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turkeys for tomorrow

Last California Bird

Started by Hayudog, April 30, 2022, 11:48:29 AM

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Walked up the hill in the dark this morning, season ends tomorrow. Figured it would be my last hunt here, we have a wedding to attend tomorrow, and won't get many points for hunting before it.
Not a gobble to be heard this morning. Dead still, and clear.  Didn't figure much would happen. As it started to get light, I ran a few tree yelps, just to see if something was close...nothing. Thinking, nothing to loose, I slipped down a ridge as it was getting more light.  Ran a box fairly loud just trying to strike something. Nothing.
Walked back and sat.  About every ten minutes I'd run a series of calls.  Third run, about 30 minutes in, gobbler cut me off.  One gobble.  About 5 minutes later he came strutting in.  I gave him a minute or so as he beat the poor Jake decoy.  No second bird, so I shot him as he stood on the decoy. 
He was still flopping when a second Tom came from the opposite direction.  He came in and thrashed the dead bird.  Had his way with him, and wouldn't leave.  Took a few pictures, and finally had to move deliberately to get him to leave. 
Doesn't look like an upgrade.  I'll put a tape to him shortly.

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And insult to a load of 9 1/2's, your buddy sends you off with this on your back!

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55 point bird.  Not an upgrade.


Congrats on a nice end to the season. Great pics!


Great pics Doug!! Congrats on your second Cali bird.

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Nice.  Good job!

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Cluck more, yelp less