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Turkey Gun F.A.Q.-

Started by Old Gobbler, June 12, 2011, 03:57:12 PM

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Old Gobbler

Guys I am going to assemble a turkey gun FAQ thread area with the assistance of the membership - work in process

We will provide the information and /or  the link to it

Downloadable Turkey targets provided by the OG  forum members


Polishing your Barrel - by Shawn - VAHUNTER

Steel Shot Pellet Quantities

Shot MaterialCommercial NameShot SizeShot DensityMass of Single_Pellet1 oz.1 1/4 oz.1 5/16 oz.1 3/8 oz.1 7/16 oz.1 1/2 oz.1 5/8 oz.1 3/4 oz.1 7/8 oz.2 oz.2 1/4 oz.2 7/16 oz.2 1/2 oz.

Lead Shot Pellet Quantities

Shot MaterialCommercial NameShot SizeShot DensityMass of Single_Pellet1 oz.1 1/4 oz.1 5/16 oz.1 3/8 oz.1 7/16 oz.1 1/2 oz.1 5/8 oz.1 3/4 oz.1 7/8 oz.2 oz.2 1/4 oz.2 7/16 oz.2 1/2 oz.

Hevi-Shot / Rem HD/ Win EXT Range Shot Pellet Quantities  ****** Newer HeviShot H13 is reported to be 12gg not 13gg

Shot MaterialCommercial NameShot SizeShot DensityMass of Single_Pellet1 oz.1 1/4 oz.1 5/16 oz.1 3/8 oz.1 7/16 oz.1 1/2 oz.1 5/8 oz.1 3/4 oz.1 7/8 oz.2 oz.2 1/4 oz.2 7/16 oz.2 1/2 oz.
Tungsten_AlloyHS/Rem_HD/Win EXT Range 412.00.22630126157164172180188204219235251282305313
Tungsten_AlloyHS/Rem_HD/Win EXT Range 512.00.17799161199209219229239259279299319358388398
Tungsten_AlloyHS/Rem_HD/Win EXT Range 612.00.13710209258271284297310336362388414465504517
Tungsten_AlloyHS/Rem_HD/Win EXT Range 712.00.10300278344361378396413447482516550619671688
Tungsten_AlloyHS/Rem_HD/Win EXT Range 7.512.00.08831324401421441461482522562602642722782803
Tungsten_AlloyHS/Rem_HD/Win EXT Range 812.00.07509381472496519543566614661708755849920944
Tungsten_AlloyHS/Rem_HD/Win EXT Range8.512.00.06326452560588616644672728784840896100810921120
Tungsten_AlloyHS/Rem_HD/Win EXT Range 912.00.0527454267270673977380687494110081075120913101344
Tungsten_AlloyHS/Rem_HD/Win EXT Range 1012.00.03533809100310531103115312041304140415051605180519562006

Hevi-13 Shot Pellet Quantities****** Newer HeviShot H13 is reported to be 12gg not 13gg

Shot MaterialCommercial NameShot SizeShot DensityMass of Single_Pellet1 oz.1 1/4 oz.1 5/16 oz.1 3/8 oz.1 7/16 oz.1 1/2 oz.1 5/8 oz.1 3/4 oz.1 7/8 oz.2 oz.2 1/4 oz.2 7/16 oz.2 1/2 oz.
Tungsten AlloyHevi-13413.00.24516117145152159166173188202217231260282289
Tungsten AlloyHevi-13513.00.19282148184193202211221239257276294331358368
Tungsten AlloyHevi-13613.00.14852193239251262274286310334358382429465477
Tungsten AlloyHevi-13713.00.11159256318333349365381413445476508572619635
Tungsten AlloyHevi-137.513.00.09567299370389407426444482519556593667722741
Tungsten AlloyHevi-13813.00.08135352436457479501523566610653697784849871
Tungsten AlloyHevi-138.513.00.0685341751754356959562167272477682793110081034
Tungsten AlloyHevi-13913.00.05713501620651682713744806868930992111612091241
Tungsten AlloyHevi-131013.00.038277479269721018106511111204129613891481166718051852

Federal Heavyweight Shot Pellet Quantities

Shot MaterialCommercial NameShot SizeShot DensityMass of Single_Pellet1 oz.1 1/4 oz.1 5/16 oz.1 3/8 oz.1 7/16 oz.1 1/2 oz.1 5/8 oz.1 3/4 oz.1 7/8 oz.2 oz.2 1/4 oz.2 7/16 oz.2 1/2 oz.
Tungsten AlloyFederal HeavyWeight415.20.28665100124130136142148161173185198223241247
Tungsten AlloyFederal HeavyWeight515.20.22546127157165173181189204220236251283306314
Tungsten AlloyFederal HeavyWeight615.20.17366165204214224235245265286306326367398408
Tungsten AlloyFederal HeavyWeight715.20.13047219272285299312326353380407435489530543
Tungsten AlloyFederal HeavyWeight7.515.20.11186256317333348364380412444475507570618634
Tungsten AlloyFederal HeavyWeight815.20.09511301373391410428447484522559596671727745
Tungsten AlloyFederal HeavyWeight8.515.20.08013357442464486509531575619663708796862885
Tungsten AlloyFederal HeavyWeight915.20.0668042853055758461063769074379684995510341061
Tungsten AlloyFederal HeavyWeight1015.20.044756397928318719119501029110911881267142515441584

18g/cc Shot Tungsten Super Shot (TSS)

TSS #2: 54 pellets per 1 oz
TSS #4: 83 pellets per 1oz
TSS #5: 106 pellets per 1oz
TSS #6: 139 pellets per 1oz
TSS #7: 185 pellets per 1oz
TSS #8: 254 pellets per 1oz
TSS #9: 362 pellets per 1 oz

:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....
