am when leaving.  Did not hear the hens today, like yesterday.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 21, 2016, 09:42:35 AM
03/21/2016 report:

Went out at daybreak. 22 degrees and light snow on the ground.
Didn't hear a thing. Went back in at 7:15.....too dang cold out.
I'll wait until it warms up this week.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on March 22, 2016, 09:18:11 AM

Another 26 degree morning.  Again around 6:40 am gobbling on roost. Then I heard a couple hens talking. No more gobbling till about 6:50 am. and they were on the ground. I went to the west side of a hollow, hens & gobblers on east side. Sat and listened. Around 7:30 am heard something across hollow in leaves, thought deer, but no, here comes a turkey, then another. Glassed them, and two jakes, came down the east side of the hollow, heading south. Kept hearing the hens & gobblers, heading north. When I came out at 8 am., the two jakes, that I saw in the hollow, were standing withing 40 yds. of my truck in a field. They just ran east as I walked to the truck. 
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 22, 2016, 09:33:54 AM
Sounds like you got a real hot spot.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 24, 2016, 08:40:48 AM

Didn't hear anything until about 7:15.
Then several started over on the mountain. 1st ones I've heard over there this year.
Birds that were behind the house were quiet, or moved.
Surprised how long it took to hear the 1st one on such a nice morning.
Only lasted about 15 - 20 minutes.
Come on spring!
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on March 27, 2016, 09:20:11 AM

Birds started gobbling at 6:30 and went till 7:15, didn't hear any more till I left at 7:45. The gobbling this morning 99% was on the tree. One lone bird, did gobble once on ground, up to 7:15.
One thing I did notice today, the birds are really spread out over a large area, so the winter flocks, have broken up.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: M,Yingling on March 27, 2016, 10:18:55 AM
Birds was going pretty good this morning tied the dog up at 620 am this morning he gave a bark and the birds started at least 3 going back and fourth,,, let the heavy scouting begin lol
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 28, 2016, 10:03:47 AM

Decided to take the "back way" home after dropping my son off to work.

8:15 saw a flock of at least 20 birds, working an old corn field. Was too far to get a good look and on a rolling hill. Posted area that is not friendly to hunters.

8:30 saw about 10 on an old logging road. Looked like all hens, best I could tell.

Back Home by 9:00
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on March 28, 2016, 10:22:35 AM

With it raining, just checked a field from driveway, and counted 21 birds, and 6 were strutting.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on March 29, 2016, 08:26:02 AM
They sure love the fields and openings when it's raining.
1st place I check.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on April 02, 2016, 09:56:59 PM

A couple of gobblers behind the house had a conversation going with a couple across the road on the mountain. All were pretty distant from me, but they went on from about 7:15am to 7:45am. Off and on. Funny that I didn't hear anything at 1st light. Cold weather on the way will probably shut them up for a few days.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on April 03, 2016, 08:49:26 AM
Cold not a problem.  These winds of up to 50-60 mph does not help. Birds end up in places they might not usually be, just to get away from the winds. The way it looks will be this way all week.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on April 03, 2016, 09:16:28 AM
I heard the winds this morning, turned over and went back to sleep.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on April 08, 2016, 08:46:53 AM
Saw a single long beard feeding in a field about 10:00.
He looked very lonely.....LOL
So cold and windy, I think he was saying

Cold, windy and 1-2 inches of snow on the ground.
What happened to spring?
Even the crows are not active behind the house.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: TauntoHawk on April 08, 2016, 09:30:40 AM
extremely weird spring... warm February/March then cold start to April
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: SteelerFan on April 08, 2016, 05:56:00 PM
Calling for snow tonight / tomorrow?? Ugh...
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on April 09, 2016, 10:11:58 AM
Well had to mail some call orders this morning. On way to PO, low & behold, a flock of turkeys along a creek bottom, no sure how many hens, but did count 3 Jakes, & 3. Longbeards, these were strutting, and dang, no camera.  Would of made a nice picture strutting in the snow. They were still in the creek bottom a hour later when going home.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: crow on April 09, 2016, 09:09:39 PM
southern york co.------- 3 toms gobbling in a field in the snow this morning at a farm I was working at
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on April 12, 2016, 09:06:04 AM

With rain this morning, took walk, birds no talking. So with rain getting harder, move to where I could sit in truck and watch fields. Did not see a thing, till went to leave, and here a hen was in the wheat field behind me, all alone. Moved down the road, to glass some fields, nothing. So headed to where I saw the birds on Sat. in the snow. Here I see some birds, glass them, 6 Jakes. Then noticed in another field, a flock of turkeys, glass them, and he we have 5 hens, 3 Long Beards, & 6 Jakes. So I look back at the first 6 Jakes, and here they come, and head to the other 14 birds. Well, when the 6 Jakes get to the other's, the 3 LB, start chasing them around, purring, flogging them, etc., and they put on quite a show.

As I was getting ready to leave, looked down the first field, where the 6 Jakes had come from, and now we have 5 deer, running, playing, and chasing each other.  I guess with the temps. at 50* this morning, they felt it was time to welcome Spring back.

It turned out to be a Great morning. 
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: Ruger M77 on April 15, 2016, 05:20:08 AM
They were realy gobblin here in Schuylkill co yesterday morning
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on April 15, 2016, 10:02:03 PM

10:30 am
Made a quick run up a dirt road to a parking area I hunt on my way back from a job.
Just as I pulled into the parking area, I saw 3 jakes off to my left in some pines.

Plan on going out to my usual spot where I'll be hunting come opening day on Saturday before daylight.
1st time out there this year, except to check the road condition.

Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: PALongspur on April 16, 2016, 07:18:43 AM
Lots of gobbling here but birds are definitely still wadded up. Hopefully things get right over the next few weeks.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on April 16, 2016, 03:05:43 PM

Went out to my usual spot. Where I plan on being 1st day.
Got there about 5:15am. Sat by car and finished my cup of coffee.
A great place to park, as I can hear a pretty good distance.
Listened to the morning wake-up.
Not much happened. I did hear a couple of gobbles that sounded like they were right under the tree I sit at.
Waited until about 7:00am, then drove up the road to check out the rest of the area.
Went less than 1/2 mile and a jake was off the road to my right.
Went to the T in the road, then right.
Out near my 2nd spot, saw 4 deer and a fair amount of scratching.
Out to the left of the T saw a decent amount off scratching.
Nice morning, but not gobbling like I thought they should.
I know they are in the area, just didn't hook up with them this morning.
I didn't go to my exact spot, as I don't want to spook them, but that is where the gobbling was.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on April 17, 2016, 01:08:44 PM

Since was not out most of week cause of health issues, got out this morning. Started by sitting on a high spot, and at 5:50 heard 2 gobbling. So parked the truck, and took a walk. Some other gobblers chimed in with one of the first two I heard early. Next saw a deer ran out of corn field, kept walking, and noticed more deer, but no, instead two coyotes about 60 yds. ahead of me, standing broadside, and wished I had a gun. They just kept ahead of me working the edge of the corn field and woods. As I moved east, started to hear more gobblers, and hen's talking. Now have lost sight of the coyotes. So enjoyed the hen's and gobblers and watched 8 cross a field, mix of hen's, jakes, and longbeards.  So then worked back to where I had parked, and then went to a spot just off the field edge, and sat on a log to listen more. Heard some gobbling east of me, and they kept getting closer, so I got out of their, and back to the truck, and left.
Great morning, but maybe will need to carry a gun, in case I see those, coyotes again.
Title: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: TauntoHawk on April 17, 2016, 09:37:22 PM
Got out to check my favorite public spot on  Saturday. Got there at 5:30 hiked about 1.5 miles in owl hooted a single time and the birds sounded off all below me where I thought they'd be. Bunch gobbled good and flew down and made their way out onto a piece of private fields to strut like normal. I dropped down onto the ridge to glass the fields and got visuals on 6 longbeards 2 seemed to be very dominant and at least 8 jakes they were everywhere. The trick in this spot is to get in tight as they roost on public but 99% of mornings head straight to un accessible private ground.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: compton30 on April 18, 2016, 10:02:35 AM
Went out to my honey hole for the first time this year to give a listen and a tom was hammering at roughly 7:30. Watched him with a hen and 2 jakes for about an hour before a second gobbler sounded off around 9. Hopefully it keeps heating up!
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: Duckman69 on April 18, 2016, 04:25:53 PM
4-16-16 Birds in Bedford County were gobbling on the roost before First light.  After the sun came up nothing. We heard them while we were waiting for the 8AM start time for the Trout Opener

4-17-16 Birds in Indiana County were very vocal this morning at first light.  Still seeing birds when I am traveling too and from work.  They are in smaller bunches now compared to 10 days ago. 
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on April 21, 2016, 09:12:59 AM
Could be a interesting Sat. Youth hunt, as the hen's are still moving around, so the gobblers are at different spots, from one day to the next.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on April 21, 2016, 06:15:39 PM

Went out to my spot where I plan on hunting 1st day.
Arrived about 5:30 Parked below where I hunt and walked the road so as not to spook anything. I set-up just off the road where I cut in, camo head to toe.
5:55....boom......1st one, then 2, then more.
At least 4 or 5 gobblers. Sometimes, 2 or 3 at a time.
Closest one sounded like about 100 yards from me.
The rest about 100-150 yards from him.
Also heard several more off in the distance.
Stayed concealed until they moved off about 7:00 am
Then drove out the road about 1/2 mile and saw fresh scratching along the road.
Continued about 1/4 mile and there they were, just off the road on an old power line.
Jake and 2 hens.
Continued out to the end of property, turned around a headed back.
At the power line, they were back up on the road, going back they way they came.
I got about 75 yards from them and shut off vehicle.
Watched them work out the road until they went out of sight.
Waited about 5 minutes and started driving again.
Bingo, they were just around a bend and still traveling the gravel road.
Looked at me and kept right on scratching. Not a care in the world.
Decided to see how close I could drive to them and got to within 15-20 yards before they stepped off the road.
Drove up a straight stretch about 200 yards, shut off vehicle, and watched my rear view mirror.
5 minutes later...yep, back up on the road and headed my way again.
None of them ever made a sound.
It was getting late and I decided to let them enjoy whatever it was they were eating.
Very exciting morning.
Might get back out tomorrow morning and check out another spot near there.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on April 23, 2016, 04:37:49 PM

I went out to the property I hunt this morning to check if any youths were hunting.
Heard 4 or 5 about 200-300 yards above me.
They gobbled until about 7:30
Several more in the distance.
Heard a hen below me.
Saw 2 running as I was walking the road out to the vehicle.
Saw 2 nice gobblers all by themselves on the power line about 100 yards below the road.
Then saw 3 jakes and a hen from the road.
Scratching all over the place.
And not a youth to be found!
Hope next Saturday is as exciting.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on April 27, 2016, 08:04:03 AM

I went out for a sit on my back deck before daybreak.
From just at 1st light until I went in for my 2nd cup of coffee at 6:45, boys were the most active over on the mountain. They just carried on like no tomorrow. Cars driving, people slamming doors, kid's getting on school buses, dogs barking. Didn't matter, they were gobbling at everything. At least 5, 6, 7, or more. All different places. Really broken up.

Come on Saturday!
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on April 29, 2016, 09:43:04 AM
With the rain, looks like fields will be the place to be looking along wood & field edge, come tomorrow Sat. 4/30/16 opening day here in Pa.

Hope everybody has a good and safe Gobbler season.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: owlhoot on April 29, 2016, 10:10:48 AM
Good luck Penn hunters, hope you hear many gobblers and  :gobble: :gobble: :fud:
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on April 29, 2016, 06:18:56 PM
Be safe and good luck to all.
It's been a looooong time coming.
If I see 1/2 the birds I saw before season, I'll be happy.
Actually, I'll be happy if I only see one!
And get him.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: SteelerFan on May 02, 2016, 06:11:53 PM
Opening day - drippy fog. Had a bird hammering on the roost, and after touchdown. Live hen passed me headed towards him...game over. Was able to crank one other at 11:15, but he wouldn't budge. Me thinks the hens are sharing company right now.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 02, 2016, 08:19:24 PM
Opening Day.

Heard several at 6:15.
Talked to 4 of them until 6:45
Nice size Jake with 5 inch beard made the mistake of checking me out within 40 yards.
Bagged him at 6:45
Other 3 looked even smaller
Since I have 2 tags, I decided to fill one for some good eating.
Now holding out for a long beard.
Out of the woods and home by 8:15
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on May 03, 2016, 03:44:20 PM
Opening Day---Grandson is the shooter.
Birds start gobbling at 5:36
Birds came in below us, along field edge, he had no shot thru brush.
At 9 a gobbler started gobbling, made a few calls on a slate, he answered, and shut up.
At 10:15 5 Jake's & hen into field, Jake's ended up between 5 yds. to 15 yds. , he passed. They moved up over corn stubble, hen stayed about 40 yds. away, and went up on top of corn field stubble, and then just a quick, comes back towards woods. with Jake's, but no first one is a long beard, Grandson not quick enough, no shot, told him to take a Jake if he wanted, but passed.

Mon. 5/2/16
Rain, saw two hens, heard a gobble but never showed with hens.

Tues. 5/3/16
Rain, stayed in blind at field edge, till 10, did hear a gobble about 6.
At 10 got gear together and started for a walk. Heard a gobble, moved along field edge to about 75 yds. of him sat up, called, he answered, and then all quite.  Heard a hen talking, far away from him, and around 11:30 he gobbled, down along creek. I moved to where he had been off field, sat up at tree, and listened to the hen talk, but no gobble from him. Caught movement on left side,  no gobbler, but something that likes to eat them as much as we do, COYOTE. Moved and got on him, and the Long Beards #6 put a job on him.  Neck and head shot, down, and did not move.
(http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj505/coyclr/00000000A1%20LB%206%20%20Coyote%20Turkey%20Hunting%205316_zpsenfkmhbl.jpg) (http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj505/coyclr/00000000A2%20LB%206%20%20Coyote%20Turkey%20Hunting%205316_zpsrphdgdf9.jpg)

That's even after shooting through this brush & green briers.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: crow on May 03, 2016, 05:51:05 PM
nice job on the coyote, good thing you shot him, it looks like he has a bad case of pinkeye.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: bigredneck61088 on May 03, 2016, 07:14:44 PM
How is the gobbling going? Tagged out here in ohio last week, and I am gonna sneak up to Forest County PA to hunt the family cabin, was wondering what the birds are doing if anyone has any input...
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: compton30 on May 04, 2016, 01:13:54 AM
Opening Day- Went to an area I'd seen as a likely roosting area for a bird I'd seen and heard on a scouting trip. Immediate response to a short series of yelps. My brother smoked him at 30 steps 15 minutes later. Quickest hunt of my life.

Since then gobbles have been few and far between. Hopefully things start heating up soon!
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 04, 2016, 02:40:46 PM

Got a late start today due to some things needing done.
Went back to my blind where I scored Saturday arriving about 8:30
Stuck it out until 12:00, but didn't hear a bird.
I know they are in this area, (fresh scratching), but couldn't get a peep.
Plan on being back Saturday before daylight.
I have a good idea they are roosting on an open woods hilltop about 150 yards from my blind.
Usually fly down in my direction.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 06, 2016, 02:20:28 PM

Got another chance to go out to my blind again. I got another late start....better late than not at all.
Got my decoys set-up and settled in about 9:00.
Quiet until I'm doing some very light clucking about 10:30, then 1 gobble about 150-200 yards away on a hillside. Not our property there, so no chance to move, I'm talking to him softly and getting another gobble about every 15-20 minutes. Not getting any closer. About 11:15, I start to get a little more aggressive. Again, just a gobble or 2. It's now 11:30, so I throw the book at him, hoping if he is with hens (what I thought), they may come over to me. 12:00 quitting time came, no bird and I hadn't heard him for the last 20 minutes. Guess he didn't want to leave a sure thing for a maybe.......LOL
I'll be back Saturday, before 1st light.
:fud:   :gobble:
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on May 08, 2016, 09:10:55 AM
First week wrap-up----

Beside last Sat., when did have a Gobbler gobble on the ground, this past week reminds me of a number of years ago, when spent a week in NY, and the only gobbling we heard, was on the tree, and once they flew down, nothing. That was the whole week. Even Sat.5/7/16, went where was lot's of gobbling on the tree, and set up, and did some calling, and nothing. On the way out on the same logging road I walked in on, came across fresh scratching, looked like three or four birds. I was set up with in about 100 yds. where the scratch was.

Update----Forgot that on Tues. past week, did hear a bird after 10 am. till 11:30 am., as then I shot a coyote at 11:50 am.

Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 08, 2016, 11:04:28 AM

My week was almost the opposite. Except for the 1st day, I have not heard a bird until later in the morning. Go figure. Lots of sign, but very little gobbling, even far away. This Sat., I didn't hear a bird until about 11:00.....way up above me and one gobble. I think I might try a little higher next week. Although it was nice sitting in a blind while it rained in the morning......LOL.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: crow on May 08, 2016, 11:12:19 AM
heard a faint gobble at 6:15, 2 times @ 3 minutes apart, across to roads and some private ground
nothing close, I covered ground and set up for sneak in toms, called in 1 hunter but he stopped at a property line

mid morning got 2 fired up by cutting on a wing bone, up till then no response to yelping on several different calls. they came in from pretty far off, stayed below me in a hollow, circled behind me and came out on a field.

I was down in the woods, they stayed out on the field, they stayed awhile strutting, spitting/drumming, gobbling and looking but wouldn't come down in

on one of their quiet spells when they were still over the drop off I thought they might be sneaking in, then I saw bright red coming up and started thinking of which fry pan and bacon grease or butter to use, turned out to be a cardinal fluttering around  :TooFunny:
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: SteelerFan on May 09, 2016, 03:23:51 PM
Monday 5/9 - Heard exactly 0 gobbles on the roost. Did exchange pleasantries with a hen around 6:15 - 6:30. Went for a stroll to the other section of property, plenty of sign. Trolled up a gobble at 11:10. Big bird gobbled down and to the left, jake(s) down and to the right (below me on the mountain). Birds fired up for 10-15 minutes, hammering back. Turns out, they were just courtesy gobbles, and showed no sign of closing any distance. Due to the clock winding down, I got more aggressive than usual, but to no avail. All signs point to hens in company for the better part of the morning / day right now in my neck of the woods. Normally, a gobble after 10 / 11 equals a kill-able bird...
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 09, 2016, 04:38:40 PM
Quote from: SteelerFan on May 09, 2016, 03:23:51 PM
Monday 5/9 - Heard exactly 0 gobbles on the roost. Did exchange pleasantries with a hen around 6:15 - 6:30. Went for a stroll to the other section of property, plenty of sign. Trolled up a gobble at 11:10. Big bird gobbled down and to the left, jake(s) down and to the right (below me on the mountain). Birds fired up for 10-15 minutes, hammering back. Turns out, they were just courtesy gobbles, and showed no sign of closing any distance. Due to the clock winding down, I got more aggressive than usual, but to no avail. All signs point to hens in company for the better part of the morning / day right now in my neck of the woods. Normally, a gobble after 10 / 11 equals a kill-able bird...

That's exactly what I'm running into. Usually "late" birds are much more callable. Seems this year all they want to do is say "hello". Hope it gets better as it gets later in the season. Usually does.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on May 09, 2016, 07:14:45 PM
Well what a high pressure day makes. Went to different area, and first gobble was at 5 am., I thought holy crap, not even light, then at 5:10 am, another bird gobbled. I ended up hearing 6 birds gobble, just the early ones close. Best I could tell they were on the ground by 5:30 am., and on the move, and so was I. Ended up catching up to them in a big corn stubble field, as following and calling, all they would do was answer, but would not come back. In the field was a hen, Jake, & Long Beard, they were 200-300 yds. out in the field. Closes they came was 80 yds. The LB gobbled up till 8 am. and then just put on a show strutting. They moved away, lost sight of them, and never heard anymore. Stayed in the area, siting high in the edge of the woods and field, and saw nothing till 10 am. So back to truck and to my regular spot. Low and behold at 11:10 am, a bird started gobbling, first since season opened. I did some calling and he would answer, but really did not care. I was on one side and he about 1000 yds. across from me in some logged timber, and was even able to see him gobble, strut, ans when he started moving, he started putting, loss sight of him and never neard him till quitting time of noon.
Like some others have said guess they were just hello gobbles, but since he started gobbling on his own, thought he might be workable. Guess he had other ideas and still in the mode of I gobble, you hen come to me. Ha Ha!!!
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: SteelerFan on May 16, 2016, 07:14:23 PM
May 16 - Heard 1 bird gobble on the roost 4 or 5 times waaaaaayyyyy off. 0 in my neck of the woods. So glad legal hours were extended starting today... I could not hear a bird for a little longer  ::)

35 degrees to start the day at 0-dark-thirty. Wind picked up by 11.

Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: Twowithone on May 16, 2016, 07:45:40 PM
Gobblers were talking up in Potter on this past Saturday. :firefighter:
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 17, 2016, 07:27:09 PM
Went out today and I think it was the 1st day this year I didn't hear a gobble.
Got a late start, hunted 8:30 -11:30.
Had to go back home to do some things.
Went back out to a spot near home (15 min.), where I was seeing/hearing them.
Stayed from about 1:30 - 5:30, then had to head home again.
I might have heard one way, way, way across the road, but I can't say for certain.
Hearing is not as good as it used to be and if they just gobble once, makes it tough.
At least I didn't get wet.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: TauntoHawk on May 19, 2016, 10:38:53 AM
im not in central PA but in SE PA it can be real tough to find turkeys and tougher to find them on public. After tons of scouting last year I located a big flock and put two great birds down from that area last year.. this year they were all in exactly the same roost areas preseason and a bunch of them, season rolled around and they are straight up gone no clue where to. Best guess is a private farm out of ear shot
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on May 21, 2016, 08:53:47 PM
5/19-5/21/16----Heard no gobbling any of these three days.
Today 5/21, raining so went to one of my blind set up's, set out two decoy's, at 7 a hen shows up at decoys, and fed, back and forth, loss sight for a time and then she was back, and this lasted for a total of 3 1/2 hrs. Around 10, did see another bird, but was not able to tell what it was. The hen that kept me company all morning, feeds towards the other bird, and then she started to talk some low yelps. Up to that point did not hear her make a sound, even when around the decoy's, but then it was raining hard.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 22, 2016, 08:55:00 PM
I haven't heard a gobble or seen a bird for so long I forget what they sound or look like.
Unbelievable year, if I didn't know better, I would think they are extinct in my part of the woods.
Still seeing sign (scratchings), but always a day later than when they were there.
Before season, I was seeing/hearing more birds than I can remember in years.
After the 1st day, I've seen/heard less birds than I can remember in years.
I still have a few more outings, but looking less and less hopeful each day.
Vegetation is really getting thick where I'm at.
Hope to at least "play" with one more.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: Twowithone on May 22, 2016, 09:38:09 PM
They were gobbling in Indiana this past Friday. :OGturkeyhead:
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: compton30 on May 23, 2016, 01:03:37 AM
Quote from: HFultzjr on May 22, 2016, 08:55:00 PM
I haven't heard a gobble or seen a bird for so long I forget what they sound or look like.
Unbelievable year, if I didn't know better, I would think they are extinct in my part of the woods.
Still seeing sign (scratchings), but always a day later than when they were there.
Before season, I was seeing/hearing more birds than I can remember in years.
After the 1st day, I've seen/heard less birds than I can remember in years.
I still have a few more outings, but looking less and less hopeful each day.
Vegetation is really getting thick where I'm at.
Hope to at least "play" with one more.

Same here. I haven't heard a gobble since I called one in for my cousin on Opening Day. Brutal.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 23, 2016, 08:46:07 AM
Quote from: Twowithone on May 22, 2016, 09:38:09 PM
They were gobbling in Indiana this past Friday. :OGturkeyhead:

Of course! One of the nice days that I couldn't get out. Same thing today. I think I can give it a shot tomorrow and the weather looks good. Really wanted to try this morning, thinking after the rainy weekend, they might get stirred up to some early morning sunshine.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on May 23, 2016, 04:47:16 PM
Quote from: HFultzjr on May 23, 2016, 08:46:07 AM
Quote from: Twowithone on May 22, 2016, 09:38:09 PM
They were gobbling in Indiana this past Friday. :OGturkeyhead:

Of course! One of the nice days that I couldn't get out. Same thing today. I think I can give it a shot tomorrow and the weather looks good. Really wanted to try this morning, thinking after the rainy weekend, they might get stirred up to some early morning sunshine.

You didn't miss anything today, or at least in my area, no gobbling, did run into 2 hens out feeding and the last one was after 11 am., and she did some loud calling when I surprised her in the field, but no gobbling.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 24, 2016, 09:51:49 PM
Got a chance to get out for a couple hours this morning between schedules.
In the woods 8-11:30am. Not prime time, but all I could do.
Nothing.....beautiful day, but silent.
Wish I could get out before daybreak, but schedule won't allow.
I usually get some action late morning this time of the year.
Not this year!
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: compton30 on May 25, 2016, 10:48:20 AM
After going weeks without having heard a gobble, today was finally different. Got to my area around 7:20, started glassing an enormous reclaimed coal stripping field, and there's big boy putting on a show. Got him to give me a courtesy gobble until I noticed he had a single hen. Couldn't help myself and got into a bit of an argument with his lady, and man he just could not get enough of it. Hammering constantly. She led him away then eventually wandered off around 9:30 and he came probably 180-200 yards back to me only to hang up probably 60 yards away but also below me on a slight hill. He strutted for probably 10 minutes before losing interest. No way of getting around him without spooking him off. Best gobbling day of the year for me and a new plan of attack is already in place for tomorrow!  :fud:
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 25, 2016, 06:39:44 PM
Glad to hear somebody got a little action!
Right now, if I heard a gobble I would consider it a good day.
Spent another great 4 hours practicing my calling in the woods where I hunt.
I must say, the calls....ALL OF THEM, were performing at their peak. At least to me, if not the gobblers.
About the only thing I haven't tried yet, is a deer grunt tube and my cell phone ring tone. They are next in my bag of tricks to try..........LOL.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: kobes31 on May 25, 2016, 09:51:50 PM
I've been out twice first time hunting for anything at all, both times with 2 others and none of us have heard a thing despite tons of turkey signs.  I made a racket last time out and called in a silent hen but nobody else has even seen anything.  Crazy!  I went out scouting the week before opening day and saw a good sized flock with 2 monsters in the area who are now ghosts.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 28, 2016, 05:52:36 PM

Another quiet morning in Central PA. Except for some crows and tweety birds, I could have fallen asleep. Hot, buggy, and to top it off, my air conditioning in vehicle stopped working when I got back to it. Quit at 11:30, had enough. I'll give it one more try on Memorial Day, then that's my year. Sure glad I shot an "eating" bird on the 1st day.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: troutfisher13111 on May 28, 2016, 07:34:23 PM
I've hunted northern PA(Susquehanna county) a couple times with zero luck. I thought it might be just me. Any reason why things are so quiet in PA?
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 28, 2016, 08:35:28 PM
Quote from: Terry on May 28, 2016, 07:34:23 PM
I've hunted northern PA(Susquehanna county) a couple times with zero luck. I thought it might be just me. Any reason why things are so quiet in PA?

Wish I knew!

It is one of the quietest years in memory. Lots of activity middle to end of April, then it just seemed to dry up. Started out thinking this was going to be a banner year, then it turned into one of the quietest. Some guys seem to be scoring in some areas, but a lot are saying the same......"it's quiet". I think the crazy weather may have had some impact, but who knows. A few things I've observed this year:

There isn't any "magic calls". I've added new calls this year to no avail.
Turkeys move a lot........ more so this year than I can remember.
Late season birds are usually more co-operative......not this year.
Private land is better.......not this year, maybe less pressure, but not better. I have access to 800 acres.

If a Gobbler doesn't want to play, he isn't going to play......no way, no how. NADA


Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: crow on May 28, 2016, 09:18:59 PM
hunted public in the poconos today, not a gobble cluck or yelp
did find a couple areas with fresh scratchings, and a couple of freshly used dusting bowls so they are there
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: catclr on May 28, 2016, 10:37:08 PM
5/26/16---Thurs.-----Heard my first hens talking in about 2 weeks. No gobbling on roost. Thought I would try heading to the area where the hen's were talking, and at 7:15 heard a gobble, in hollow along creek bottom. I was on top about 100 yds. away with a grain field above me.  I left him do all the gobbling he wanted till I knew he was on my side of the creek, then did some soft calling, but no gobble to my calling, but he would gobble when he felt like it, and the  he shut up. Stayed in the area for 2 1/2 hrs. and nothing, which made it around 10:30, so packed it up and went home.

That afternoon/evening went back into the same area as the morning, got set up at 4:30 pm., and did some calling every 1/2 hr. till I heard a gobble at 6:30 and he kept gobbling till 8. Nothing more.

5/27/16---Fri.---Went back same area, and nothing, stayed till  11, and then headed home.
5/28/16---Sat.---Slept in and worked around the house. To humid.  Sat. eve. sat in my yard and watched some turkeys, about 1/2 mile away feeding, and then saw a hen with a gobbler following, as every once in a while would do a half strut. They fed up through a hay field then into a bean field, then back to the hay field. By 8:15 pm, hen entered woods, but the gobbler kept feeding in the hay field, but kept headed east, and I ended up loosing sight of him, but he was at the end of the field, and all he had was woods in front of him, which would put him on the point of the woods. Even with the air blowing from him to me never heard him gobble.   

Like others I thought our season would be like last year, but seems as usual the turkey's will be turkey's, and do their own thing.
Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on May 29, 2016, 08:53:12 AM

At least your are hearing an occasional gobble. I almost forget what they sound like. Unbelievable!

Here is the 1st gobble I've heard in a while:

Title: Re: Central PA Gobbling Report
Post by: HFultzjr on July 17, 2016, 09:04:04 AM
Not really a gobbler report, but I wanted to note something.
2 hens are hanging around the house.
1 has 6 chicks and the other has 8 I think.
Boy are they small for this time of year. The 6 are about 1-1/2 times my hand size and the 8 are only hand size. The 8 are still "peepies". I've never seen them this small in mid July. Can't be more than a couple weeks old. Must of been a really late hatch, or 2nd or 3rd try.