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turkeys for tomorrow

The ShaZiZZLe is bout to go down!

Started by TrackeySauresRex, April 24, 2022, 10:16:54 AM

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 :funnyturkey: Situation status report!

Less the 24 hours to go, scouting has been completed. The weather looks as good as it can be. We are Ready to rock here. Good luck to all the North Easters on a safe, happy, hunting season.
"If You Call Them,They Will Come."


Good luck Johnny!!! Schwack a biggun!!!

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 I let my son call one up for me today... And it happened fast, done by 6!
Jr called in 6 hens off the roost as we didn't blink. Two Jake's were with them as I let em all walk by less the 15 yards from me. They walk off out of sight and Sonny gives a few soft yelps and the woods Explode GrrrrrrrrrOBbbbLEObbleObbLE! Right on my lap.  Boom Time!

"If You Call Them,They Will Come."


Good job Johnny!!!
Way to go brother!!!!

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Nice!!! Congrats!!

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