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7 bearded longbeard down!!!

Started by derek, April 30, 2011, 01:52:31 PM

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Running a little late this morning, someone beat me to my first choice spot.. then someone a little too close for comfort to my number 2 choice.. So 3rd choice it is.  Hunted this area late last season, worked birds good.  They always roosted on a penisula of woods out into a brushy field on one side, and a nicely mowed grass field (private land) on the other.  It's backed by marsh, as you can imagine, the birds prefer the private by far.  I wasn't early enough to slip in the woods with them, so I held back at the top of the brush field.  A couple birds start rolling in the peninsula, probably 200 yards from me.  Then a bird gobbles about 80 yards from me, one that's surrounded by public on all sides, and seemingly alone.. so I decided to set up on him.  I wait till he flies down and start on him.. he goes quiet.  Next time he gobbles he's farther away.. crap.  Mean while the group of birds behind me have been gobbling everytime I call, but are already on the private land.  I decided I like the hotter birds better and head for the peninsula.  I get them going pretty good, and want to get a look at them so I slip up to the edge, just to look (wouldn't even consider whacking one across the line).  I see 2 hens heading towards the gobbles, then see 3 longbeards come over the rise to greet them and they slide back over the rise and out of sight.  There's public woods on the side they're closest to now so I'm considering backing out and running around.  I start looking for a way into the woods I'm in so I can do it quietly in the dark, always making mental notes.  They gobble again but they're in the back of the field, closer to my woods.  I decide maybe I should wait so I start to think up a plan.  The woods close to the marsh are oaks and rather open.  I move down that way and start cutting up a storm, the birds are all over it.  Cutting me off like they just hadn't been doing before and just on fire.  Figuring they'll still just want to strut in the field, I decide I was going to wait them out from where I was.  I blew up a hen decoy and staked it out in the open woods.  They gobble again before I can sit down and are already on the woodline. .. ~80 yards away.  I'm trying to get set up quickly and don't like the tree I'm at, I yelp to get bearings and they gobble inside the woods.. they're coming and fast!  guess it'll have to do.  Unsure which route in they're going to take, I cluck and they gobble behind some thick stuff 40 yards away, perfect.  I point my gun to where the thick clears to the right of where they are.  Then I see a longbeard going to the left.. crap.  But he's the last tom, and make out the other 2 moving to the right still.  The lead bird slows down and stretches up, still behind some thick but only 18 yards away so I take the shot and he immediately disappears.  The other birds take off and I stand up, he's stone cold dead.. awesome.  I get to him, first thing I look for is spurs, I see its a 2 year old and then see his beard.. looks like a triple at first, I start getting more excited and the bird starts flopping.  I kneel on him until he expires completely then start counting... 7.. thats right 7 beards.  I couldn't believe it.  time of death - 6:58! 

16lbs 8oz..
3/4" spurs
10 1/8", 6 1/2", 6 15/16", 4 15/16", 5 1/2", 4 5/16", 5 1/8" beards!!!

Family trait?  His brothers might as well owe me money right now!




If them beards was on his head he would look like Bob Marley Mon !


Holy smokes. That is a beard. Congrats on a real trophy. He is really a special bird. Well done..Mike
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.



Nice bird, do they keep any records in your area on the beard count?

Tom Foolery


Bird of a lifetime right there!!!   Congrats!!
Print by Madison Cline, on Flickr


WOW!!! That first pic with you in it is just AWESOME! Love it! Way to go man! Pick out a real good taxi, that bird deserves it :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:
Muskie03 Taught Me A Lesson In 2011

If it eats I can catch it, if it bleeds I can kill it.


Awesome bird!
You might oughta find those guys that were in your first 2 places and thank them :)


anim_65: :anim_65: :anim_65: :anim_65: :anim_65:

Very nice gobbler,congrats!!
Give Thanks Unto The Lord,For He Is Good,His Love Endures Forever!



Wow!! That's awesome! Congratulations.


Quote from: mossy835 on April 30, 2011, 02:17:53 PM
Nice bird, do they keep any records in your area on the beard count?

I believe he told me is was number 2 in the state.

