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turkeys for tomorrow

You would think I am lucky...

Started by old frank, March 07, 2017, 01:58:38 PM

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old frank

Yes, that is my feeder. No, we can't bait turkeys and I turned the feeder of today.  Yes I can hunt pigs on this property. Turkey season starts March 25th!

No No No, I can't hunt turkeys on this property! :newmascot:

old frank

I have these same three gobblers visiting the feeder sometimes three times a day and day after day after day.

This is a deer hunting club. I pay a small fee to pig hunt when it is not deer season but it would cost me $1200 to join the deer club so I can turkey hunt there and I already have a place to hunt on a friends farm. Sometimes being retired has it limitations!
But there is always this:


What a shame that those buzzards are eating up all that poor pig's food. They just came in there to vogue in front of the camera and tease you. The club ought to pay you back for killing these swine by letting you take at least one of these birds off of their hands. That's only fair.

BTW, since you are officially retired, that means you can hunt every day of the season, right? I will go ahead and clear a couple of spots off on the Tally Board just for you!

Cheers  ;D


Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.


Great pictures! Definitely gets the blood flowing even if you can't hunt turkey there.


I would love to run an arrow through that big ol piggy!!
That's on my bucket list.

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