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How many......

Started by Gobbling Buck, February 23, 2011, 02:27:09 AM

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We used to own a place in the TX hill country (right in the middle of Rio country) and it was absolutely ridiculous how many turkey were out there.  You almost had to try NOT to kill one.

Anyhow, we had a creek bottom out there that was particularly good as a roost area and one morning I got out (about a 7 hour drive from our house to the ranch) and hadnt been able scout the day before obviously,  I got out set up and let things get quite in the dark....  I started to wonder if I had picked the right spot and all the sudden I heard a lone gobble go off and immidiately followed by what must have been 30-40 more birds right behind that.

My Brother in law was with me (first time hunting texas rios) and he's a big turkey hunter also but in his home state of Alabama and the look on his face cant be described.  Kid on Christmas cant even begin to tell the story... :z-guntootsmiley:

We sold that place about 5 years ago (my dads property and i had no say) and every spring I regret it.


Quote from: deerhunt1988 on February 23, 2011, 03:19:49 PM
Way too many to count on a hunt in Texas. They'd start at one end of the ranch and gobbles would ring out in a wave along the entire length of the river all the way to the other end of the ranch. No possibly way to count the amount of birds but I'd be willing to bet it was 40+.

This is exactly the situation we had.  We had a creek bottom and in west tx, those trees on the creeks are alot of times, the only spots you have good roost trees and the turkey population being what it is in some spots out in that area....it can be ridiculous. 

The creek ran the length of our property (1600 acres) and in relatively wide open country, you can hear for a long long way on a still morning.

Its hard for people to believe how many turkey you can find yourself in the middle of if you havent personally experienced it.  Absolutely incredible.


On one of my very first hunts in northern Missouri, back in the late '80's, I listened over a big river bottom, and I heard birds gobble for what seemed like miles in either direction.  I have no idea how many were actually there, but it sounded like hundreds.  In reality, it was probably somewhere in the 30-50 range.  Either way, I just remember standing there, completely awestruck.  I had no clue where to start...or even what to do once I got started.  :)

On a sad note, probably due to several consecutive years of flooding, that particular farm has been gobble-free the last couple of times I've tried to hunt there.  :(


The most I ever heard was at a farm I was hunting in Allen Co. KY. I was hunting a river bottom and on the other side of the river was a bluff with just enough slope to have trees up and down. Just as soon as it was starting to set enough light to see a coyote was walking by and let out howl. Man did those trees come alive there was constant gobbling and yelping for 20 mins. Now I can not say for sure how many gobblers there was but this happened during our October turkey season, but I did have 75 hens fly down into the bottom field I was hunting. The gobblers stayed on the other side of the river and I could never get a good view of them. That was music to any turkey hunters ear to hear all them birds going off at the same time.


Here at home to hear a few is a big deal.

Years ago in  Texas down along a dry river bed I heard more gobblers than I've ever heard in my life at once...I could sky the birds as it was getting light and it looked like  a turkey fruit tree.
It could have been a dozen or it could have been 20 gobblers. all right together in 3 different trees along with a bunch of hens

The next (last morning) day I worked in within 70 yards before it got light and had one of the most memorable momments ever.

Had 7 gobblers pitch down and landed literally all around me and almost on me....nothing but spitting and drumming and really a sur real experience. You could never have filmed it but being there was incredible...I waited until the very last one wlked off and shot him when the others were out of sight...they gobbled and I stayed put for another 45 minutes and then got my bird


I'd have to say 20to 30 one morning on some in Iowa.  It was phenominal.  I've never heard gobbling like that before, and haven't come close since. 


Couldn't say. When you get on top of these mountains in east KY you can hear birds miles away and birds on all sides some times gobbling at the same time. You just have to pick the one you think is closest and go.

indiana slick

Haven`t been at this but 3 years, heard 7 or 8 in same spot a time or 2. Thought I was in the turkey capitol of the world. You guys busted my bubble!!!!! :gobble:


Somewhere between 10-15 here in MN.
Muskie03 Taught Me A Lesson In 2011

If it eats I can catch it, if it bleeds I can kill it.


I was hunting in north west nebraska last spring and we had 25 gobblers,25 or 30 jakes and twice that many hens all mingling around us at daylight.We putem to bed the night before opener and i told my buddy to video it. We walked down past a barn on the property and i let out a beller with my voice and the woods and canyon came alive, it was awseome.The next morning is when we got a count ofem.Hell of a show is a understatement.The jakes would team up on the gobblers and then run off and come back.Hens were sounding off actually they would get nerve racking. The hunt didnt last long. It was private land also.

In kentucky where i hunt i have heard 10 gobblers in one area about 500 yrds from me.I dont hunt it cuz my other nieghbor hunts it so i let him have it.Every now and then i will venture over there across the lake but for the most part i let him have at it.Every year though i have a couple that roost in the woods where i hunt and i can callem across the lake so i dont worry bout getting a bird.


somewhere between 18-25 down a LONG ridge i hunt in TN that borders up to a river. it is an awesome sound. been hunting it for 9 years and have yet to go out there and not hear a gobble in the morning.


The most I ever heard at fly down time was 13.  The place was loaded with birds and soon loaded with hunters :'(

Cluck more, yelp less


30-40 early season in Nebraska they would gobble in waves. Pretty awesome!
Hooks Custom Calls Prostaff member

NWTF Diamond life member, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Life Member, NWTF Nationals Hunting Call Competition Judge, Hooks custom calls striker builder, WI, MN & IA State Friction Calling Champion.


I heard 9 one morning from the top of a little hill and that was after the woods started getting thick


I counted 17 one morning in South Alabama. It could have been more but I know that there was at least that many.