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Snake Boots

Started by L.F. Cox, March 02, 2014, 06:29:11 PM

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L.F. Cox

I've never been too afraid of snakes or getting snake bit while turkey hunting....I figure a snake that would bite me would probably die before I did  :camohat:

I've got a pair of 9 inch Russel Snake boots (for short snakes) I wear in hilly country....most of the time I'm hunting wetter areas and wear La Chameu or LaCrosse rubber boots.

Just curious...Does anyone know of someone who got bit bad while wearing rubber boots ?


We have to wear snake boots in the tx hill country with all the rattlers.

I'm not sure what boots they were all wearing, but I've heard several bite stories.


Yes, many stories; a buddy of mine sent me a pic of a rattler that had grabbed hold of his ankles while hunting in San Angelo, TX.  Shot it off of him; fortunately, he had on snake boots.  I personally have nearly been bit once - that was enough for me to always wear snake boots in warm weather.
Bama Guitar Dude (bamagtrdude)

Tail Feathers

I would think it would take a pretty big snake to get a good bite thru rubber boots.
With the heavy rubber and spacing between the leg and the boot it would take a pretty long fang to penetrate I would guess.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


In SW Alabama last spring a 6 foot timber rattler bit through rubber boots and his pants leg. Said it felt like someone had hit him with a baseball bat.

You may be one lucky hunter who never gets close to one. I have straddled a coiled rattler and actually relieved myself on its head, unknowingly of course , in less than 8" high millet. Stepped over some and almost stepped on cotton mouths so there is always that possibility.


I have been hunting in Florida for close to fifty years, not as many snakes as there used to be. With all the development and road construction a good portion of the population has been wiped out. But there are snakes still out there just not as many. I was deer hunting a number of years ago which where Disney is located now; a friend and myself were walking off a sand ridge covered with palmettos down into a hardwood bottom. There was a trough off the sand ridge that was created by rains eroding the ridge that made a path though the palmettos down into the bottom. I walk first and my friend followed me and thought he walked into a cactus and did not think a lot about it. When he got home he found he had two fan marks about his boot. He never went to the doctor and ended up being sick for a week and the area around the fan marks rotted out and to this day has a depression on the side of his leg.
Another time when hunting in the Green Swamp I was hunting down in a cypress head in some snakey looking country and stepped on a water moccasin head by accident and had his head pinned under my boot and he wrapped his body around my foot and calf. I could not move my foot and I ended up un-wrapping the moccasins body with the muzzle of my rifle and ended up shooting snake next to my boot. Water Moccasins are far more aggressive then rattlesnakes, especially if you are in the water with them. They are very territorial and will come after you in the water. I had another one strike at me and miss as I was water down in a cypress head, it was lying on top of a rotten stump and I did not see it as I walked by and I heard it after I walked by as it hit the water.
Another time I was looking for a hog that was shot while bow hunting in a cypress head and it start to rain cats and dogs and the water was running off the ridges into the cypress head and the water started to come up and I started to see snakes everywhere. It would remind you of old Indiana Jones movie.
As the water rose the snakes were been flushed out of their hiding places. I could only take a few steps at a time and work my way out of that cypress head.
Hunting in Florida snakes are a fact of like, I never give it a second thought, I just watch where I step and sit.


I know two guys that have been struck. One was struck in the calf area of his snakeboot and the boot did it's job.

I don't know if they'd end up helping or not, but I'm flat out sissified scared of snakes so I wear them for piece of mind
A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle.


Quote from: CASH on March 02, 2014, 10:06:00 PM
I know two guys that have been struck. One was struck in the calf area of his snakeboot and the boot did it's job.

I don't know if they'd end up helping or not, but I'm flat out sissified scared of snakes so I wear them for piece of mind

:agreed: Here is a video that will send shivers down your spine Cash.....



Quote from: tomstopper on March 02, 2014, 10:10:43 PM
Quote from: CASH on March 02, 2014, 10:06:00 PM
I know two guys that have been struck. One was struck in the calf area of his snakeboot and the boot did it's job.

I don't know if they'd end up helping or not, but I'm flat out sissified scared of snakes so I wear them for piece of mind

:agreed: Here is a video that will send shivers down your spine Cash.....


I didn't get past the sentence posted at the beginning of the video. No thanks. Ain't watching.
A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle.


Quote from: tomstopper on March 02, 2014, 10:10:43 PM
Quote from: CASH on March 02, 2014, 10:06:00 PM
I know two guys that have been struck. One was struck in the calf area of his snakeboot and the boot did it's job.

I don't know if they'd end up helping or not, but I'm flat out sissified scared of snakes so I wear them for piece of mind

:agreed: Here is a video that will send shivers down your spine Cash.....


That video was pretty neat. Good thing he not crawl up your pants leg.


I don't think about them until I see one and then I really think of them.  When I see one, I thy to cut a 3/4 inch sapling, trim off the branches and wop them across their back as close to their head as possible.  I then whisper some expletives to them.  If one has a good hide, I may come back later and skin him.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


Quote from: tomstopper on March 02, 2014, 10:10:43 PM
Quote from: CASH on March 02, 2014, 10:06:00 PM
I know two guys that have been struck. One was struck in the calf area of his snakeboot and the boot did it's job.

I don't know if they'd end up helping or not, but I'm flat out sissified scared of snakes so I wear them for piece of mind

:agreed: Here is a video that will send shivers down your spine Cash.....


Holy crap! No thank you!  It would be a horrible day for someone or something if I woke up with a cotton mouth on my  leg!  Congrats to whoever was able to stat calm and shoot the video!  I would have unloaded the shotgun at that snake, my leg, sticks, anything to relieve the situation!
Gooserbat Games Calls Staff Member


Genesis 27:3 - Now then, get your weapons—your quiver and bow—and go out to the open country to hunt some wild game for me.


It's pretty painful especially if you get bit twice.

L.F. Cox

Dang...were you barefooted ?


It was about 10pm. Went out to my truck to get my cellphone wearing flip flops. Went to step in thought a wasp stung me. Split second realized it hurt to bad for that. My truck has lights under the mirrors and when I don't lock it they stay lit up for awhile. The copper head was curled up right under that light. Don't know if that had anything to do with it or just bad luck. Lol the worst part the dinky hospital I went to gave me a pretty weak antibiotic and a secondary infection set in.