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Post all contest entries and scores here!

Started by dublelung, March 18, 2017, 05:51:38 PM

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We can post our entries and scores here! Bring on the floppage!  :newmascot:


10" Beard
7/8" L spur
1" R spur
16 lbs 5oz
Total Score 55.065

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Nice birds Dublelung and Oscar!  Great start to the season.  Mine starts on the 12th.  Hopefully, I can add a big SE MN gobbler to our team's take.


Gobbler #2
10 5/8" beard
18.78 weight
1 3/16" spur
1 1/8" spur
63.155 score



Spring Turkey, MN, Season A
My Entry for team Kings of Spring



I didnt have a scale that you could hang the bird on I somehow lost it. Just got done ordering one. The bird weighed 20pds 6 ounces according to the type of scale you stand on. I weighed it 4 times they all showed the same weight. I knocked it down 3 pds 6 ounces since I didn't have the right kinda scale and didnt take a pic. If anyone has any problems with the weight I will take the bird off the list. TOTAL SCORE 48.25


4/19/17  WV gobbler.
9 1/2 beard
1 & 1 1/8 spurs
17.14 pounds
57.39 score


Quote from: WV TURKEY THUG on April 18, 2017, 03:02:06 PM

I didnt have a scale that you could hang the bird on I somehow lost it. Just got done ordering one. The bird weighed 20pds 6 ounces according to the type of scale you stand on. I weighed it 4 times they all showed the same weight. I knocked it down 3 pds 6 ounces since I didn't have the right kinda scale and didnt take a pic. If anyone has any problems with the weight I will take the bird off the list.
You won't have to take it off the list but they'll default the weight to 14 lbs for mature bird if not shown on scales. Still got us 48.25 points and he's a fine gobbler! Congrats to all who've already killed birds (harvesting is for veggies) and best of luck to the rest of you. We're off to a great start.


Posted for dublelung

weight   22.22
beard      9.625
right spur 1.25
left spur   1.25
toal        66.47
Print by Madison, on Flickr


Oscar101 Bird #2
Beard #1 - 10 3/4"
Beard #2 - 6 3/8"
Beard #3 - 4 7/8"
L Spur - 1"
R Spur - 7/8"
Weight - 19lb 6oz
Score - 59.625

Too bad they don't count multiple beards for the team score.

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Total score is 56.22
The spurs were actually bigger than 1 inch using the string method but I couldn't hold the camera and measure at the same time very good, so I said the heck with it and just made it a inch.


Kansas rio

weight  21lbs
right spur  1.5
left spur    1.5
beard        9.5
score        70
Print by Madison, on Flickr


Print by Madison, on Flickr