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turkeys for tomorrow

How’s it going?

Started by ThunderChickenHunter21, April 06, 2019, 03:44:02 PM

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Seems like it's kinda dead on our team. Anyone scouting or hunting? Been awful slow at my farm

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Starting Monday APRIL 8. Seeing some turkeys.
Terry E. Kiser from Southeastern Illinois


Notta peep nor fresh sign - perfectly quiet morning - south zone in FL ends tomorrow and two weeks left in North zone


Seems like they are behind this year to me. Any theories on why they would be?

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I spoke to a few buddies and their theory is the birds went early - we're also definitely down in bird count


Scattered showers but I'm here this morning. Hopefully I can get one on the ground

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Well looks like my FL season is a bust and won't make it out tomorrow - off to UF to replace step-daughter's battery in her car. 

Can't say I had any close calls and rushed one bird due to other hunters. Still great to get out and hear the woods/swamp wake up!!

Good luck to everyone else and trying to figure out how I can squeak in a hunt in GA or NE?


Michigan season starts Monday. I'll b after them then. My son shot a Jake this morning in Indiana. Not much gobbling at all. Was also blowing 30 mph ????


Congrats to your son and good luck next week!


Thanks. We got his friend on a bird tonight and he got it done as well. Now I hope my week is that good !!


my season started yesterday morning as i took my nephew out for the Pa youth season. the weather was supposed to be rainy so i decided to setup a ground blind in a field where i heard some birds gobbling a few days ago.it rained all night but never rained while we were out but it was very windy. . anyway, we slept in and got into the blind right before daybreak. we didnt hear any gobbling on the roost or after flydown. around 8am i made a few yelps on the box call and a hen showed up. she wasnt interested in our setup and walked straight across the field. a minute later 2 more hens crested the hill with a long beard in tow. he strutted around for a couple minutes about 75 yards out but they wouldnt come any closer. they ended up leaving  the way they came in. my hopes of the longbeard coming back in after the hens went on their nests were smashed when around 9am a group of atvs decided to ride around the field. we decided to pack up the blind and head for the mountains near my house and do some run and gun. we walked about 1 1/2 miles but didnt hear anything. at noon we turned around and headed back to the truck. as we crested a hill we spooked a longbeard that was walking down the dirt road. im guessing he heard my calling earlier and came in but came in quietly. that was the end to our dismal and frustrating day.
this coming saturday is my opening day and the weather looks like its going to be good so i should be able to enjoy another fun filled day of atvs, sxs and other hunters showing up just in the nick of time to cut me off and shoot birds that im working in


Had a pack of coyotes come in to my decoys today. They ruined my hunt but I ruined this one's day. 20 gauge 45 yards APEX #9 did the trick.
Terry E. Kiser from Southeastern Illinois



Nicely done - no more turkeys for that coyote! :z-guntootsmiley: